Insignia No Background
Bernadette Brigade
"Dearest Mother, how happy was my soul those heavenly moments when I gazed upon you! How I love to remember those sweet moments in your presence, your eyes filled with kindness and mercy for us. Yes, dear Mother, your heart is so full of love for us that you came down to earth to appear to a poor, weak child. . .You, the Queen of Heaven and Earth." (A Holy Life)

August 2022

Dearest Bernadette Brigade,

The Queen of Heaven came down to earth 18 times, appearing to young Bernadette in the Grotto in Lourdes. She chose to use what is weakest in the eyes of men.

If at times we say to ourselves, “I am good for nothing, all I can do is pray.” We are in good company with St. Bernadette, who was known to have said the same. Only in the happiness of the other world will we truly know the fruit of our prayers. Have courage. It was in prayer that St. Bernadette did her most important work. You, like St. Bernadette are a messenger for God, carrying the heartfelt intentions of others to Our Lady, that she may deliver them to her Son, Jesus. 

He will teach us to pray, to have the grace to listen, and radiate His goodness to others. May we ask the Queen of Heaven to help us through this ministry and in serving her Son in those we meet. Let us pray for each other, that God may give us the grace we need to become saints.

“Blessed Mother, It was in your profound humility, that God did great things for you, and made you most blessed among all women. Queen of Heaven and earth, you chose to appear to the humble girl, Bernadette in order to make known the gospel message of Lourdes. Pray for us our dear Mother and Queen. Teach us to be humble like you and Bernadette, so as to merit the crown of glory that your son Jesus, our King won for us on the cross.” (Lourdes Volunteers 5th Glorious Rosary Meditation)

If you missed the My Lourdes Faith Journey episodes which aired on EWTN July 11-15, you can find them and previous episodes on our website. My Lourdes Faith Journey | Lourdes Volunteers

**Remember you can click here for August intention updates throughout this month. If you check this link regularly, please let us know. It will encourage posting updates publicly throughout the month.

