April 2, 2024, General Fund Budget Work Session:
General Fund Budget Work Session FY25 (Town Departments, Berlin Fire Company, and Berlin Fire Company EMS).
April 8, 2024, Work Session:
To review BEACON Strategic Plan Phase III
April 8, 2024, Regular Session:
- Consent Agenda: a) Approval of Minutes for: 1. Work Session 3.25.24; 2. Regular Session of 3.25.24; 3. Closed Session of 3.25.24
- First Reading: Ordinance 2024-02 FY25 Real Estate Tax Rate (Public Hearing on April 22, 2024)
- Item(s) For Approval: a) Motion 2024-19: Special Event Permit for Briddell Family Reunion at Stephen Decatur Park on Saturday, June 16, 2024; b) Motion 2024-20: Special Event Permit for Runaway Bride Fun Run on Saturday, July 27, 2024; c) Motion 2024-21: Approval of Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Required Maintenance at Power Plant; d) Motion 2024-22: Approval of Employee Handbook
April 8, 2024: Closed Session:
STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b): (1) To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom this public body has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals; a. Discussion re: Personnel matter affecting one or more specific individuals.
April 15, 2024: Utility Fund Budget Work Session:
Utilities Fund FY25 Budget Work Session (Electric, Water, Wastewater, and Storm Water Funds).
April 22, 2024: Closed Session:
STATUTORY AUTHORITY TO CLOSE SESSION, General Provisions Article, §3-305(b): (1) To discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom this public body has jurisdiction; or any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals; a. Discussion re: Personnel matter affecting one or more specific individuals.
April 22, 2024, Regular Session:
- Consent Agenda: a) Approval of Minutes for: 1. Work Session of 3.27.24; 2. Work Session of 4.08.24; 3. Regular Session of 4.08.24; 4. Closed Session of 4.08.24
- Notification: Correction to Regular Session Minutes of 3.25.24
- Presentation: Proclamation 2024-06 Fair Housing Month
- Nominations: Board of Supervisors of Elections
- First Reading: Ordinance 2024-03 Amending Chapter 12, Titled Elections, Article I and III (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, May 13, 2024)
- Public Hearing: Ordinance 2024-02 FY25 Real Estate Tax Rate (Introduction held on April 8, 2024)
- Announcement: Employee Handbook Change
- Item(s) For Approval: a) Motion 2024-23: FY 25 Budget Amendments; b) Motion 2024-24: Award of Contract for RFP# 2024-01 Audit Services for Existing Information Technology Contract and System; c) Motion 2024-25: FY25 Healthcare Renewal; d) Motion 2024-26: Approval to Carry-Forward Four Capital Outlay Budget Items from FY24 to FY25
- Berlin Fire Company Quarterly Report
- Berlin Fire Company EMS Quarterly Report