Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are Physically Closed but Spiritually Open.
Spotlight On: 

Thanksgiving with King's Chapel
Come join us as we gather together in thanksgiving for God's many blessings even as we've journeyed through this difficult year. As we look back over a time of challenge, we take this moment to remember with gratitude the ways God has sustained us and been present in and with our community of faith.

Thanksgiving Sunday Services
Sunday, November 22
9AM Morning Light Service on Zoom
11AM Morning Prayer Service on YouTube

Thanksgiving Day Service
Thursday, November 26
10AM Service on Zoom

Visit our Thanksgiving webpage for more details on how to join our Thanksgiving Sunday and Thanksgiving Day services.
From the Minister
This Thanksgiving, who's in your "bubble," the little cluster of people with whom you feel that you can safely gather? In these odd days of pandemic, perhaps the only person in your "bubble" is you - anyone else wouldn't be safe.  Perhaps your "bubble" might include only those under your roof whom you've been with for days on end. Or perhaps your "bubble" will expand to a newcomer, someone you must see - it's worth the risk. 

Whatever your answer, there's one more who will join you if asked. Many different names on the invitation will work: "Spirit of Life", "Creator God," "Unconditional Love."

Even better:  You're in that One's bubble already.  So is anyone you're missing this Thanksgiving. Though we'll be physically apart, we'll all be spiritually together inside God's bubble. 

I wonder, what has the Universe prepared for you to feast on?  Be sure to bring home some delicious leftovers. 

News and Announcements

Virtual Flute and Piano Recital
Sunday, November 29 at 5:00 PM
Please join us for a live YouTube premiere on the King's Chapel YouTube channel on Sunday, November 29 at 5 PM for our latest adventure in online music making.
Alison La Rosa and Heinrich will present a program entitled "French Competition". Most of the pieces featured were commissioned for the annual flute competition at the Conservatoire National in Paris. You will hear works by Georges Hüe, Pierre Sancan, Eugène Bozza, and Jacques Ibert.

The recital will be pre-recorded in hopes of avoiding any technical glitches, and premiered on YouTube in hopes that you will enjoy better sound quality than we typically experience for the musical components at our zoom events. 

After we watch the video together, we will post a Zoom link in the YouTube chat/comments for everybody to switch to so we can have a talkback and answer any questions you have about the program. Feel free to open your favorite French bottle of wine, crack open a brie or triple cream cheese - or contact Sylvia Soderberg for her trout dip recipe if you'd like to recreate the special atmosphere of a King's Chapel Concert Series post-concert reception right in your own home! More details on how to join will be available in next week's Between Sundays.

The recital is being offered free of charge; as always we encourage you to make a donation if you can, either to King's Chapel or one of our community partners: Common Cathedral, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, or the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry.
"After Church" Coffee Hours on Zoom
After our successful noontime virtual coffee hour on All Saints All Souls Sunday, we've decided make these gatherings a monthly thing! Once a month we will hold an "after church" coffee hour, with a rotating schedule of hosts. Mark your calendars for the first Sunday of every month for a noon time coffee hour!  Next one is December 6th! We will share the registration link for the coffee hour soon.
New Member Profiles: Meet Fred Putnam
For the next few weeks, we are delighted to share a little about our new members! This week, we'd like to introduce Fred Putnam:

Fred is one of a large family of mostly New Englanders who has had a happy life making his way through a joyful childhood, extensive education, world travel, professional, scientific, and business achievement, and religious belief. Born in Keene New Hampshire, Fred grew up spending summers at his family's cottage in nearby Harrisville and enjoyed being by and swimming in the water there. He married Susan Francis and together they raised three children, Todd, Maggie, and Seth. 

Fred's education is indeed impressive. Following his Bachelor's at Dartmouth College, Fred volunteered for the Peace Corps, where he spent two years teaching indigenous secondary school students physics and chemistry in Borneo, Malaysia, noting that experience as the most-valued. Fred earned his Master's Degree in Surface Chemistry research at Case Western Reserve University and PhD from Carnegie Melon, and became a professor at MIT teaching Surface Chemistry. After four years at MIT, Fred founded the software company LABTECH and then worked for Cambridgesoft. Now retired, Fred is particularly enjoying loon photography, extensive sailing along the coast of New England, Nova Scotia, and abroad. 