We begin by making the sign of the cross, with all our heart, following the example of our heavenly friend and intercessor, St. Bernadette . . .
We pray in Thanksgiving:
  • For our mission: To extend the invitation of the Immaculate Conception as given to Bernadette in the Grotto at Lourdes; to serve the sick and suffering at Lourdes and at home following the loving example of St. Bernadette in simplicity, humility and obedience and in gratitude for our charism of LOVE, expressed and animated as FAMILY with JOY!
  • For the very first ‘yes’ and all that have followed, from Our Lady's fiat to the Angel Gabriel. Bernadette's promise to return to the grotto for 15 days, the Holy Promise to return to Lourdes, given by our Foundress, and each individual 'Yes' seen and unseen, given by our members.
  • With a grateful heart for all the blessings we have received.
  • For our donors, benefactors, and their families.
  • For the continued guidance and support of our Cardinal Protector.
  • That our Bernadette Brigade Intentions will now be placed on the altar in the grotto during the televised English rosary, the 11th of each month.
  • For safe travel and return of our Board, office team, and all of our members.
We urgently pray now:
  • For the negotiations and work on the manuscript for publishing our book, Everyday Miracles of Lourdes.
  • For our October Special Needs Pilgrimage planning.
  • For the Holy Spirit's continued guidance in our succession planning, every detail.
  • For a family experiencing deep suffering at this time.
  • For the people of Ukraine and for our world. For conversion.
  • For those who suffer from addictions.
We pray in a special way for those who have asked us for prayers: Mariana A, Jennifer R, Anon (w/Stage VI Ca), Mary, Mike, Amy, Tony (Vilma J)Fr Bernard Marie, Josephine, Catherine Marie B, Devin, Tony, Joe L, Mary M, Lenore, Blanca, Marty E, Gabrielle, Olivia Mae, Marc L, Rob S, Valeria, Rosemary X, Marc, Audrey, Lisa, Dylan, Paul (family), Chrissy, PRM, Greg M, Alex (11 yo back surgery), Tara, April K, Katherine, Betsy K, Baby Veronica, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Trisha DM (baby), Karen (sister, cancer), Henry (mass), Rachel, Brandon, Arista, Sofia, P, M, Matthew, Geralyn, Crew, Devin S K, Ann, Toni O, Fr Martin C, Mark, Matthew, Brittany, Mary C, David, Mary Kate, Christine, Isabella, Jim (wife, children), Janice, Yvonne L, Eric, Rosemarie (father), Tanya, Liam and Mikayla, Tom B, Patrick Sean, Fr Anthony B, Franklin R (family), Hannah R G (family), Rose Marie R, Antonette R, Joyce K, Peggy, Mike E, Trish M, Jerry, Cristi S, Bishop Parkes, Danielle L, Paul, Linda, Fr. O'Doherty, Maria M, Parker, Chase, Karen, Max, Dan, Jeremy, Cindy B, Payton P, Stacy Y, Lindsey, Diane, LaVergne, Noah, Roger, Fr Clayton, Grace, Connor, Karen, Sean, Nathan, Molly, Marlow I, Luis A, Juana, Mark and Gianna, Joyce, Fr. Oliver, Fr. Andrew, Fr. Tom, David, Nicole D (family/job), Peter, Michele and Daryl A (unborn child), Kathleen, Erika, Ashley, Courtney, Jeff (lung transplant recovery), and all those who have asked for our prayers.
We continue to pray deeply for a very specific private intention, God knows.
We pray for those who have entered into eternal life: Erminia Paolucci. We remember their families, as they mourn the loss of the physical presence of their loved ones. For those holy souls in purgatory.
We continue our prayers:
  • To make more widely known the gift of the Apostolic Pardon.
  • For all priests, clergy, and laypersons.
  • For an end to the Coronavirus pandemic and restrictions. For an end to new threats.
  • For our Holy Father's August intentions.
  • For protection over our Guadalupe House, for an angel to guard it until we return. For the return of our keys and the new keeper of the key.
  • For our Board of Directors and Office Team, for the grace to continue to live our mission and Charism. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide our discernments and decisions.
  • For the Holy Spirit to anoint the Rule of Life and His right order in the *final phase of development of the Consecrated Widows and Consecrated Women Community.
  • For the completion of our Catechesis program.
  • For our Grant, Publications, Development, Special Needs Advisory, Communications and Technology Committees, in discerning new and relevant, relational, and prayerful ways to keep us connected and live our mission within our charism.
  • For the development of our Guadalupe House cookbook. May the content be spiritually and physically nourishing.
  • For our friendship and endeavors with EWTN, the Sanctuary of Lourdes, the Sovereign Order of Malta, Hospitalite de Miami, OLOG and MDM.
  • In discerning our 2022-2023 pilgrimage schedule.
  • For the Bishop and Diocese of Syracuse, NY.
  • For all discerning and living a religious vocation.
  • For a return to the sacraments in our families, our homes, and our world.
  • For the sanctity and dignity of each person as Jesus Christ, from conception to natural death.
  • For the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, family life, and protection over all vocations.
  • For healing within families. For those away from the church.
  • For all couples struggling to conceive, may God bless their union with the gift of a child.
  • For all at risk of losing their home or employment. May they always have food, shelter, means of communication and transportation.
  • For protection over our country. May truth bring healing and peace.
  • For all border control agents.
  • For all recovering from or preparing for surgery or suffering in any way.
  • For our members and our families in this world and the other world, in purgatory and in heaven. And all the intentions each one of us holds in our hearts
  • For any intentions we may have mistakenly forgotten, we ask forgiveness. 
  • For those who have no one to pray for them.
  • In thanksgiving for Mother Angelica.
“Remembering the Miracles of Lourdes”
One Drop and Faith

Miracle #19
Sr Marie de la Presentation, cured August 29, 1892; age 46
Miracle recognized August 15, 1908
Two grueling days were expected for the long journey from the North to Lourdes. But what were those two days when compared to the twelve years of suffering from “Chronic gastroenteritis and tuberculosis” which no longer responded to treatments? It was in travel that the first signs of healing appeared, she was able to eat just a bit.  In Lourdes, in prayer, stomach pains like she had never experienced before occurred - for the last time. After, she was completely, miraculously healed!! All glory to God.  

We pray for the faith to see God’s presence and little miracles in our everyday life.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
St. Bernadette, pray for us.
Choose your weapons
Only prayer is required of you. Whether you devote much time each day to prayer or have only a moment to offer a short and simple prayer for these intentions. It is different for each one of us. Each prayer offered has significant value. We are grateful for each one!

For those who are able, we ask you to consider offering your present suffering, rosaries, holy hours, novenas and Mass offerings for our holy work. As members we receive special indulgences for acts of mercy, charity, evangelism, penance and suffering.
Upcoming Dates of Significance:
August 11: *NEW Bernadette Brigade Intentions united in prayer with the Sanctuary of Lourdes via EWTN English Rosary, check your local schedule.
August 13: Next Lourdes Family Rosary, 12 noon ET
August 15: Membership Mass
August 22: Stars of Mary Special Mass Offered Stars of Mary | Lourdes Volunteers
For any questions or concerns regarding the Bernadette Brigade or to prayerfully support a member of our medical team, please email: