Michigan Celebrates Awardee,
We are so excited to start telling the world YOU are a Michigan Celebrates award winner! To assist you with the promotion of your award, we've put together a media kit for you to use when posting to social media and sharing the news with your local media!
Distribute your own press release. Send a press release to local daily/weekly newspapers, trade publications, local broadcast stations or other media outlets. You will find a SAMPLE press release template in your media kit. Customize it with information about your company and place it on your company letterhead or logo before distributing it.
Announce it to the world graphically. Winner emblems are available to post on your website, include on e-mail signatures or print on your marketing materials! Take your pick to suit your needs. Look for these files in your media kit package:
- Press Release Template
- Awardee badge for your website or custom graphics
- Social media content examples
- Social media graphics
If you have questions about getting the most out the media kits assets, please reach out to our marketing & communications lead, Chelsie Wyse, at chelsie@michigancelebrates.org.
We can't wait to see the creative ways you celebrate your award!
Be sure to tag us! #MCSB2022 #MichiganCelebrates
Please note: The publicity embargo lifts March 18th. MCSB will distribute a statewide press release announcing all winners once the embargo has lifted.
Congratulations, MCSB Awardee! Let's spread the word and start celebrating!