Between Sundays
Summer Edition
Worship With Us | Sunday, August 22
Readings: Ephesians 6: 10-20 and Joshua 24:1-2a,14-18
Morning Light Service
Join us for our a weekly Morning Light service at 9 AM. We'll open up Zoom at 8:50 for greetings, start the service promptly at 9:00, and a short "coffee hour" will follow the service.
Morning Prayer Service
This Sunday will be our first-ever, LIVE-STREAMED Morning Prayer service on YouTube! Prelude starts at 10:50 AM and the service will begin right at 11:00 AM. The link is also available on our website and YouTube, and we'll also send out an "e-blast" Sunday morning.
We're one step closer to Homecoming and we hope you'll join us! Our final, live-streamed service will be on Sunday, September 12.
POSTPONED Final BBQ This Summer!
Thursday August 26 at 6:00 PM
Due to the weather forecast, we have postponed our final BBQ of the summer to NEXT Thursday, August 26.
RSVP to Gretchen to let us know if you can make it and what you can bring. We hope to see you there!
Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM on Zoom
Join members on Wednesday evenings as we gather on Zoom for a discussion on the weekly lectionary readings. Check out the online calendar for details of each week's focus. Contact Tim ( to join.
Thursday Coffee
Thursdays at 10:00 AM on Zoom
Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join other King's Chapel folks for an informal conversation by Zoom every Thursday morning. Conversation moves from funny hats and KC memories to house blessings and your best recent read. A great way to get to know each other a bit better. Drop in for any part of the hour. Register here to join.
Two faith-based groups with which King’s Chapel has close ties are organizing support for the people of Haiti, after the devastating earthquake last week, compounded by Tropical Storm Grace. The death toll is already 1400 and climbing. Please be generous! Any amount helps.
First, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), led by our member, President and CEO, the Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, is at work with long-time partners in Haiti. Make a gift to their Emergency Response Fund. Watch this video from Mary Katherine about the UUSC approach focused on human rights, those usually overlooked by other organizations, and environmentally sustainable work, such as development of eco villages after the 2010 earthquake.
Second, MCAN, the Massachusetts Communities Action Network, part of the national Faith In Action national network, suggests support to Partners In Health, a trusted international partner long supporting community organizing on Haiti. If you would prefer to make a contribution by check, you can do so through their local ally, Haitian American United. (Mail to HAU P.O. Box 260440, Mattapan, MA 02126 - memo line: “Haiti August 2021 Earthquake”; or by direct deposit: East Boston Savings Bank: Account # 07-774-15001.)
Sign up by August 31st to participate in Peace Play on Wednesday, September 15th from 5:30-8:30 PM!
Belonging, peace within, and community together (and in person!): these are some of the experiences the CAC is creating space for on September 15th by inviting staff of the LDB Peace Institute to hold a Peace Play session in our Parish House Garden.
Learn more about the Peace Play healing technique by checking out CAC's latest blog:
It's hard to imagine that any readers failed to note the news last week from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said the Working Group's report was nothing less than "a code red for humanity." The alarm bells are deafening, and the evidence is irrefutable." "If this isn't a wake-up call, what is?" said the lead article in the Boston Globe.
Read what member of King's Chapel are doing to bring awareness to the climate crisis - as a community and in their own lives - and how to get involved in their work!
Check out their latest blog:
Tentative Reopening Date Announced!
Earlier this week, the King's Chapel History Program formally announced their #RoadToReopening with the target date to resume public, in-person tours on Thursday, September 16! You can read the full History Program newsletter here and subscribe to their monthly newsletter here.
Dedication Ceremony of Public Marker Honoring African Ancestors of the Middle Passage to be held this Sunday, August 22
This Sunday the names of 10 enslaved individuals directly related to King's Chapel will be read alongside names of enslaved members of Boston’s oldest churches as part of a dedication ceremony for Boston's Middle Passage Port Marker. The memorial marker was installed on Boston’s Long Wharf in October 2020 to acknowledge the city’s history of slavery and formally honor the Africans who were forced into the the transatlantic voyage known as the Middle Passage, those who perished, those who survived, and their descendants. This Sunday's event was organized by representatives from the National Parks of Boston, the Museum of African American History, community activists, and representatives from Boston's colonial-era churches including King's Chapel, Old South Church, and the Old North Church. Visit the Boston Middle Passage Project's website here for more information.
Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time. Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously. Visit our webpage to learn more about ways to give:
The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.
To request prayers email Joy ( or Cynthia Perkins
Face Masks Required Inside the Parish House and Chapel
Per the recommendation of the King's Chapel COVID-19 Reopening Task Force, we are now requiring all those who enter the Parish House to wear face masks.
Thank you for your understanding and keeping our clergy, staff, and members safe!
We rejoice with those who rejoice;
mourn with those who mourn. ~Romans 12:15
We rejoice and celebrate with our member Paula O'Keeffe who is turning 79 today. Happy, happy Birthday, Paula!
We rejoice with Tom and Suzanne Wintle as they celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary. Congratulations!
We mourn with the family and friends of Christopher Kauters, his wife Lee and their daughter Hannah, following the recent death of Chris from cancer. Chris and Lee have worshipped with us at King’s Chapel over the years. A memorial service in Chris’ honor will be held for those who are vaccinated against COVID at 10 a.m. on Friday August. 27 in Old North Church in Marblehead, where Chris and Lee had recently relocated. A powerful tribute (read here) to Chris’ life appeared in the Boston Globe this week, entitled “Christopher Kauders, Role Model for Sightless and Sighted Alike, Dies at 65.”
In the love of truth, and the spirit of Jesus Christ,
we unite for the worship of God
and the service of all.