Weekly News & Updates

January 30, 2025 | Shevat 1 5785

Friday, January 30

Shacharit, 7:00am

Candle Lighting, 4:47pm

Minchah & Kabbalat Shabbat, 4:50pm

Shabbat, January 31

Parshat Bo

Beit Midrash, 9:30am

Shabbat Tefillot, 10:00am

Mincha/Maariv, 4:45pm

Havdalah, 5:48pm

Shabbat Children's Programming

Tot Shabbat (ages 2+): 11:00am

Shabbat Learning: 11:00am (Ages 7+)

Babysitting: 10:30am-12:30pm

Weekly Davening

Shacharit: 8:30am Sunday

7:00am Mon-Fri

Mincha/Maariv: 4:50pm Sun-Thurs


Kiddush Sponsors & Contributors

Shira Bortniker and Joshue Vorensky, in honor of Naftali's birthday.

Enjoy a festive Dairy Kiddish this weekend.

To Sponsor Kiddush, Click Here!

We Stand with Israel

Beth David News & Announcements

Thank you to Our Donors

Galya and Jonathan Greenberg to the Isreal Fund

Ed Schwartz to the California Wildfires & Neumann Family

With Gratitude

We thank Marla Cohen for her many hours invested in organizing our Shul library, and the project is far from complete. In our lobby is a table loaded with books that are duplicates of what Beth David owns. Please bring a bag with you on your next visit to Beth David and help yourself to any volumes you would like to own or share with others.

Time Talent and Treasure are always appreciated.

Click Here to Donate!

Happy Birthday!

February 1

Naftali Vorensky

February 2

Amy Norwood

February 3

Eli Gold

Roza Keyser

Seth Schein

February 4

Rachel Rosenfeld

February 6

Shana Katzman

Memorial Candle


Haddassah Israel Harris, mother of Abby Cohen

Pearl Jacobson, mother of Marjie Zivyon

Harriet Lapidus, mother of Jay Lapidus

Leo Lapidus, father of Jay Lapidus

Gertrude Mannheim, mother of Philip Mannheim

Elaine Rogin, grandmother of Ben Abrams

Lev Stambler, father of Boris Stambler

Eva Weinberg Stoltz, grandmother of Frances Lowenstein

Joseph Ungar, husband of Barbara Ungar

May their memories be bound in the

Heavenly bond of life eternal.

Beth David Events & Programs

TONIGHT! Jewish Mexico

Thursday, 1/30, 8:30pm

Join Monica Unikel-Fasja for a visual tour focused on the origins of Jewish life in Mexico , when immigrants from the Ottoman Empire first made their new home at this side of the world.

Please note: this program takes place on Zoom as part of the Partners in Jewish Programming series.

Register Here

West Hartford's New Scout Troop

THIS WEEKEND: Sunday, February 2nd at 4 pm for an informational meeting.

Do you have time or talent to share?

Please contact Heather Bohn at 201-417-9400 or heaalp@yahoo.com

Scouting info meeting

Celebrate Tu B'Shvat

Register Today

Time to Plan for Purim

Women Interested in Reading for Purim

This year’s women’s reading of Megillat Esther is being coordinated by Melissa Zachariah and Deborah Savage. Any woman interested in reading a passage of the megillah on Purim evening is encouraged to contact either of them or feel welcome to speak with Rabbi Adler.

Celebrate Tu B'Shvat with Mind, Body and Heart

Three virtual sessions of yoga start with nurturing for Tu B'Shvat and go forward with Purim, removing our Masks and then Passover, with Finding our Freedom. Scan the QR code to register.

The practice of yoga is a way to create more space in our bodies, minds and hearts for our knowing of the Divine. Please join Radiant Body Yoga-trained yoga instructor Alyssa Norwood for an all-levels practice to move our bodies, energy and breath, all in service of moving toward the stillness within. And with net proceeds to benefit SHIFRA--a network that helps pregnant Jewish women through crises with emotional and practical support. “Kosi Revaya: Soulful Yoga” is inspired by the Hebrew phrase from psalm 23 that translates as “my cup overflows.” May we connect together the Source that brings us to that place of overflowing!

