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Valentine's Day thankfully, falls on Sunday this year.  For the office, Valentine's Day can be a minefield.  Even on Valentine's Day there is a reason for good etiquette.  Good etiquette is about making others feel comfortable. 
To have a great Valentine's Day at the office follow these guidelines to make the day sweet for everyone.
  • Have a secret office crush? Keep it secret. There is a reason you have not revealed your crush. Today is not the day.
  • No romantic syrupy cards for colleagues, clients, or vendorsKeep it funny and friendly.  Maintain your credibility.
  • Surprised? Or maybe not, with flowers or other trinkets? Don't announce it via office email.  Enjoy graciously.
  • Valentine's Day bring you to tears? Wait until you get home.  No sad stories.
  • Valentine's chocolates, cakes and candy make a nice office treat. Take some to the office.  Sweets can be enjoyed by all, or at least most.  Include some sugar free treats.
  • Valentine's Day plans are awesome. Plan them on your own time.
  • Big office romance? Today is not the day for PDA.
Enjoy your Valentine's Day and remember it is only one day
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