Today's Readings

Reading 1: Isaiah  65:17-21
Responsorial Psalm: Pslams 30:2, 4-6, 11-12, 13
Gospel: John 4:43-54
Today's Reflection:
Michael Carlowicz
JP2 '18

Today's Gospel is about the second miracle that Jesus performed, the healing of the son of a royal official from Capernaum.

As with all of the stories of miracles, this Gospel reading reminds us of the awesome power of Christ. This is important to remember, especially during Lent, because it makes the Passion of our Lord so much more significant. Our Lord, who performed all of these miracles, let himself be crucified out of love for us, so that we might live.

Another lesson comes from Christ himself. He remarks that "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe."

Unfortunately, this remains true for much of the world today. We need great signs and miracles in order to believe in Christ, instead of simply having faith. We must learn to trust and have faith in God, even though we cannot always see great miracles.

If you have trouble keeping the faith, be open to all of the miracles happening around you daily.

One of my teachers once told me to be a "beauty detective" when it comes to faith. We should all become beauty detectives, opening our eyes and our hearts to all of the miracles that God performs in our daily lives.
St. John Paul II High School & St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School