Volume 129

September 14, 2022

  • Professional Expertise
  • Clinical Checklists
  • 100,000 Then 5,000,00 Lives
  • Science of Improvement
  • Triple Aims
  • Opportunities & Strengths

is for Awareness

is for Best Practices

In consumers’ Good–Better–Best decision making, Best Practices Matter.

Concerning car safety, reliable wheels are must-haves. When investing in a new set of quality tires, expert mechanics:

  • Present style and performance choices
  • Skillfully mount and balance
  • Align to manufacturer specifications

This relatable scenario exemplifies professional expertise, as do talented tradespeople with home improvement projects. Those honing their craft aim to please by enhancing delivery of products and services. Speaking of safe travels, we appreciate airline pilots’ strict adherence to detailed checklists.

Segueing to healthcare, clinical checklists are systemically crucial to efficacy and efficiency of high quality patient care. In December 2004, The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) launched a campaign to save 100,000 lives within 18 months by innovatively partnering with approximately 3000 (3/4 of the total) U.S. hospitals nationwide. In June 2006, they announced that led by 155 “Mentor Hospitals” and How to Guides on six key medical interventions, 122,000 unnecessary deaths were prevented.

Their mantra, “Some is not a number. Soon is not a time.” To discover impact, learn more.

As stated: “IHI collaborates with the improvement community to invent and popularize ideas that dramatically improve patient care. Together we remove improvement roadblocks and realize improvement possibilities through innovations of all kinds — from small shifts to society-changing transformations.

“The science of improvement is an applied science that emphasizes innovation, rapid-cycle testing in the field, and spread in order to generate learning about what changes, in which contexts, produce improvements. It is characterized by the combination of expert subject knowledge with improvement methods and tools. It is multidisciplinary — drawing on clinical science, systems theory, psychology, statistics, and other fields.”

Remarkably, IHI subsequently established their 5 Million Lives Campaign and this brief video elicits thought about the hearing care industry’s vital role inTriple Aim endeavors of:

  • Population Health
  • Experience of Care
  • Per Capita Cost

Viewed through an OTC HA era lens…

From a Population Health standpoint, we recognize estimates that millions of Americans could (should) benefit from hearing aid use, including “Close to 30 million adults” FDA announcement references. While a daunting number, IHI’s life-changing campaigns are motivational stepping stones, demonstrating patient-centric leadership in diverse medical disciplines. At macro levels, especially with hearing loss related comorbidities, how many “new lives” will OTC (SWOT) Opportunities catalyze your leading practice to positively influence in the coming years… dozens, hundreds or ?

On current and prospective patients’ journeys, methodically applying your expert (SWOT…) Strengths will improve Experience of Care. This emphasizes Best Practices, as (like airline pilots) often discussed imperatives.

Hearing care industry leaders devote years and careers to diligently document, then advocate for Clinical Practice Guidelines. By applying evidence-based recommendations, patients’ quality of life outcomes are improved, benefitting all involved. In an OTC era which expands choice, higher standards must differentiate. Experiences that delight make advocacy feel right.

Guided by Population Health and Experience of Care Aims, we can facilitate Per Capita Cost reductions. For context, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), with thirty-eight countries aspiring to Better Policies for Better Lives, delivers fascinating data. Per these statistics, U.S. per capita health care spending exceeds all other countries. Sadly, not surprising.

View on OECD website

Triple Aims are complex, certainly those cost-related. With countless factors beyond our scope, in the imminent OTC era, we suggest (among others…) these are

Ensuring individuals with hearing loss challenges can identify personalized solutions right for them, getting the best fit, the first time. Streamlined clinical pathways should reduce unnecessary costs for products and services not needed to optimize quality of life outcomes. Whether your practice offers OTC HA and / or services them, sound advice will enlighten health decisions.

Interdisciplinary Whole Person Care collaborations and comorbidity education. To start, consider astronomical costs associated with related chronic diseases such as dementia, heart disease, tinnitus, diabetes, depression and the risk of falls.

Join us next week in exploring ways to Raise the A, Awareness of your B, Best Practices. How many lives?

Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)


View Previous Issue by Clicking on Link Below:

COVID-19 2020-03-26 | COVID-19 & Springing Forward

PGI #1 2020-04-02 | Communication Wellness Matters

PGI #2 2020-04-09 | Communication Wellness Starts with Why

PGI #3 2020-04-16 | Comorbidity Education, "Did You Know?"

