I would like to thank you for trusting me to lead our Town over the next four years as Mayor. With only seven days between the election and taking office, the transition from Councilmember to Mayor has been very fast-paced. Our fantastic staff, department heads, industry professionals, residents, and business owners have offered their support during this transition, and it has been extremely helpful.

The Town of Berlin is not immune to the challenges facing other towns and cities across our country related to COVID-19. This virus has taken lives here in our community, affected our local economy, and impacted everyone who calls Berlin home.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we come together as a community and a town. Unfortunately, we have not been able to do this through traditional mediums like Town events and festivals. Instead, I ask that you take this time to say hello to a neighbor, check-in on the elderly, extend a helping hand to the sick, and give back in any way you can during these difficult times.

Together we will prevail and overcome this challenging time in our history. I do not doubt that our Town and the people within it will emerge from this pandemic stronger and more unified than ever before.

From my family to yours, I wish all of you good health and a holiday season filled with love, family, and friendship.

Your Mayor,
Zack Tyndall
Please visit our website or use the Facebook link at the bottom of this page for the most up-to-date news from the Town.
During this unique time, rules, recommendations and regulations can change very rapidly and with little notice. The Town of Berlin strives to keep our citizens and businesses as up-to-date as possible, particularly regarding issues which are within municipal control.

Be sure to sign up to receive Press Releases for the most up to date information; see the bottom of any page on our website to sign up.


Town offices will be closed on the following days:

Veterans Day: Wednesday, November 11, 2020:
Berlin Town offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day. Trash collections normally scheduled for Wednesday will be collected on Thursday, November 12th.

Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 26, 2020 and Friday, November 27, 2020: Berlin Town offices will be closed on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th in observance of Thanksgiving. If your normal trash collection day is Thursday or Friday, your trash will be collected on Wednesday, November 25th. There will be no recycling picked up on Friday, November 27th.
Upcoming Mayor and Council and Board and Commission Meetings:

  •  Agendas and meeting packets will be posted on the Town's website by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting date.

  • Individuals may submit comments and questions in writing by 12:00 p.m./Noon on the meeting date to the following:

  • Fax: 410-641-2316.

  • Mail: Town of Berlin, Attn: Meeting Comment, 10 William Street, Berlin, MD 21811. Please note that receipt by the deadline cannot be guaranteed when submitted via the postal service.

  • Drop-boxes at Town Hall: Behind the Stair Tower in the parking area and on the building at the corner of Bay and William Street.

  • Questions and comments will be compiled for the Mayor and Council to give them the opportunity to review and discuss during the meeting.

  • Please go to our Facebook page at the meeting time to view the live-stream. Unfortunately, with the exception of public hearings, questions and comments posted during the live stream will not be responded to during the meeting.

Public Attendance at Meetings
Limited public attendance at Mayor and Council and Board and Commission Meetings is now permitted. Governor Hogan's orders allow limited capacity for indoor venues, with appropriate social distancing and face coverings required for all attendees.

The Town of Berlin has implemented the following protocols to meet these requirements as follows:
  1. In addition to Town officials and staff, up to 16 seats will be available to presenters, members of the public and the press.
  2. Doors will be opened 15 minutes before the designated start time of the meeting and seating will be first-come, first-served. 
  3. At the start of the meeting, or when capacity has been reached, the doors will be locked to entry from the outside. 

November Mayor and Council Meetings:
  • Monday, November 9, 2020, 7:00 PM
  • Monday, November 23, 2020, 7:00 PM

Upcoming Board and Commission Meetings: Board and Commission meetings will follow the same protocols listed above. For a complete list of Board and Commission Meetings for October, please click here.

Please visit our website or use the Facebook link below for the most up-to-date news from the Town.

You can also sign up to receive direct email notification of meetings at the bottom of any page on our website.
  • Swearing in Mayor Zack Tyndall, Councilmember Jay Knerr, Councilmember Shaneka Nichols, and Councilmember Jack Orris
  • Nomination and Selection of a new Council Vice-President, Councilmember Dean Burrell

  • Department Head Introductions
  • Discussion of Meeting Protocols
  • Budget 101
  • Presentation of the Red Ribbon Proclamation
  • Approval of Royal Farms EDU Agreement
  • Discussion re: Transfer/Disposition of real property located at the south end of Maple Avenue
  • Decision to postpone the 2020 fireworks to 2021
  • Berlin Fire Company and Berlin Fire Company Emergency Medical Services presentations

Details about Mayor and Council Meetings can be found on the Town's website. Sign up to receive automatic notifications about meetings at the bottom of any page on the website. 
Bulk Waste: Collection dates are scheduled for November 4th and 18th. If your regular trash collection day is Tuesday or Wednesday, your bulk pick up day will be on Wednesday, November 4th. If your regular trash collection day is Thursday, your bulk pick up day will be Wednesday, November 18th. New regulations went into effect this year; please visit our website for policy updates and to submit your request for collection. Click on Holiday & Special Collection Schedule.

Yard Waste: Collection dates are scheduled for December 9th and 16th. If your regular trash collection day is Tuesday or Wednesday, your yard waste pick up day will be on Wednesday, December 6th. If your regular trash collection day is Thursday, your yard waste pick up day will be Wednesday, December 16th. New regulations went into effect this year; please visit our website for policy updates and to submit your request for collection. Click on Holiday & Special Collection Schedule.
Ice Ice Berlin Art Sculpture & Holiday Shop Night: Friday, November 27th from 5-9pm. Come Downtown to see 17 different holiday themed ice sculptures carved by ice artist, Eric Cantine, located throughout town. Plus hot chocolate and a take home kids craft from Worcester Youth and Family Services. Shops open late, the tree will be illuminated and there will be holiday music from DJ Big Al Reno.

Pumpkin, Straw, Corn Stalks, & Hay Recycling at Heron Park November 1st-7th: Bring your items to the special dumpster at Heron Park November 1st – 7th. These items will be used for compost for local farms. If the dumpster gets filled your pumpkin could be picked to win a $25 gift card to Island Creamery in Berlin! *Write your name and phone number on your pumpkins before tossing them into the dumpster. Only pumpkins, straw, hay and corn stalks please.

Holidays in Berlin & Light Up Berlin Holiday Home Decorating Contest: To Enter please visit *You must live in town limits to be eligible.
New Business News:
Pops Kitchen is now open on Gay Street serving pizza by the slice, whole pies, subs, dinners and more! Now offering delivery (from the owners of Denovos).
Boxcar on Main to open soon where DiFebos was. New restaurant from the owner of Boxcar 40.

***Make sure you follow the Town of Berlin @berlinmarland on Facebook and @berlinmainstreet on Instagram. 
Sign up for our emergency notification system CodeRed to receive emergency alerts.
NEW: Text BerlinCodeRED to 99411 to enroll.
10 William Street Berlin,
MD 21811