September 18, 2021| Parashat Ha'Azinu | 12 Tishrei, 5782
Candlelighting: 6:59 pm | Havdalah: 7:59 pm
Shabbat/High Holiday Service Livestream:
Weekday Service Zoom:
Youth Education Programming Starts This Week
Iyunim and Kehilat Shabbat begin this week!

Minyan Katan switches to its new time: 11:30 am near the bike rack in front of Beth Jacob.

For all the details, including fridge-ready printable calendars for all your Beth Jacob Youth Education needs, check out the full BJC Youth Education email here.

If you are not receiving BJC Youth Education emails, but would like to, edit your email preferences at

Correction to the Youth Ed email: Steve Greenberg's 5-6 grade class will start at 10:30 this week, although it is usually at 10:15.
Bar Mitzvah
Raffie Stein - Saturday, September 18

Mazal tov to Raffie Stein on celebrating his bar mitzvah this week! May he continue to grow in learning Torah, observing mitzvot, and doing acts of loving-kindness!
BJUSY/Kadima Sukkah Building Sunday
10 am -1 pm Sunday, September 19
At Beth Jacob

BJUSYers: we need your help to build the Beth Jacob sukkah from this Sunday, September 19th!

We can't do it without you!
Sukkah Decorating Sunday
1-2 pm Sunday, September 19
At Beth Jacob

Join us to decorate the Beth Jacob sukkah from 1-2 pm this Sunday, September 19th! This event is for ALL AGES!
Sukkot Starts Monday Night
Sukkot is almost here! Sukkot starts this week with Erev Sukkot on Monday evening, Yom Tov services at 9 am Tuesday and Wednesday, and breakfast in the sukkah after minyan during Hol HaMoed on Thursday and Friday! More info below, and watch for our sukkot email coming soon!


Guides (PDF):

Service Links:
Rabbi Rubin Installation Weekend
Join us as we celebrate the installation of Senior Rabbi Adam Rubin!

Saturday, Sept 25:

Sunday Sept. 26
  • 10 am Installation Ceremony*
  • 11 am Brunch

*The installation and brunch will take place under a tent outside.
Masks are required for the installation portion of the morning.
Sukkot Shel Tikva
Sukkot Shel Tikva is an exhibit on the 4 species of Sukkot and how they relate to the diverse aspects of Israeli society. Stop by the Beth Jacob sukkah throughout sukkot to see the exhibit!
Quick Links

Service Schedule
  • Daily minyan: 7:15 am weekdays, 7 am on Rosh Chodesh; 8:30 am Sun. & Holidays. Morning minyan is currently meeting in person AND on Zoom every day at

  • Shabbat Morning Service: 9 am Saturdays; In-person, and streaming here: YouTube Livestream.
Ongoing Adult Classes
Just show up or click the Zoom link at class time to join.

New fall classes starting in October!

  • Noon: The Rest Is Commentary - Now Go and Learn It; with Rabbi Adam Rubin. The weekly Torah portion through the lens of classic interpretation. At Beth Jacob and on Zoom at

  • 7:30 pm: Prepare My Prayer Before You; with Rabbi Adam Rubin. Explore the siddur to find meaning, inspiration, and spiritual sustenance. At Beth Jacob and on Zoom at

  • Around 8 am: Morning Mishnah; with Rabbi Tamar. The Mishnah is an edited record of the complex body of halachic material transmitted in the aftermath of the destruction of the Second Temple. Its intention was to train the sages in thinking through the legal issues that inform Halacha. In encountering these texts together, we gain access to the conversations out of which developed the foundational principles that shaped Jewish law as we know it today. At Beth Jacob and on Zoom at (or just stay on Zoom after Morning Minyan).

  • 11 am: The Life and Works of Abraham Joshua Heschel; with Rabbi Tamar. Brilliant, complex, and inspiring both as a teacher of Torah and an activist, we will spend the year trying to better understand Heschel's life and legacy. We'll begin with Shai Held's book: Abraham Joshua Heschel: the Call of Transcendence. At Beth Jacob, and on Zoom by request.
  • 6:30-7:45 pm: Adult Beginning Hebrew Class; with Steve Greenberg. This class is for people who want to learn to read (decode) Hebrew and understand some of the basic words in blessings and prayers. We will use the book: Learn Hebrew Today. At Beth Jacob and on Zoom at To register for the class email Steve Greenberg at

  • 9:15-10:00 am, 1st and 3rd Saturdays: For the Jew in the Pew; with Rabbi Lynn Liberman. Welcome back to Shabbat Morning Study! Our siddur is filled with words of prayer, with some of the oldest of these found in Tehilim—the Book of Psalms! We will explore the Psalms that are widely used throughout the Shabbat service, considering their meaning and exploring why and how these words are still a part of our liturgy today. No prior experience needed, texts are provided in Hebrew and English!

  • On One Foot: an Introduction to Judaism With Rabbi Rubin & Rabbi Tamar. Judaism is not just a religion or a culture or people, or even a way of living in the world – it is a world unto itself, encompassing ancient and newer rituals, complex ideas, and thousands of years of history. If you’ve been curious about Jewish learning but didn’t know where to start, this class is for you! The class will be offered starting this fall only if there is sufficient interest. Please go to for more info or to register your interest in the class.

  • October 5, 1 - 7 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive at Augustana Lutheran Church. To schedule an appointment, please contact 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit and search sponsor code: AUGUSTANA or zip code 55118. The church is located at 1400 South Robert Street in West St. Paul, MN 55118. There is an urgent need for blood donations, and your gift of life will be greatly appreciated!

  • The Jewish Artists' Laboratory - Brokenness & Wholeness: A virtual exhibition inspired by a year unlike any other - living with brokenness and seeking wholeness. The Jewish Artists' Laboratory brings together a diverse group of artists who have an interest in the relationship between Jewish thought and creativity. Each artist partnered with someone of a younger generation, expanding their learning and creativity. Brokenness & Wholeness is the product of an emotional year in search of inner peace. View exhibition

  • The Amos and Celia Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School is seeking part-time Hebrew and Middle School Jewish Studies Teachers for the 2021-2022 academic year. For more information or to apply, please submit a resume and cover letter to Dr. David Ackerman, Director of Jewish Living and Learning, at


  • Monday, September 13, 1–2:30 pm CT: Atonement: An Interplay Between the Individual and the Community - A High Holiday Webinar with Rabbi Gordon Tucker, Vice-Chancellor for Religious Life and Engagement, JTS. A central feature of Yom Kippur is the act of atonement, or “at-one-ment.” But with whom should we seek to be "at one"? With God, with Israel, or with ourselves? Explore both the individual and collective aspects of this holy day, with special attention to Unetaneh Tokef, the Yom Kippur confession, and other liturgical features of the season. There is NO CHARGE! Register here.

  • Monday, September 13, 12-1 pm: Dangerous Attractions: German-Jewish Literature and the Taboo of Mixed-Sex Dancing, Presented by Sonia Gollance (University College London) on Zoom. Dances and balls appear throughout world literature as venues for young people to meet, flirt, and form relationships. In the context of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Jewish culture, dance offers crucial insights into debates about emancipation and acculturation. While traditional Jewish law prohibits men and women from dancing together, Jewish mixed-sex dancing was understood as the very sign of modernity--and the ultimate boundary transgression. Register here.

For Kids and Families:

Resources & Miscellaneous:

  • JFS Services, including Community Support Program, Connection to Community Resources, Counseling & Mental Health Services and more!

  • Jewish Genetic Disease Screening It's important that anyone of Jewish heritage know whether they're at risk of having a child with a serious or possibly fatal disease, preferably before they become pregnant.