Dear Beth Am Family,
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest circle here at Beth Am for our LGBTQ+ individuals and families. We have been working hard to create opportunities to come together and deepen our relationships here at Beth AM.
First, we are launching "Queer Coffee" which will meet each month on the second Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm around Baltimore. This month we will meet this Sunday, January 8th at 1:00 pm at Charmington's.
Later this week, we are hosting an Adult Game Night at Beth Am on Thursday, January 12th, at 7:00 pm. Please bring a dessert, appetizer, or cocktail (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) to share. The food must be kosher by ingredient as dairy or parve. If you need a hechshered dish, please contact Susannah. If you would like to bring a board game or card game, you are welcome to do so.
In February, we are hosting a casual tea party at Wight Tea Company in Whitehall Mill Market on Sun., February 19th, at 11:00 am. Please email Susannah to RSVP.
In March, we will be hosting a Purim Masquerade Dance Party at Beth Am on Sat., March 4th, at 7:30 pm. We will have a DJ, drinks and snacks. Please come in costume and be ready to party! The cost of admission is $5 per person.
Finally, we have created a LGBTQ+ Circle WhatsApp Group to help continue to connect our members to each other outside of our events. If you would like to be added to the group, please click here. We hope this will help notify you of upcoming events, but mainly to allow for spontaneous connection between our LGBTQ+ family here at Beth Am!
Thank you to Justin Fair, Barry Kessler, finnigan madison, and Tzvi McCloud for creating this wonderful programming. If you are interested in joining our planning team, please let us know!
Wishing you all the best,
Susannah Kolstad and the LGBTQ+ Planning Team