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New Baptisia for 2022

Also known as False Indigo, Baptisia is one of the most no-nonsense perennials that you can put into the landscape. These plants are super tough, they require little maintenance & have few problems. A full sun plant that handles the heat, drought tolerant when established, & have no issues with pests & diseases. The flowers appear in late spring to early summer & develop into showy seed pods. Here at Alwerdts, we cut our display garden Baptisia's to the ground towards the end of fall. If this is a plant that piques your interest, take a look at our newest varieties this year. Click on the pictures for more information.

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Decadence® 'Cherries Jubilee'

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'Grape Taffy'

Watch this short video for more information about growing baptisia.

Come out & see our baptisias blooming in the display gardens, it might make you want one!

Lisa Alwerdt & Robin Perry

images courtesy of Proven Winners & Walters Gardens

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