Between Sundays
Keeping the Parish Community Connected
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Worship With Us | Sunday, December 5
Second Sunday of Advent
Advent II Morning Light Worship Service, with Holy Communion | 9:00 AM
In-Person at 64 Beacon Street or Virtual on Zoom

For those who wish to continue to worship with us virtually, the Zoom link and service will remain the same. We'll open up Zoom at 8:50 for greetings, start the service promptly at 9:00, and a short "coffee hour" will follow the service, hosted by our musician Skip Lewan.

If you would rather join us in-person for Morning Light, doors will open at the Little Chapel at 8:45 AM. Masks are required and congregants will sign in for contact tracing purposes. 
Advent II Morning Prayer Worship Service, with Holy Communion and the Baptism of Frank Kearns | 11:00 AM
In-person at 58 Tremont Street or Live-Streamed on YouTube

For those who wish to worship with us in-person, doors open at 10:30 AM. Masks required. Worshippers will be asked to sign in for contact tracing purposes and masks are required. Prelude and live-streaming will start at 10:50 AM.

For those who wish to worship virtually, we are continuing to improve our live-streaming equipment and process. Join us on YouTube 10:50 AM from the comfort of your own home. You can find the link on our YouTube channel homepage or our website homepage. The livestream link and Order of Service will be also be posted in tomorrow's From the Minister eblast as well as our Sunday Worship eblast.
Upcoming Parish Events
Volunteers Needed! Chapel Greening
Saturday, December 4 at 10:15 AM at King's Chapel

Come join the holiday spirit while greening the Chapel. We will start at 10:15 AM on Saturday, December 4. The end time depends on when we are finished! There are many garlands and wreaths to hang. We especially need someone who feels confident climbing a tall ladder to hang one of the wreaths. Just show up and we look forward to having fun together. Chancel Committee
Advent Crafts
Sunday, December 5 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Parish House

Join our Church School children for Advent Wreath making, Christmas ornament making, cookie decoration, and Christmas card making. All are welcome after the Morning Light service, before Morning Prayer, or after Morning Prayer. We look forward to being able to gather in person for this King’s Chapel tradition as we prepare for Christmas!
Advent Book Group: Mary Oliver’s Poems
Monday, December 6 at 5:00 PM on Zoom

What happened last week when 12 of us met on Zoom with our minister Joy to read Mary Oliver’s poems? Everyone met new people: those just getting to know King’s Chapel and those long here. Together we read poems sparking Hope, the theme of Week One in Advent. The poet nudged us to closely observe the world around us, a way of finding light in the darkness.  

On Monday, December 6, we’ll meet again 5-6 PM via Zoom, to discuss the theme of Peace. What will Mary Oliver say that might lead us to find more peace through the week? If you could use a little more Peace in your life, and the shared ideas of others also seeking Peace, please join us. You’re welcome for one Monday discussion or for all four of them! For the free, downloadable Advent booklet and poems for our congregation, the link is available here.

Come all four weeks, or one, as you’re able. The Zoom registration link is here. 
Tuesday Recital
Tuesday, December 7 at 12:15 PM

Next week’s Tuesday Recital features Hiroaki Honshuku & Friends: An A-No-Ne Christmas

If you can’t make it in person, you can check out the livestream here:
Weekly Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM on Zoom

Join members on Wednesday evenings as we gather on Zoom for a discussion on the weekly lectionary readings. Check out the online calendar for details of each week's focus.

Contact Tim ( to join.
Weekly Thursday Coffee
Thursdays at 10:00 AM on Zoom

Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join other King's Chapel folks for an informal conversation by Zoom every Thursday morning. A great way to get to know each other a bit better. Drop in for any part of the hour. 

UUSC Keynote Presentation from Isabel Wilkerson
Thursday, December 9th at 7:00 PM

In recognition of International Human Rights Day, the UU Service Committee (UUSC) will host a celebration on Thu. Dec. 9th at 7:00 p.m. featuring a keynote presentation from Pulitzer Prize and NY Times Best-Selling author Isabel Wilkerson. In 2020 she published the highly acclaimed Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, and in 2010 The Warmth of Other Suns. Wilkerson demonstrates how history can help us understand ourselves, our country and our current era of upheaval. "A gifted storyteller, Wilkerson captivates audiences with the universal human story of migration and reinvention, as well as the unseen hierarchies that have divided us as a nation, in order to find a way to transcend them." This online UUSC event is open to everyone and free, although donations in support of crucial UUSC programs are always welcome and appreciated.
Looking Ahead at Advent
We hope that you will join King’s Chapel during this time of reflection and preparation.
Mark your calendars! Below are just a few Advent virtual and in person events that will take place.

Click here to check out our Advent webpage, featuring all the information you need on what's happening.
Advent Sunday School
Sundays, December 12 and 19 at 10:00AM at the Parish House

David Waters will be teaching our Church School children after Morning Light at 10AM during the season of Advent. The Third Sunday of Advent will be dedicated to our grade-school age children and the Fourth Sunday of Advent will be dedicated to our younger children. We look forward to gathering during Advent!
Virtual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 12, 5:00-6:00 PM on Zoom

Here we can all gather together, wherever we may be! We’ll celebrate Christmas and our KC community, and toast each other—recipes next week. Take the opportunity (if you wish) to sport a Santa hat, festive garb, or an ugly sweater. We’ll have breakout rooms for smaller conversations too. Register now so you don't forget!
Hospitality Committee
Blue Christmas Service on Wednesday, December 15 at 4:00 PM on YouTube

This year many of us continue to face the Christmas holidays with trepidation and fear of the unknown. Our Blue Christmas service offers a time and place when we can set aside any pretense of being "merry" and find God's love for us, just the way we are. The service will premiere at 4:00 PM on our YouTube channel. 
Mini Milk Punch on Sunday, December 19 at the Chapel after Morning Prayer
We’ll gather to toast each other with holiday punches—indoors. Covid can rule out the feast we’ve enjoyed in the last few years, but it can’t squelch our festivity! We have permission from the Reopening Task Force to offer simple refreshments to celebrate each other and the holidays and a long-standing KC tradition. Hospitality Committee
History Program News
History Program Winter Hours
As the fall season comes to a close, the History Program is shifting to its winter hours. Beginning in December, the History Program will be open for visitors and guided tours on Fridays and Saturdays through the winter season. Click here to plan your visit.

Home for the Holidays: Online Content and At-Home Activities

Did you know that King’s Chapel is one of, if not the first, churches in New England to celebrate Christmas? Holiday traditions at King’s Chapel date back to the 1680s, at a time when celebrating Christmas was actually illegal in Massachusetts!

For the second year, the King’s Chapel History Program is delighted to offer virtual content and activities sharing the history of Christmas for you to explore from the comfort of your home!

Parish Committee News
From the Environmental Action Initiative
Environmental Action Initiative 2021 Fall Series: Energy Transition Part 3 - Time for Actionwith members of King's Chapel's Environmental Action Initiative
KC members Dorie Seavey, Betsy Peterson, and Kent Wittenburg presented material on The Future of Heat Act, the initiatives of Mothers Out Front, and the Stop the Peabody Peaker Plant movement, respectively. We concluded with an action checklist for all three initiatives that we hope King's Chapel members and friends will utilize for advocating for clean and safe energy in Massachusetts that will get us to the climate roadmap goals. Cynthia Perkins also led a discussion of what some King's Chapel members are doing in their own lives and homes to meet the challenges. See our checklist here and join us in taking real action steps. There's no time to waste. Watch the recording here and check out the EAI webpage here.
11th Hour Bell Ringing on Saturday, December 11
The science is clear: climate change is already happening, and unless we reduce carbon emissions and the manufacture and use of plastics, our earth will quite soon be unsustainable. It’s urgent, it’s the 11th Hour.

The System needs change, we must change; it’s not too late, and the only solution is for the world’s peoples and nations to work together. And so, at 11:00 AM on the 11th day of each month, a group from the King’s Chapel Environmental Action Initiative and friends ring our wonderful bell for 11 minutes, to call attention and to invite others to join us in this good work.

We need three bell ringers and an unlimited number (the more, the better) of people to stand in front of the Church, holding explanatory signs and greeting people. And if you have time, we usually have a jolly lunch nearby.  
WON’T YOU JOIN US at 10:45 on Saturday, December 11?

Questions and replies: Sylvia Soderberg
call or text 617-710-6320
From the Community Action Committee
On November 28th, King's Chapel members and friends once again came together to make sandwiches and share worship with our neighbor congregation common cathedral as they held service on Boston Common. Thank you to all who helped make sandwiches:
Chris LaRoche; Mary Katherine Morn; Gregg Sorensen; Sarah, Mark, and Eleanor Graber; Sarah Brewster; Paula O'Keefe; Carol and Emanuel Genovese; Amanda Pickett

And all who attended helped serve and communion service on Boston Common: Elizabeth Foster; Tim Nelson-Hoy; Amanda Pickett; Carol Genovese

Attending service at common cathedral is a truly unique and transformative experience. Although the weather may be cold, there is a warmth and a spiritual fire there every week that is rare to find.

On December 12th, Joy Fallon will join us as we once again join our neighbors for their worship service at Brewer Fountain (and we will make sandwiches again, of course). We hope you will join us. Please e-mail Tim to sign up for attending service, and Carol to sign up for sandwich making.
Last Sunday's Concert Recap -
A Lovely Year in Choarles
On Sunday afternoon, November 28, the King’s Chapel Concert Series offered a program of chorales artfully crafted by Music Director Heinrich Christensen, and performed beautifully by him and members of the KC choir. Heinrich matched holidays and seasons of the liturgical calendar with appropriate chorales, beginning with Advent 1 (last Sunday) and continuing through the whole church year. Composers of these diverse short pieces ranged from Bach and his pupil, Homilius, to local contemporaries Carson Cooman and James Woodman. Please save the date: Sunday, January 23, 2022, for our next concert, featuring American 20th century composer Alice Parker, whom Heinrich describes as “a true Renaissance woman.”  
Stewardship 2021
Our Stewardship year is coming to an end and we need to be sure that everyone does their part to be sure our beloved King's Chapel has all the funds it needs for the coming year. Our recent letters hopefully reminded you to send in your gift, right away. In this season of giving, let us all remember the gifts we receive every week from King's Chapel and do our part to show our thanks with our gift in return.

Your Stewardship Committee
Prayer Circle
The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers email Joy ( or Cynthia Perkins
In the love of truth, and the spirit of Jesus Christ,
we unite for the worship of God
​and the service of all​.