A Message from David
My Dear Friends--

What a joy it is to greet you here in Eastertide! After the long waiting and preparation of Lent, we find ourselves in Easter: not a day only, mind you, but a season. Oh yes, we emerge from the forty days of Lenten journey to commence fifty days of Easter rejoicing. (Note, dear friends, that we’re meant to spend more time in the joy of Easter than the solemnity of Lent!) As the days grow longer, as the light lingers in the evenings, I invite you to take a fresh look at the readings appointed for this week.

In Acts we find a people testifying to the resurrection with “great power” and “great grace.” A testimony they give with their very lives, living in communion with one another not only spiritually, but materially as well. In John’s Gospel we find a Jesus who twice comes through locked doors, thrice repeating the familiar refrain: “Peace be with you.” Power. Grace. Peace. The world tells us one thing about how these gifts look and operate, but elsewhere in our sacred stories, Jesus assures us, “Not as the world gives do I give.”

What do power, grace, and peace look like for us? How are they manifest for us in the light of Easter? Would that this Easter be for us a season of renewal and transformation—would that we feel with those disciples behind their locked doors the warm breath of the Holy Spirit, quickening our spirits and leading us into new life.

In faith and love,

Special News & Announcements
This Sunday's Morning Light Service
Sunday, April 11 | 9:00 AM | Zoom | Register Here
Please join us this Sunday for our live Morning Light Service on Zoom. Minister for Education and Membership David Waters will lead the service. This will be our only service offered this Sunday, so we hope you'll join us on Zoom! Our Morning Prayer worship videos will resume on Sunday, April 18.

Please register in advance to access the Zoom link.
History Program Poetry Night
Monday, April 12 | 5:30 PM | Zoom | Contact Faye
King's Chapel has a long and rich tradition of literary connections within its congregation. This April - National Literature and Poetry Month - the History Program invites you to participate in King's Chapel's literary legacy. Join us for an evening of poetry and community during a Poetry Night on Monday, April 12 at 5:30 PM. While you are welcome to attend and listen, we invite interested participants to submit a short original piece they would like to perform or a favorite poem or selected text they wish to share during the evening. This event will be held on Zoom, and attendees are encouraged to come with food and beverage to add to our "coffee shop" vibe. 

Individuals interested in participating should contact faye@kings-chapel.org for info and the Zoom link. We hope you'll join us for a fun evening!
Theology on Tap
Wednesday, April 14 | 6:00 PM | Zoom | Register Here
Next Wednesday, join David Waters for a conversation about the spiritual and theological imperatives driving our work on King’s Chapel’s Memorial Project.

What does it mean to undertake the work of equity and justice as a community of faith? How does this work answer our call to be “repairers of the breach”? 
Upcoming Memorials Project Meeting
Thursday, April 15 | 12:00-1:00 PM | Zoom | Register Here
The Kings Chapel Memorial Project will have its first of two Zoom meetings to discuss the reports of the Living Memorial and Physical Memorial committees on Thursday, April 15 at 12:00 PM. Cliff Allen and Miguel Gomez Ibanez, Committee Chairs, will provide updates on the work their committees are doing as we seek positive ways of acknowledging and sharing those parts of our history which for far too long have been silenced.
These reports represent our current thinking with respect to how King's Chapel might acknowledge its historical role with respect to slavery in colonial New England, and going forward, its witness towards achieving social justice and racial reconciliation. Access to the reports can be attained via the link below.
The meeting will also provide ample opportunity for questions and discussion by Zoom participants. In addition to Cliff and Miguel, Minister for Education and Membership David Waters, Senior Warden Kathe German, and History Program Director Faye Charpentier will be available for discussion and commentary. Access to the meeting can be reached by going to registration link below.
The Memorial Project will hold a second meeting on Thursday, April 29 at 5:00 PM for those unable to attend the April 15 meeting or who might want to continue the conversation.
We look forward to seeing you at one or both meetings in April.

Dean Denniston, Chair
KC Memorial Project
“Celebrate the Earth” ART SHOW
Opening Earth Day, April 22 | Submission Deadline Midnight Friday, April 16
We’re excited to be planning a virtual art show to celebrate the Earth and the talents and skills of our many members and friends. You are invited to submit up to five digital images of an ‘artful expression’ that celebrates the Earth. 

This show will include many expressions of art and creativity that celebrate nature and the beauty of the EARTH. The subjects of your photo submissions could be a painting, drawing, floral arrangement, a print, a piece of poetry or calligraphy, a mosaic, a quilt, a sculpture, furniture, your child’s art – something from the work of your hands, something from nature, whatever has inspired you - whatever you choose that might be an expression of gratitude and celebration of the works of Creation. This will be an eclectic and diverse virtual exhibition.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Submissions are open now. Deadline midnight Friday, April 16. 
Contact Cynthia Perkins cbhperkins@gmail.com for general information or Kent Wittenburg kentwitt@gmail.com for technical questions. Opening Earth Day, April 22. 
Earth Day Talk on Zoom
Thursday, April 22 | 12:00-1:00 PM | Zoom | Register Here
Bill Wilson, a long-time member of King’s Chapel and co-founder of Birds & Beans coffee, will tell the story of how twelve years of work and a twelve thousand dollar loan created a coffee business which helps preserve over four thousand acres of tropical forest habitat and helps support over 2.5 thousand family farms and their workers in Central and South America while protecting over 150 species of migratory and indigenous birds. The takeaway is a lesson on how regenerative agriculture can help save our planet. Please register in advance using the link below to attend this lecture:
Before Bill’s talk, we recommend viewing the movie Kiss the Ground, available on Netflix and through other means listed here.

Learn about more upcoming events and actions from the King's Chapel Environmental Action Initiative:
Reminder: Offices Closed This Week
The offices are closed THIS WEEK and all staff will be taking a much-needed vacation break. If a pastoral emergency arises, you may contact Joy. For any other emergency you may contact Gretchen

Changes and postponements for the rest of the week include NO Morning Prayer service on Sunday April 11. Anyone wishing for a service that morning is welcome to the Morning Light service via Zoom. Joy will be out of office through April 18. Thank you for your understanding!
Thank you Betsy Peterson for capturing this
lovely spring photo of the Parish House garden!

Visit our website to learn how to stay connected with
King's Chapel from Home.