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There is normally a very good reason why our most popular items become bestsellers; they are easy to grow, reliable, beautiful or tasty or maybe even both! We thought we’d take a look at our most popular seeds in some of your favourite categories.


A few of these always feature on the bestseller lists; quick to germinate and flower beautifully over a long period.

All Cosmos

Cosmos bipinnatus, 'Apricot Lemonade'

Cosmos bipinnatus, 'Apricot Lemonade'
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Cosmos bipinnatus, 'Rubenza'

Cosmos bipinnatus, 'Rubenza'<br/> 
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You can always find space to grow a few edibles!

All Vegetables

Tomato, Cherry, 'Apero', F1 Hybrid

Tomato, Cherry, 'Apero', F1 Hybrid<br/> 
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Cucumber, Baby, 'Mini Munch', F1 Hybrid

Cucumber, Baby, 'Mini Munch', F1 Hybrid
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Sweet Peas

Easy to grow, fragrant and perfect for picking

All Sweet Peas

Lathyrus odoratus, 'Heirloom Mixed'   

Lathyrus odoratus, 'Heirloom Mixed'
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Lathyrus odoratus, 'Cathy'

Lathyrus odoratus, 'Cathy'<br/> 
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Beautiful cottage garden favourites that make excellent cut flowers.

All Snapdragons

Antirrhinum majus, 'Appleblossom'

Antirrhinum majus, 'Appleblossom'<br/> 
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Antirrhinum majus, 'Chantilly Bronze', F1 Hybrid

Antirrhinum majus, 'Chantilly Bronze', F1 Hybrid
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It is so satisfying to see the plants you have grown from seed coming back year after year.

All Perennials

Verbascum hybridum, 'Southern Charm'

Verbascum hybridum, 'Southern Charm'
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Cephalaria gigantea

Cephalaria gigantea<br/> 
Order Here

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Happy Gardening!

Chiltern Seeds Ltd
Crowmarsh Battle Barns, 114 Preston Crowmarsh, Wallingford, OX10 6SL
Telephone +44(0)1491 824675   Email: [email protected]
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