Young Professionals February Dinner

with urban door logo

Sponsorship opportunities available to reach our community's young professionals.

Register Today

Mark your Calendar

Register Here

Save the Date: "Shabbat Across America"

Friday, March 7

5:30pm - Candles and Tefilot

6:30pm - Shabbat Dinner and Program

Our guest Chazan-in-Residence will be Ari Mandelbaum. Ari is the High Holiday Baal Tefilah at a shul in Teaneck, and he has appeared in concerts with Six13, Maccabeats and Y-Studs. He will be leading our Shabbat tefilot as well as ruach at the Friday night dinner.

Click this box to hear Ari Mandelbaum as the central singer in this sampling of his High Holiday melodies.

Parsha of the Week with Rabbi Adler

Every Wednesday, 7:45am-8:30am

Join Rabbi Adler for a light breakfast and parsha study.

Come for Tefillot (7:00am) and stay for Torah!

Community Events

Plan to Attend the Hartford Jewish Film Festival

Experience Cinematic and Literary Excellence at the Mandell JCC.

First films are starting this weekend and go into April.

Visit HJFF.org for tickets, trailers, order form and more details.

Sat. Feb 8 | 7:30pm | Mandell JCC

Bad Shabbos

When two couples, Abby and Benjamin, and David and recently-converted-to-Judaism Meg, return home for Shabbat dinner, an unexpected shadow looms over their night — an accidental death (or is it murder?) threatens to unravel the whole evening. Over the course of one night during this anything-but-typical New York City shabbos, their family get-together takes a turn for the worse…Bad Shabbos takes the one-night-in-New-York story and spins from it a cast of characters, each more hilarious and specific than the next. Kyra Sedgwick kills (not literally) as the neurotic matriarch, and unexpected performances by Method Man, Catherine Curtin, and other familiar faces forge a brilliant ensemble that hits on pure comedic gold.

Sponsored by Hoffman Auto Group, Solinsky Eye Care, JNext

Sun. Feb 9 | 1:00pm | Mandell JCC

Children of Peace

A group of dreamers decided to challenge everything they know about their nationalities and histories and founded "Neve Shalom" in 1970’s Israel as a social experiment. The film follows the many children who were brought up in this unique environment. In this bold attempt to raise a new generation, their internal struggles and the outside conflict challenged their revolutionary eco-system. The children of peace are now grown men and women dealing with the harsh reality of political turmoil and war.

"Reel Talk" following film: Avi Patt, Maurice Greenberg Professor of Holocaust Studies and Inaugural Director of the Center for the Study of Antisemitism, in conversation with Fahoum Fahoum, Arab-Israeli peace activist, former Israeli national junior tennis team member, and advocate for coexistence through sports and education.

Sun. Feb 9 | 3:00pm | Mandell JCC

Technion 10²

In 1924, the first Technion class opened in Haifa. Today, it is hard to believe that this modest class, taking place in the far reaches of the British Empire, was the start of the Technion – one of the leading technological research institutions in the world. The story of this institution's hundred years on Mount Carmel provides a fascinating prism through which to describe the history of the State of Israel. It is hard to imagine a modern-day Israel, with its strong economy and scientific and technological achievements, without the Technion playing its part. From the pre-state period, through dramatic moments in times of war, to the birth of the startup nation and breakthroughs in global-scale research – the Technion was always there.

"Reel Talk" following film: Daniel Weiner, Vice President for Global Affairs, University of Connecticut, in conversation with Radenka Maric, President of the University of Connecticut and renowned scientist in sustainable energy and innovation.

March for Their Lives

Every Sunday, 9:30am

Get updates on the weekly marches as well as other posts on local support for Israel on WhatsApp: 
