Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister

Our Psalm for this Sunday, Psalm 124, proclaims " If it had not been for the Lord... the flood would have swept us away." Lately it has felt as if the waters of calamity are lapping at our shores-- from the violence in Virginia to the unrest in our own city last weekend, with protesters facing off outside our Parish house and the vandalism of the Holocaust memorial mere blocks away. It can be hard, in times like this, to believe that our actions can make much of a difference. This Sunday we will revisit the story of Moses birth (Exodus 1:8- 2:10) and hear Paul's words of encouragement (Romans 12:1-8) and consider together the possibility that even the smallest acts of compassion are enough to change the world.

Spotlight On...

Freedom for All at King's Chapel

Last week, King's Chapel continued our tradition of welcoming and supporting our transgender friends, family members, and neighbors by offering emergency office space to Freedom for all Massachusetts.

Freedom for All Massachusetts is the campaign working to protect our state's transgender inclusive non-discrimination law. King's Chapel was a part of the Faith Coalition that helped bring this law into reality in 2016. Now with the future of these protections uncertain, we've welcomed Freedom for All Massachusetts into our Parish House for a three week stopover as the campaign waits to move into their permanent office space. The three staff members; Vashti Selix, Margaret Hughes, and Cameron McGinn; work with volunteers across the Greater Boston Area to increase support and acceptance for transgender Bay Staters. If you're interested in getting involved, please feel free to email Vashti at

Look out for these friendly faces around the Parish House for the next two weeks!

Summer Services

During August, there will be no Morning Light or Wednesday Communion services.  Morning Prayer services will continue each Sunday at 11 AM.  

We welcome everyone to join us back to our full schedule beginning again in September. 

Enjoy the summer!
Upcoming Events...

Save the Date: Homecoming Celebration of Our History with Carl 
Scovel & Welcome of new Assistant Minister, Amelia Nugent| Sunday, September 10

Carl Scovel, Minister Emeritus: Preacher | 11 AM


Celebration at the Parish House | 12:30 PM


The unveiling of the portrait of Carl Scovel, plus the introduction of "The Prayer Book Companion" by Carl Scovel, with signing by author.
This is also our annual Homecoming party, welcoming back all of our members and friends who travel during the summer months.
We also formally welcome our new Assistant Minister, Amelia Nugent. Come and meet her at the Parish House celebration.

Theology on Tap Resumes! | September 20 | 
7 PM

Join us on the Third  Wednesday of each month for a casual discussion of a theological topic in a relaxed setting.  Led by our Assistant Minister, Rev. Amelia Nugent, we will gather each month at a local restaurant or pub to discuss theology and get to know one another.  We welcome all.

Beacon Hill Fall HillFest | September 24

Save the date!  The annual fundraiser for the Beacon Hill Civic Association is happening on  Saturday September 24.  King's Chapel will be present to welcome our neighbors and greet those who may not know of our many programs.  We will offer activities for children, and our Little Chapel will be open for viewing.  

From the Parish House

Worship Service from last Friday

Joy, and other members of King's Chapel, worshiping at the Interfaith gathering of Unity, Love and Strength, held at Temple Israel last week. 

Karlene Griffiths Sekou at King's Chapel

King's Chapel was blessed to hear the witness of Karlene Griffiths Sekou, MPH, MTS, MDIV, this past Sunday. 

Karlene served as the point person for Boston clergy this past weekend in responding to the tragic events in Charlottesville, VA and reminded us that to be fully inclusive we must interrogate traditions, structures, and ways of being that do not affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people.

From the Freedom Trail:
Meet the Educators - Christina Rewinski
Christina Rewinski has recently moved to the area to begin pursuing a master's degree in Museum Education at Tufts University. She is excited that her work at King's Chapel will allow her to expand her practical experience in a historic setting while taking courses. Christina
received a BA in English at Skidmore College in 2014, but soon after discovered an interest in working in museums. She spent the next three years working as a museum educator in two historic house museums in her home state of Connecticut. Christina loves that being a museum educator allows her to interact with visitors of all different interests and backgrounds and to engage in memorable discussions about history with them. These are skills she anticipates continuing to develop during her time at King's Chapel.
From the Church School
Dear Friends,

In order to provide a safe space for all our children at King's Chapel, we must have at least two CORI-checked adults in every classroom of our Church School. If you're interested in playing a small yet vital part in the Church School program at King's Chapel (no lesson planning required), we encourage you to contact the Church School Director, Ryan Harrison, at We'll be happy to introduce you to some of the brightest young stars in our congregation. For more information about the Church School at King's Chapel, check out the Church School Newsletter by following this link
Our 2017 Stewardship Appeal

In This Issue
Sunday Services
August 27
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Amelia Nugent will Preach
  • Miguel Gomez-Ibanez, Lay Reader
  • Sean Lair, Guest Organist
  • Denise Konicek, Soloist
  • Paul Luca, Head Usher
  • Cathy Price, Usher in Charge
  • Marie Wells, Amy Meyer, & David Wheeler, Ushers
  • Zach Charette, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 124
  • Old Testament:       
    Exodus 1:8-2:10
  • New Testament: 
    Romans 12:1-8
The flowers on the Communion table are given by Allen and Hallie Speight  in memory of their aunts Rose Allen Whitter,
Geraldine Speight Knight, and Marjorie Bosack Hasson.
At the communion rail following the service,  Marie Wells will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, all are invited to Punch on the Bricks,
hosted by Anne Sexton  and friends of the Hospitality Committee.

Tuesday Recitals
Tuesday, August 29 |         12:15 PM

Racha Fora
Cool Jazz/Brazilian Fusion 
Staff Schedules & Absences

The Rev. Joy Fallon is away from August 19th until September 9th.
Heinrich is away on sabbatical during August.  Carson Cooman and Sean Lair will provide music for our services in his absence.
Upcoming Meetings

* Parish Council
   September 12th | 6 PM 

* Membership
   September 13 | 10 am

Want to know 
what's going on at 
King's Chapel?

Click HERE  to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:
Volunteer: Sign up  for Hospitality
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our  enewsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at  with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.