And He who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new."  
(Rev. 21:5).

Dear  ,

Greetings from Bethlehem!

As Christians, we are invited to embrace change and new things in our lives and ministries, especially since we know our God is a God of new sun rises, new beginnings, and new opportunities. As a college, we are excited to begin a new phase as we welcome new students to our different programs and as we welcome Dr. Munther Isaac as our new Academic Dean.
In this issue of our newsletter, read a short article about our new Academic Dean. I also encourage you to meet one of the friends of the college, Judy Fox, and her sports ministry in Palestine. I also invite you to read about the ministry of one of our graduates.

The college is very grateful for your support through prayers and/or giving. You are a great encouragement to us as we strive to be a blessing to our community in every season of the college's life. We could not do this without the support of our Christian brothers and sisters. Thank you!

In our Savior's name,

Rev. Dr. Jack Sara - President

Who can help people who suffer better than those who are suffering? Who can understand a refugee who lost his homeland better than someone who has lost it as well? Who can understand an Iraqi refugee better than a Palestinian? 

I have the pleasure to introduce Munther Isaac as our new Academic Dean.  He also happens to be a good friend mine, my favorite teacher and my boss.

Dr. Munther Isaac holds a PhD degree from Oxford Centre for Mission Studies and is the director of the influential Christ at the Checkpoint conferences. He is also in the process of getting ordained at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. 

'The separation wall is not the only wall in Bethlehem' says Judy Fox, Founder of Ignite International.'There are many other invisible walls that are separating people in this region; religious, gender and political'. For Judy, this is where sports can play a pivotal role in breaking down barriers. Judy believes sport is a universal language that has the power to transcend any barrier of separation, 'You roll out a ball and instantly a relationship is made'.