PGI #4 2020-04-22 | “Diagnose & Treat” Comorbidity Education

PGI #5 2020-04-29 | Guiding Principles of The Art & Science of HealthScapes®

PGI #6 2020-05-06 | Plan for the Other Side

PGI #7 2020-05-13 | Subject Matter Expertise & Social Currency

PGI #8 2020-05-20| Educate Well Monthly & Care to Share Daily

PGI #9 2020-05-27| The Survey Says, Take Science Seriously

PGI #10 2020-06-03 | MD Referrals, Start with the ABC's

PGI #11 2020-06-10 | Going Digital with Omni-Channel Benefits

PGI #12 2020-06-17 | Monthly E-Newsletters, Stay in Touch

PGI #13 2020-06-24 | Wellness Wednesdays, Healthy Habits

PGI #14 2020-07-01 | Get Well Organized, Be an Educational Curator

PGI #15 2020-07-08 | Good Humor, Healthy Hearing

PGI #16 2020-07-15 | Nurturing Campaigns and Automatic Comorbidity Education

PGI #17 2020-07-22 | On the List, Tag You're It

PGI #18 2020-07-29 | Nurturing Campaigns, Go with The Flow

PGI #19 2020-08-05 | "Outsmart, Don't Outspend," The Right Fit

PGI #20 2020-08-12 | Targeted Mail, On Purpose

PGI #21 2020-08-19 | Tech Upgrades, Just What the Doctor Ordered

PGI #22 2020-08-26 | 5Ws of the Core 4 Learn More

PGI #23 2020-09-02 | The Art of Hearing, More Should Know

PGI #24 2020-09-09 | Friends & Family “Share the Joy of Hearing”

PGI #25 2020-09-16 | Your Unique Value Proposition, Pearls of Wisdom

PGI #26 2020-09-23 | Your patients' journey to well-informed decisions

PGI #27 2020-09-30 | Hear the Facts and care to share daily

PGI #28 2020-10-07 | Take the Lead, Start with Why

PGI #29 2020-10-14 | Change is evident. Let's diagnose and treat.

PGI #30 2020-10-21 | Your Local Pride. Let It Show.

PGI #31 2020-10-28 | Tell Your Story, Make It Memorable.

PGI #32 2020-11-04 | The Art of Hearing, Visibility Matters.

PGI #33 2020-11-11 | See the Pathway to Better Hearing

PGI #34 2020-11-18 | Our Experts, the Right Fit

PGI #35 2020-11-25 | Giving Thanks. Electing Gratitude as an Attitude

PGI #36 2020-12-02 | Get 2021 On Schedule and In Mind

PGI #37 2020-12-09 | E-Newsletters, Open Opportunities

PGI #38 2020-12-16 | Targeted Trio for All to See

PGI #39 2020-12-23 | Time to Celebrate, by the Book

PGI #40 2020-12-30 | 2021 For the Better

PGI #41 2021-01-06 | In 2021, HDI+. For the Better

PGI #42 2021-01-13 | More Wellness Referrals. A Resolution.

PGI #43 2021-01-20 | A Super Launch Meeting. Your VIP Ticket.

PGI #44 2021-01-27 | Motivational PCCs: Practice Culture Commitments

PGI #45 2021-02-03 | The Art & Science of HealthScapes® with Just 3 Words

PGI #46 2021-02-10 | In Their Own Words, a PET Project

PGI #47 2021-02-17 | Habit-forming progress is 1% better

PGI #48 2021-02-24 | Make Routine Progress Easy and Satisfying

PGI #49 2021-03-03 | The Art of Customer Service, Be Our Guest

PGI #50 2021-03-10 | Time for R&R (Rewards and Recognition)

PGI #51 2021-03-17 | A Year of Insights, For All to See

PGI #52 2021-03-24 | 3 C's, 1 Purpose. Your Practice Growth by Design.

PGI #53 2021-03-31 | Original Content, On Demand

PGI #54 2021-04-07 | Expert Coaching, Great Sports

PGI #55 2021-04-14 | Base Hits & a Double Play

PGI #56 2021-04-21 | Personalized Care, Think Local

PGI #57 2021-04-28 | The Art of Hearing, Who Knows?

PGI #58 2021-05-05 | Circles of Life, Listen Up

PGI #59 2021-05-12 | Customized Presentation Folders, Lasting Impressions

PGI #60 2021-05-19 | Practice Growth, From the Outside In

PGI#61 2021-05-26 | Physician Referrals, Doctor’s Orders

PGI #62 2021-06-02 | The ABC’s of Physician Referrals

PGI #63 2021-06-09 | Senior Living, The Numbers Speak

PGI #64 2021-06-16 | PEAK Performance, Measured Targets

PGI #65 2021-06-23 | PEAK Performance, High Priorities

PGI #66 2021-06-30 | SLC Growth, Be the Early Bird

PGI #67 2021-07-07 | From Their View, What’s Your Story?

PGI #68 2021-07-14 | An Informative Quartet, All Can Hear

PGI #69 2021-07-21 | Open Opportunities. Did You Know?

