A weekly e-newsletter of

Bethesda Lutheran Church

Ames, Iowa

January 31, 2025

 All are Welcome to Bethesda's Bingo Party!

Join us Sunday, February 2, at 1:00 p.m. in the Bethesda Commons for fellowship, bingo, fabulous prizes, and popcorn. Come join the fun! We hope to see you there!

Saving Suds Needs YOU!

Bethesda members,

Saving Suds is in DESPERATE need of two to four volunteers to take over the operation for this ministry to continue at Bethesda. If we do not have any volunteers for February onward, Bethesda will no longer be able to partner in this ministry with St. Andrews Lutheran Church. If you are able to volunteer at least an hour and a half of your time, either from 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM or from 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM, the first Thursday of every month, please consider being the people to let this ministry continue as it is highly utilized within the community.

Interested in volunteering, but unsure what you'd be doing? Find step-by-step directions for the volunteer position here.

To volunteer for Saving Suds sign up online or call the church office.

Couldn't Attend the Annual Meeting? Access the information online!

If you were unable to attend last Sunday's annual meeting the 2024 Annual Report has been made available online in the Member Portal for your convivence if you do not yet have a physical copy. The 5-Year Strategic Plan has also been made available.

Sign Up to Host a Soup Supper!

Mar. 5 . . . Church Council

Mar. 12 . . Adult Bethesda Choir

Mar. 19 . . OPEN

Mar. 26. . . CYEB

Apr. 2 . . . .OPEN

Apr. 9 . . . .OPEN

Calling All Chefs...

Do you make a chili that's become a staple in your household or a favorite among friends? Enter your unique dish in the 2025 Chili Cook-Off at Torrent Brewing Company on March 4th at 7:00 P.M.

Register your creation for the Cook-Off here.

Whether you're competing or eating, ALL are encouraged to attend this year's event and vote for your favorite dish using petty cash. All donations received will be given to the Ames Community School District's Lunch Hero program.

After you've had your fill of chili, raise your voices - and your glasses - for a Mardi Gras Beer & Hymns sing-along led by Pastor Bryan! We hope you can join us for this exciting event!

Living Water Wednesdays Feb. 5 Communal Meal

Before CrossGen Worship, members of ALL ages are welcome to the Commons for a meal at 5:15 PM. Four to five Volunteers are needed each week to prepare and serve the meal. Please consider helping if you are able. You may sign up in the link or notify the office On February 5th, we will be serving chicken nuggets.

If you want to partially sponsor a Living Water Wednesdays meal with a $100 donation, donate online here, stop in the main office or put your donation in the mail slot notating it's for Wednesday meals. Please also include if you would like your donation to be anonymous or not.

Nourish Our Future

Join the fight against child hunger and malnutrition with Bread fir the World on Tuesday, February 4th at 7:00 PM EST. Learn about Bread for the World's legislative priorities, why they matter and how YOU can make a difference!

Click here to register for the online event.

Bethesda Book Club March Read

  • Mother, Nature by Jedidiah Jenkins will be discussed Thursday, March 6th

Everyone is welcome to participate, whether it’s once for a book you’re interested in, or more frequently for fellowship. The Bethesda Book Club meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Crossroads for book discussion.

All Ages Invited to Lutheran Lakeside Camp

All ages are encouraged to Register now for the week of July 20th - 25th at Lutheran Lakeside. Secure a spot for you or your child for a fun, faith-filled week at a special early bird price!

Give a Gift Online

Don't carry cash or checks? You can set up a recurring or one-time gift to Bethesda online, so you never miss an offering opportunity!


Refresher to log onto ShelbyNext:

On your laptop or desktop Computer - https://bethesdanet.shelbynextchms.com

On your cell phone go to the App Store or Google Play Store

search for ShelbyNext Membership - download the free app;

On first screen replace the word domain with Bethesdanet

Enter username and password.

You should be ready to go! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at contact@bethesdaames.org.

What's The Difference Between The Current and The Living Current?

The Current, a physical sheet members pick up each weekend, is limited to the order of worship on the front and a calendar of events on the back. Announcements are The Living Current, on slides depending on date proximity and importance to the congregation at large and verbally stated by the Pastors at the end of worship services.

The Living Current, an e-newsletter sent every Friday at 9 AM, consists of all announcements and events affecting the congregation.

If you have an event that you would like advertised in The Living Current for weekend services, submit your announcement or event via email to Tess Hanson and Lynn Anderson no later than the Tuesday before you would like it advertised. If submitted after the stated deadline, it will be integrated into The Living Current e-newsletter the following week.

Healing Prayers: Mark Allen; Pat Banitt; Barbara Berg; Linda Fevold;

April Lawson; Kathy Lowe; Shirley Stromer; Don Nettleton 

Grieving: Kathy Connor passed away last week; Lloyd Anderson passed away Monday, January 27.

We invite you to join our community, which is committed to inclusion, racial equity and anti-racism. We share in God’s abundant grace knowing that we cannot be separated from the love of God by our age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, physical or mental abilities or faith background.

Worship Schedule:

SATURDAY (a modern service with praise band) . . . 5:30 pm

SUNDAY (a traditional service with choirs, organ) . . . 9:30 am

This weekend . . . MESSAGE: Luke 4:14-21-22

Holy Communion served at both services, every week.

Contact Information:

Chelsey Aisenbrey, Council President . . . . . .ccaisenbrey@yahoo.com

Bryan Simmons, Lead Pastor. . . . . . . .bsimmons@BethesdaAmes.org

Chris Cowan, Interim Associate Pastor. . .ccowan@bethesdaames.org

All other inquires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . contact@BethesdaAmes.org

Email Us Today!

Address: 1517 Northwestern Ave.

Ames, IA 50010-5299

Phone: (515) 232-6256

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