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At Naturalist Journeys, we adore what we do—planning nature travel. And we can tell you, there are almost as many ways to make a journey as there are worthwhile places to go. If cruising is something you’ve never done or considered among your myriad travel options, the best cruises have a LOT to recommend them:

Cruising is convenient. There’s a magic to unpacking once and having everything taken care of. All you have to do is immerse in the experience. But there is so much more to it! It’s simply the best way to experience destinations that can’t be seen as well by land.  

Cruising takes you to magical coastal landscapes. These landscapes have shaped and transformed vibrant cultures for centuries, and they are key to so many dynamic species of wildlife. For birders, a trip along a coastline affords plentiful seabirds and access to far-away places where stunning species reside.  

Cruising makes you feel so free. Casting off is something to be celebrated! You participate in true expedition exploring. Our cruises are chosen for the experience, and aboard the ship we work hard to make you as comfortable and catered to as possible. But for us, it’s really about seeing the places that we cruise through—nature’s star performers of flora, fauna, and landscape.  

Cruising lets you be you. You can be super social and have a great time at night in the lounge trading stories, playing music, and savoring great meals. Or you can find a quiet spot on the ship to cozy up with a book, or perhaps even work on your photography with an onboard expert. Our carefully chosen partners are masters at the logistics of making the most of your time on land and at sea. 

It doesn’t cost you more to cruise with us. You pay the same rate you would if you booked directly through the operator. That’s where the perks come in! When you book with Naturalist Journeys, you are part of a group. We send a leader with you who adds excellent hosting and interpretation skills and facilitates group interaction. So really, you get the benefit of a small-group guide without the added cost!

We have many delightful cruises coming up yet in 2022 and 2023, traversing the globe from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Join us to discover places that are simply Better by Boat! 

The Falkland Islands, South Georgia & Antarctica

Nov. 2 – 22, 2022 | From $13,200 w/guide John Carlson

There's still time to hop on this trip of a lifetime. Call us if you're feeling spontaneous. The incredible wildlife and seabird richness of the Southern Ocean is calling! Considered by many to be the trip of a lifetime, our Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctic Peninsula cruise is a wildlife lover’s dream come true. From penguins to whales to seeing the southernmost songbird in the world (South Georgia Pipit) there is simply no voyage to compare. The incredible beauty of ice and the serene sense of space is beyond measure. This expedition explores one of the last untamed areas on Earth—a land of ruggedly beautiful landscapes and amazingly varied wildlife.


From a Past Trip Report

“Penguins porpoise, whales roll and blow, skuas, shags, terns, and petrels fly by. A Snowy Sheathbill fluttered onto the ship deck, pecking in shallow pools of water for something to eat. The air is fresh and clean most of the time, except when downwind from a penguin colony. The scenic grandeur of mountains, glaciers, floating ice, and sea has become a constant. And the sea here is alive with penguins, seals, whales, and birds. It literally churns with life ….”

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Journey to the Galápagos

Jan. 15 – 22, 2023 | $5600 - $6550 w/guide Dan Donaldson

Spend an unforgettable time in Ecuador’s stunning volcanic archipelago, getting close to its fascinating plants and animals and enjoying one stunning sunset and starscape after another from the observation deck of our well-appointed yacht. We sail through some of the very best islands in the chain, including Espanola, Santa Cruz, and Floreana.

The wildlife here is breathtaking and docile, and many species cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. It is not unusual to have to carefully step over a Blue-footed Booby, or wait patiently for a young sea lion to awaken from a nap on your daypack. Expect a small group and flexible trip, designed with natural history, snorkeling, birding, and photography in mind. Our Galápagos cruises are planned to leave a light footprint, and we support conservation throughout the voyage. There is simply no place like the Galápagos!

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Mexico’s Sea of Cortez

March 25 - April 1, 2023 | $5995 w/guide Kelly Vandenhuevel

The islands of the Sea of Cortez are much like the Galapagos, a textbook for the study of speciation. We see speciation and endemism in lizards, plant life, and right from the start at Cabo, some of Baja’s endemic birds including Belding’s Yellowthroat, Gray Thrasher, and Xantus’s Hummingbird.