PGI #70 2021-07-28 | Educational Presentations, On the Menu

PGI #71 2021-08-04 | Live and Learn. The Curse of Knowledge.

PGI #72 2021-08-11 | To Be Memorable, Stick with It

PGI #73 2021-08-18 | Hearing Health Bingo, We've Got Your #

PGI #74 2021-08-25 | Hearing Health Bingo. Know How.

PGI #75 2021-09-01 | Frontline Staff. Who Can Help?

PGI #76 2021-09-08 | Opportune Invention & Hearing Health Ambassadors.

PGI #77 2021-09-15| Bring Precious Sounds to Life, Justice Served

PGI #78 2021-09-22 | Hearing Health Ambassadors SAVE

PGI #79 2021-09-29 | Hearing Health Ambassadors, Time to Find

PGI #80 2021-10-06 | The Networking Effect, Bringing it Home

PGI #81 2021-10-13 | Healthy Hearing, Good Business.

PGI #82 2021-10-20 | Corporate Wellness Matters

PGI #83 2021-10-27 | Hearing Health Partners, Carefully Funneled

PGI #84 2021-11-03 | Corporate Wellness Programs. How Rewarding.

PGI #85 2021-11-10 | Valuable Benefits, That’s The Story

PGI #86 2021-11-17 | Outside-In Growth, Handy Reference Guide

PGI #87 2021-11-24 | Go-Givers, Inspiring Heroes

PGI #88 2021-12-01 | 2022 Priorities, Ready to Rock.

PGI #89 2021-12-08 | 90 and Counting, Speaks Volumes

PGI #90 2021-12-15 | Educate Well Monthly™, Back to Basics

PGI #91 2021-12-22 | Did You Know? Targeted Trio

PGI #92 2021-12-29 | By the Book, Turning the Page

PGI #93 2022-01-05 | In 2022, Change for the Better

PGI #94 2022-01-12 | Super Practice Culture, The 3 Ts

PGI #95 2022-01-19 | Facebook Features, Wellness Wednesdays

PGI #96 2022-01-26 | Your Competitive Edge. Thankful Ripple Effects.

PGI #97 2022-02-02 | Good Humor, Healthy Hearing

PGI #98 2022-02-09 | Branding Basic$

PGI #99 2022-02-16 | 100th Practice Growth Insights™, @ Your Service

PGI #100 2022-02-23 | Your Practice Growth Insights, Go With The Flow

PGI #101 2022-03-02 | Your Growth OpportUNITY, Search Away

PGI #102 2022-03-09 | Your Practice, Uniquely Better & For Review

PGI #103 2022-03-16 | Your Health Questionnaire, Blue Man Style.

PGI #104 2022-03-23 | Ears Collect, Brains Connect™

PGI #105 2022-03-30 | 9 Facts, 1 Goal. Dementia Awareness.

PGI #106 2022-04-06 | Peer-Reviewed Success, Lead The Way

PGI #107 2022-04-13 | Knowledge Itself. Omni-Channel Works

PGI #108 2022-04-20 | Educational Architecture, Form Ever Follows Function

PGI #109 2022-04-27 | Grow Physician Referrals, Don’t be $alesy!

PGI #110 2022-05-04 | Hear the Fax™, Stay in Touch

PGI #111 2022-05-11 | E-Newsletter Nurturing = Healthy Growth.

PGI #112 2022-05-18 | Dementia Awareness Contagion & Social Currency

PGI #113 2022-05-25 | Dementia Education, The Lancet Journal Speaks

PGI #114 2022-06-01 | Modify Dementia Risk, Be Accountable.

PGI #115 2022-06-08 | By the Book, We Promise

PGI #116 2022-06-15 | Hearing Loss Prevention, A Sense of Urgency

PGI #117 2022-06-22 | Safer Soundscapes, Sustainable Hearing™

PGI #118 2022-06-29 | Safer Soundscapes, Sounds Risky, By the Number

PGI #119 2022-07-06 | Taking Care of Ears in the Teenage Years

PGI #120 2022-07-13 | Hear the Facts About NIHL

PGI #121 2022-07-20 | NIHL Collection & Just Saying Thanks

PGI #122 2022-07-27 | High Performance, Cognitive Decline

PGI #123 2022-08-03 | Cognitive Decisions, In Mind

PGI #124 2022-08-10 | Pearls of Wisdom™, Trustworthy Information

PGI #125 2022-08-17 | Keep Your Educational Tools, In Mind

PGI #126 2022-08-24 | OTC Hearing Aids, Healthy Choices

PGI #127 2022-08-31 | OTC Hearing Aids. Mild Concerns, Profound Opportunities.

PGI #128 2022-09-07 | OTC is for Over-the-Counter. R is for Resilience.

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