The Bestseller List Secrets Weekend

Do you want to know how to sell

10,000+ books online? 

We've already had an amazing response to this event!

So buy while you can.

BCIT Downtown Campus

September 21/22


for this never before available intensive


Martin Crosbie will tell you how he got to be an Amazon bestseller in fiction and Kathrin Lake will help non-fiction writers write their way to success.



- Making Amazons bestseller lists

- Using Amazon's Tools for maximum impact

- Get top indie reviewers to review

- Learn give away promotions that can net you $10,000's of $$$

- Create your own professional product without spending a fortune

- The secret of great titles

- Support systems that work

- Gain media attention without trying

And many more secrets...


 We guarantee that this will be the most current information on the market!




Can't wait until September? Want someone right now to help you write your book? To reserve your writing coaching meeting leave a message at 778-300-5152 and we will get back to you promptly.
Vancouver School of Writing

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