Crystal clear water abounds near the shorelines, fringed by red desert bluffs. Sail among the islands, once explored by the conquistadors searching for black pearls. Learn all about the impressive geologic forces that created these picturesque islands. Explore by kayak and paddleboard, keeping your eyes peeled for sea life, or enjoy leisurely beachcombing with the sand between your toes.


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NEW! Ireland & Scotland Discovery

West Coast Ireland, Hebrides, Orkney Islands & Shetland Islands

May 17 - June 2, 2023 | From $12,296.25 w/guide Chris Harbard

Join us for this fantastic NEW! cruise around the coastlines and islands of Ireland and Scotland with opportunities to see internationally important seabird colonies and a wide range of other birds and wildlife. Our expedition vessel, the Sylvia Earle, is equipped with inflatable Zodiacs to take us ashore in otherwise virtually inaccessible islands. 

May is one of the best months of the year to visit these seabird colonies, which are a hive of activity with birds on cliff ledges incubating eggs while others fly back and forth to feed. Towering sea cliffs are home to Black-legged Kittiwake, Common Murre (Guillemot), and Razorbill, while island tops may contain Atlantic Puffin burrows or a white carpet of Northern Gannet. At sea there may be Arctic breeders like jaegers still journeying north to their tundra breeding grounds as well as breeding Manx Shearwater foraging for food. Other specialties to look out for include Red-billed Chough, Twite, and the ever-elusive Corncrake. On this cruise, most sailing takes place at night, so every day we can wake up somewhere new!

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Spitsbergen: Polar Bears & Pack Ice

June 22 - 29, 2023 | From $4000 w/guide John Carlson

Cruise with Naturalist Journeys’ polar expert John Carlson to Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, one of the most dramatic places on earth. Just 600 miles south of the North Pole, warmed by the most northerly waters of the Gulf Stream, this is a spectacular land of rugged mountains, extensive Arctic pack-ice drifting offshore, and the blue ice of ancient, awe-inspiring glaciers. Experience the majesty of these North Atlantic islands as we explore one of the last great wildernesses on earth, accompanied by Bowhead, Minke and Beluga Whales.

Our voyage takes us to special landscapes boasting the highest concentration of wildlife and places of historic and scenic interest in the archipelago. Expect fantastically beautiful landscapes, thousands of seabirds, and of course the star of the show, the Polar Bear. Nothing can prepare you for your first sighting of a wild Polar Bear, the undisputed king of the Arctic. Special birds of the journey include Purple Sandpiper, Red-throated Diver, Ptarmigan, Great and Arctic Skuas, Long-tailed Duck, Common Eider, beautiful Ivory Gull, and endearing Dovekie. Join us for this unforgettable oceanic adventure!

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Alaska’s Northern Passages & Glacier Bay

July 8 - 15, 2023 | From $7900 w/guide Peg Abbott

Most years, Naturalist Journeys’ owner reserves for herself the pleasure of guiding this awe-inspiring Alaska cruise, which should tell you everything you need to know. Just 36 guests travel on our upscale ship, offering an intimate exploration of one of America’s most revered landscapes—Alaska’s Inside Passage. It’s not hyperbole to say that this is a life-changing journey, beckoning many of our past guests to return for a second chance to feel the way this part of Alaska made them feel again. Unpack once and explore, kayak, watch birds, and spot whales among the fjords and glaciers as extensive daylight hours prolong the journey. You may find it hard to return to your cabin when there are whales just off the bow! Glacier Bay National Park is a highlight, where the all-body experience of calving glaciers will lodge in your memory. This tour always sells out. Follow Peg’s lead and travel with her!

