Bethlehem Pike Work Starts March 25
PennDOT will start work March 25 on safety improvements on a nearly two-mile stretch of Bethlehem Pike in Whitemarsh and Springfield.
Drivers can expect a weekday lane closure from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in both directions on Bethlehem Pike between Stenton Avenue/Paper Mill Road and West Valley Green Road.
The work includes converting a section of Bethlehem Pike from an undivided four-lane section to a three-lane section with a two-way left turn lane; modify left-turn signal phasing; coordinate arterial signals; install pedestrian countdown timers at select locations; add retroreflective backplates to improve signal visibility; and mill and overlay pavement along the corridor.
The Bethlehem Pike intersections included in this safety improvement project are Flourtown Shopping Center Driveway, Mill Road, College Avenue, Bysher Avenue, Wissahickon Avenue, Haws Lane, Montgomery Avenue, Sunnybrook Road, and Hillcrest Road.
Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work area because backups and delays will occur. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.