Fred's religious life began in Keen with St. James Episcopal Church and was followed by a long period of agnosticism. When his family lived in Andover, Massachusetts, they attended a Unitarian Universalist church. After moving to Boston, Fred often attended Arlington Street Church. A friend invited him to attend a Morning Light Service at King's Chapel led by Joy, which eventually brought him to join the congregation.

Welcome to the King's Chapel Family, Fred! 

All events below held via Zoom.  Click HERE to find more information. 
Talk About Music! 
Tuesday, November 24 at 12:00 PM
Environment Initiative Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, November 24 at 3:00 PM
Bible Study
Wednesday, November 25 at 6:15 PM
In This Issue
Sunday Services 

Nov. 22, Morning Light via Zoom
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, Piano
  • Hollis Day, Lector
Nov. 22, Morning Prayer  |  11 AM on YouTube
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Carol Kemp,
  • Gregg Sorensen, Dan Taylor and Dorothy Waldron, Lay Readers 
Scripture: Matthew 25: 31-46 
Did you miss last Sunday's  service?  If so,  click here to see the full service. 
From the Bench
This Sunday, you will hear another selection from Carol Barnett's An American Thanksgiving, along with perennial favorite hymns "We Gather Together," and "Now Thank We All Our God." The latter also inspired the organ voluntaries by Bach and Hovland.

On Thanksgiving Day, Jaya Lakshminarayanan will be the soloist for our Live on Zoom Morning Prayer, singing pieces by Ives and Bonds - we hope you will join us for this latest experiment.
Monday Music Meditation
This past week's Musical Meditation featured Skip Lewan with some vintage foliage.
Talk About Music!
Next Tuesday, the guest for Talk About Music is former choir member Stephen Beaudoin who after a jaunt to Portland OR now resides in Washington D.C. where he serves as executive director of The Washington Chorus. The topic of conversation will be "Pivot!'; we will touch on Stephen's career pivots as well as the various ways his chorus has pivoted in the new reality of keeping the arts alive in the time of Covid.

If you missed any of our past talks, they can be found on our YouTube channel.
Giving to King's Chapel

During this difficult time of COVID-19, King's Chapel continues to offer weekly worship services online, provide spiritual guidance, host zoom gatherings on various topics, and support our community partners. The statement  "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is strangely true. 

What this message does not state is that while most of the normal costs of operating our church continue-- salaries, overhead expenses, physical maintenance, etc.-- our income streams do not.  Significant income from visitors to our History Program, rentals, and our Sunday offering are gone right now. Your support now is more essential than ever. 

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time.  Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously.

Staying Connected with King's Chapel

While we are physically closed we are spiritually open and are working to find ways to continue our connection with you, our beloved members and friends.  

Morning Light Worship via Zoom, 9-9:30 AM each Sunday. Contact Laura Zeugner for login information. 

Morning Prayer services are posted each Sunday at 11 AM on our website.

Prayer Connection
King's Chapel is a praying church and we have added a new link to our website page to make easy any request you may have: [email protected] .   Requests sent here will be received by Joy Fallon, David Waters, and Cynthia Perkins, Prayer Circle Chair. If you prefer, also know that you can always reach out to any of us individually. 

Coffee with Clergy
Join Joy and David each week at 10 AM on Thursdays for an informal coffee hour via Zoom.  See old friends and meet new ones! Contact Laura for login access. 
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards.  We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info.  If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious. 
Some other hints to protect yourselves: Double check the "from" address to see who really has sent it, and double check the email of the person to whom you're supposedly replying. Verify suspicious emails by phone, especially if the email says not to call. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime. 
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Communications Coordinator Jennifer Roesch with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Advent Season is coming up! Stay tuned for more details in our next Between Sunday's issue!