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NEW! Family Cruise to Glacier Bay National Park

July 16 - 23, 2023 | From $5700* w/host Julie Fannon

Make core memories with the young ones in your life. The whole family is welcome aboard for this Southeast Alaska cruise, where precious memories are made among the fjords and glaciers. We explore endless shorelines in a maze of islands we navigate via kayak, paddle board, or comfortable skiff all week, at eye level with sea lions, porpoises and whales. Ashore, rocky intertidal zones make good beach combing, as we listen to the calls of Bald Eagle overhead. 

Horned and Tufted Puffins are always a delight, as are sea mammals that include Orca, Minke Whale, and Dall and Harbor Porpoises. We often spy mountain goats and bears foraging along the shoreline, and though rare, wolf pack sightings are sure to excite everyone aboard. Two glorious days in Glacier National Park are the crowning jewels of this tour, where roaring blocks of ice calve from tidewater glaciers and crash into the sea and seabirds rarely seen elsewhere delight guests with long lenses. Elsewhere, we anchor near remote beaches to hike through moss-covered trees and rain-fed waterfalls.

Our small, upscale ship, the Wilderness Discoverer, holds just 76 passengers, affording us a very personal experience, flexible to our guests’ interests, pace, and style. Mealtime each day is a special treat, with big windows so we can watch wildlife and scenery while sampling fresh local seafood and other treats.

This voyage is perfect for parents and grandparents who are ready for a fun family adventure. 

*$500 discount for children 17 and under.                   Read the Full Itinerary

NEW! Whales & Wild Isles Cruise

July 29 – Aug. 6, 2023 | $TBD (cost available next month) w/guide Peg Abbott

On the model of our highly popular Southeast Alaska cruise, we went looking for another great green northern place to soak up the wonders of nature in the temperate north. Join us for a NEW! Naturalist Journeys adventure for a week in Northern British Columbia, starting with three nights along the coast at the charming Crest Hotel in Prince Rupert, followed by a four-night cruise that we’ve chartered from a fine small-ship cruise company, Maple Leaf Adventures. Peg Abbott will be on the team to inaugurate this exciting adventure along with the local crew that knows this geography so well.

Enjoy two full days in Prince Rupert exploring the Grizzly preserve and whale watching, then set sail to explore the fjords and islands of the Great Bear Rainforest in the very best way—by boat! Summer is an incredible time for coastal exploration, beachcombing, and birding remote estuaries. Summer is also a spectacular time for whales and seabirds. Cruise on the MV Cascadia, a lovely 24-guest catamaran that we’ve chartered for our group to discover the nature, wildlife, and culture of the Great Bear Rainforest.

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Book Your Cruise

Penguins diving into the sea (NJ Stock), Grizzly Bear & cubs (NJ Stock), Atlantic puffin (NJ Stock), Magnificent Frigatebird (NJ Stock), Antarctica Scenic (NJ Stock), Magellanic Cormorant (John Carlson), King Penguins (John Carlson), Humpback Tail (John Carlson), Magnificent Frigatebird (NJ Stock), American Flamingo (NJ Stock), Galapagos Tortoise (NJ Stock), Land Iguana (NJ Stock), Sea of Cortez (courtesy of UnCruise), Blue-footed Booby (NJ Stock), Double-crested Cormorant (Greg Smith), Baja Spiny-tail Lizard (NMC), Orkney scenic (NJ Stock), Black-legged Kittiwake (NJ Stock), Northern Gannet (NJ Stock), Red-billed Chough (NJ Stock), Polar Bear (NJ Stock), Arctic Skua (NJ Stock), Blue Whale (NJ Stock), Purple Sandpiper (NJ Stock), Birding by Skiff (Peg Abbott), Black Bear (NJ Stock), Horned Puffin (NJ Stock), Otter (NJ Stock), Group (UnCruise Adventures), Orca (NJ Stock), Child with Starfish (UnCruise Adventures), Tufted Puffin (NJ Stock), Grizzly Bear (NJ Stock), Bald Eagle (NJ Stock), Humpback Whale (NJ Stock), Clark’s Grebe (NJ Stock)