Between Sundays
Summer Edition
Worship With Us | Sunday, August 8
Reading: Ephesians 4:25- 5:2
Morning Light Service
9:00 AM on Zoom

For the rest of the summer, we are continuing to host a weekly Zoom Morning Light service at 9 AM. We'll open up Zoom at 8:50 for greetings, start the service promptly at 9:00, and a short "coffee hour" will follow the service. Join us!
Morning Prayer Service Summer Schedule
Our next traditional Morning Prayer services on YouTube will be live-streamed on August 22 and September 12 at 11:00 AM. We hope you'll virtually join us for our final two Morning Prayer services before meeting for Homecoming in person!

Upcoming Parish Events

Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM on Zoom

Join members on Wednesday evenings as we gather on Zoom for a discussion on the weekly lectionary readings. Check out the online calendar for details of each week's focus. Contact Tim ( to join.
Thursday Coffee
Thursdays at 10:00 AM on Zoom

Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join other King's Chapel folks for an informal conversation by Zoom every Thursday morning. Conversation moves from funny hats and KC memories to house blessings and your best recent read. A great way to get to know each other a bit better. Drop in for any part of the hour. Register here to join.
11th Hour Bell Ringing for 11 Minutes
Wednesday, August 11 at 11:00 AM

Please come join the Environmental Action team
in ringing our wonderful Paul Revere bell in a Wake Up Call to Action to face the Climate Emergency. Join us each month, on the 11th at 11:00 AM.
Final BBQ This Summer
Thursday August 19 6:00 PM

Join the fun for the final BBQ of the summer in the Parish House Garden. Hosted by the Fallons, they will supply grill food (hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers) and the rest is potluck!
RSVP to Gretchen to let her know what you can bring.

Parish Committee News

Thanks to the many hands and hearts who participated in our bi-monthly event with common cathedral this past week! Members and friends came together to make 150 bag lunches for our neighbor congregation, and then delivered those lunches and shared in their worship service. Thanks to all who made it happen:
Becky and Kent Wittenburg, our ingredient shoppers, Ciael Hills, Mary Katherine Morn and Carol Genovese, our sandwich makers, Amanda Pickett, Tim Nelson-Hoy, and Emanuel Genovese, our sandwich transporters, and Stephen Courtney, Tim Nelson-Hoy, and Amanda Pickett, who attended service on the Common.

Sometimes, things weigh on our spirit that we can't quite put into words. This September, our Community Action Partner the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute will help us give form to these feelings with their interactive healing technique, Peace Play. Sign up to participate in Peace Play in the Parish House Garden on Wednesday, September 15th from 5:30-8:30 PM. Please e-mail Laura before August 31st to participate.

Do you feel the thrill of the grill? Our community action partner, the Louis D. Brown Peace institute, is holding a barbeque this Saturday, August 7, at Town Field Park, 1565 Dorchester Ave, Boston, 2 PM-4 PM. Join the fun, food, music, games and prizes as they celebrate and uplift community!

King's Chapel History Program News

Last week, King's Chapel participated in Recovering Our History & Moving Towards Reparations: A Webinar to Support Inquiry & Action, presented by the Reparations Community of Practice of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. The virtual event was organized to share practical strategies and and best practices for churches looking to embark on researching their community's historic involvement with slavery and wealth derived from the forced labor of enslaved people. Along with moderator Byron Rushing, representatives from the Black Presence of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, the archivist for the Episocopal Diocese of Maryland, the Project Manager for the Initiative on Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery, King's Chapel History Program Director Faye Charpentier participated as a panelist. She shared research and organization strategies for beginning to explore church histories of enslavement as well as some approaches to engaging people with these histories. The webinar was recorded, and can be viewed here:  Reparations Webinar - Zoom

Support King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time. Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously. Visit our webpage to learn more about ways to give:

Prayer Circle

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers email Joy ( or Cynthia Perkins

Parish House News

Live Organ Recital!

Our own Heinrich Christensen returns to performing live for actual people this coming Tuesday, August 10 at 8:00 PM as part of the Old West Organ Society summer series on the gorgeous Fisk Opus 55 organ. Works by Bach, Dupré, Price, and more. 
131 Cambridge Street, free admission, donations gratefully received at the door.

We rejoice with those who rejoice;
mourn with those who mourn. ~Romans 12:15

Today we rejoice with three of our Wardens - two past and one present. Please join in feting them all! Yesterday Kathe German and Denton Crews celebrated another wedding anniversary in their long partnership. We are deeply blessed by Kathe's current service as Church Warden, and remain grateful for Denton's role as Senior Warden 15 years ago. Today we delight with former Senior Warden Dean Denniston as he celebrates his 79th birthday. Clearly, untold hours handling complex and challenging issues as a volunteer senior elected official at our church is great for one's health and sustained relationships!

We mourn with our beloved longtime member Dorothy Serviss Johnson, a faithful member of our prayer circle and the widow of Leo Johnson, on the sudden death of their son Tim of a heart attack. Tim has been living in Brookline and assisting Dorothy with numerous issues since Leo’s death two years ago, including the management of the Kansas farm long held by Leo’s family. We pray for Dorothy, that she know our continued love and constant support for her, just as she has continued to love and support all of us by her daily prayers. Join with us in surrounding her now with comfort and caring: Dorothy Johnson, Traditions Of Dedham, 735 Washington St, Apt 128, Dedham MA 02026. Home phone: (781) 471-7997. Email:
We mourn with Felicia Kisselburg on the sudden death of her husband’s nephew in Arizona during an attempted robbery. We give thanks for the way that she and her husband are supporting their extended family during this time of shock as they grapple with the news, and pray that when the time is right, they may find peace again.

We rejoice with David Waters as he graduates from his Clinical Pastoral Education program today! David has been studying and working at the Hebrew Senior Life Center in Dedham this summer, completing one more step toward requirements for ordination. Congratulations, David!
In the love of truth, and the spirit of Jesus Christ,
we unite for the worship of God
​and the service of all​.