Beth Hosler

For Elmhurst District 205 School Board

Knowledge   Experience   Common Sense

I'm running for Re-election!

Good afternoon! I hope this email finds you well.

I wanted to reach out to my friends and neighbors and let you know that

I am running for re-election to the D205 Board of Education.

I am wrapping up my first term and it has been a very busy 4 years.

As you know, I grew up here in Elmhurst, attended D205 schools, and

we have 3 children, 2 of whom still attend York. I am invested in this community and giving back however I can. I've been volunteering in our schools for the past 14 years and am very proud to be serving on the

school board.

As a product of D205 schools, the parent of 3 children who've gone through the schools, & my extensive volunteer work, I know that D205 offers our students an excellent educational experience. I also know that there is always room for improvement and as a board member I am committed to raising the bar.

If re-elected, I will continue to:

Oversee the master facilities plan. Through the referendum that was

passed by our community in 2018, we have accomplished great things:

The brand-new Lincoln elementary school, Field elementary to be completed in the fall, state-of-the-art, safe & secure entrances for all our buildings, all-day kindergarten across the district, and the

opening of the new "Bridges" transition center for our 18-22-year-old special education students

Every facility has been touched in some way, including

media centers, maker spaces, and playgrounds that have been upgraded for optimal use by students and staff. Continued oversight & accountability is crucial to ensure the remainder of our projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the standards of this community.

Monitor and hold our team accountable for the strategic plan that we have created alongside our superintendent & leadership team.

This plan gives us a focused framework for the future direction of D205. We are evaluating and enhancing our systems across the district which will directly impact student success and academic achievement.

I am certain that the work being done through this plan will positively impact all our students & staff and is the catalyst that will take District 205 to the next level of excellence and set us up for success in the future.

I would like to continue to oversee the implementation of this

important work.

Build on our methods for clear, consistent communication and collaboration with our stakeholders. I know we're stronger when we work together and when we truly listen and understand the values & priorities of our community, we build trust & have stronger outcomes.

Keep student success at the forefront of all decision-making.

Our ultimate goal is that our students leave D205 with the skills and foundation that enable them to choose a path that's right for them & are successful in their endeavors. We should do whatever we can to provide them with the tools & resources necessary to do just that.

Increasing opportunities for exploratory electives at all levels,

additional work/study programs, and collaboration with professionals

in the community are just a few things I would advocate for.

I truly believe in the work we are doing right now as a board and I'm running for re-election so we can be sure this momentum continues.

I am committed to doing all we can to offer our students the best possible educational experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email,

I hope you will support me in my campaign for re-election.

Please note that you will have the opportunity to vote for 4 people on the ballot on April 4th.

If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected]

or visit my website for more information

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