Between Sundays
Summer Edition
Worship With Us | Sunday, June 27
Scripture: Mark 5: 21-43
Morning Light Service
9:00 AM on Zoom

This summer, we will host a weekly Zoom service at 9 AM for all of those interested in live worship by Zoom. The great advantage of this setting is that you can see and interact with the other worshippers. If you have never participated in the 9 AM Morning Light service, this summer may be a good chance to try it out. 
Morning Prayer Service Summer Schedule
There will be three traditional Morning Prayer services on YouTube on July 18, August 15 and September 12, all at 11:00 AM. Services will either be pre-recorded or real-time live streamed depending on availability of equipment and expertise.

Upcoming Parish Events

Summer Barbecues
Postponed from Tuesday to TONIGHT Thursday, June 24 at 6:00 PM

Summer barbecues in the Parish House Garden are back! RSVP to Laura to let us know you are coming, what you will bring, and if you can help with set up or clean up. More info and COVID safety guidelines here.
Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM on Zoom

Join members on Wednesday evenings as we gather on Zoom for a discussion on the weekly lectionary readings. Check out the online calendar for details of each week's focus. Contact Tim ( to join.
Thursday Coffee
Thursdays at 10:00 AM on Zoom

Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join other King's Chapel folks for an informal conversation by Zoom every Thursday morning. Conversation moves from funny hats and KC memories to house blessings and your best recent read. A great way to get to know each other a bit better. Drop in for any part of the hour. Register here to join.
History Program - "Unhappy Divisions:" King's Chapel and the American Revolution
Thursday, July 1 at 5:30 PM on Zoom

Join the History Program in commemorating Independence Day as we dive into King’s Chapel’s history in the age of American Independence. Learn more about the history program's upcoming programs hereRegister here to join.

From the COVID-19 Reopening Task Force

The King's Chapel COVID-19 Re-Opening Task Force has issued a June statement with updated recommendations, specifically focused on Parish House events and use over the summer. Masks are no longer required for fully vaccinated individuals and fully vaccinated members are now allowed to go indoors for food prep/cleanup, to access restrooms, etc.

Support King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time. Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously. Visit our webpage to learn more about ways to give:

Prayer Circle

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers email Joy ( or Cynthia Perkins

We rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn
with those who mourn.        ~Romans 12:15

We rejoice with Carl Scovel, who was minister of King's Chapel for 32 years, in celebrating his 89th birthday this week!

Parish House News

Parish House Summer Hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM 
For access to the Parish House, please make your appointment with Gretchen (

Fourth of July Hours
Staff will be taking the day off on Monday, July 5 in observance of Independence Day.
In the love of truth, and the spirit of Jesus Christ,
we unite for the worship of God
​and the service of all​.