Keeping King's Chapel's members, friends, and subscribed visitors connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister
Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed! 

I have to admit, I do love Easter Sunday. I love to sing  Christ the Lord is Ris'n Today! I love to read in scripture the moment the angel declares, "He is not here. He has risen!" I love when the congregation exclaims, "He is risen, indeed!" I love Easter Sunday. On the  Monday
following, however, the realities of this world take their affect. We read about terrorism that takes the lives of 72 in Pakistan. We learn about the worsening heroin crisis in New England. We see economic inequality taking its toll on the most vulnerable among us. By the  Sunday after Easter, it becomes a bit more difficult to exclaim "Christ is Risen!"
On that  Sunday after Easter, we meet Thomas. Doubting Thomas. The one who had a difficult time believing. Who can blame him? Thomas was a witness to a haunting, gruesome scene and then was asked to believe everything had been made right again. No easy task. Join us  this Sunday as we continue in the season of Eastertide. 

Upcoming Events

Join us for a Concert | April 9

Our own tenor, Eric Ferring, has organized and is participating in a concert of his fraternity at King's Chapel on Saturday April 9 at 7 PM. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the largest and oldest secret fraternal society of music made up of musicians and nonmusicians, the only requirement for initiation is a love of music. It was founded at the New England Conservatory of Music in 1898, and the Boston Conservatory chapter is the only active chapter in Boston! Open to the public. Free-will donation for musicians.
Coffee with the Clergy | April 10

Curious about King's Chapel? Got questions? Are you a new friend or a familiar face? The clergy of King's Chapel will be available for casual conversation and coffee on April 10th at 10 AM in the Vestry of the church (located behind the pulpit). All are welcome. 
King's Chapel Concert Series: Mozart Mini Marathon | Sunday, April 17

The King's Chapel Choir, soloists, and chamber orchestra, conducted by Heinrich Christensen, present Mozart's Missa Brevis in B Flat Major, KV 275, and Vesperae Solennes de Confessore, KV 339.
Doors open at 4:30PM, open seating. Validated discount parking is available at One Beacon Garage, across the street from the chapel. Tickets are on sale now, click here to purchase!
Theology on Tap | April 20, 7 PM

Believer. Non-believer. Confident. Curious. Join us for a lively discussion of big questions at a local pub. Past topics have included: Sin, Who is Jesus?, The Trinity (or lack thereof!), Resurrection, What happens after death? On April 20th, we will discuss Miracles: Fact or Fiction. Anyone 21 and over is welcome to join. For more information or to RSVP, contact  
New Members Class & Brunch

Those interested in learning more about membership at King's Chapel are invited to a New Members Class on April 21st at 6:30 PM at the Parish House. This class provides a brief history of the church, explores our diversity of beliefs, and explains how we govern ourselves. Dinner will be provided. This class is open to those considering membership and to those who are curious about King's Chapel.

A light brunch will follow Morning Prayer on April 24th at the Parish House for those interested in joining King's Chapel. We will be joined by committee chairs and vestry members. To RSVP for the class and/or brunch, contact Gretchen Horton at
Lecture Series on Unitarianism - History and Where We Go, April and May

The Rev. Stephen Kendrick, of First Church Boston, will give this Spring's three Minns lectures on the Wednesday evenings of April 27, May 4 and May 11, at his church. The topic is Unitarian Universalist life - past, present, and future. For more information, and to sign up, go to the Minns Lectures website: . Dinners will be provided at 6 PM, and the lectures will begin at about 7:15 PM, at First Church.
Join us for the Mother's Day Walk for Peace | Sunday, May 8

Want to end violence and help families who have lost loved ones to violence work through their pain? Pledge your commitment to Peace! The Walk receives great support from members in our immediate community, but also reaches out to communities in the greater Boston area. Anyone who wants to end violence and help families work through their pain can walk and pledge. The goal this year is to raise $600,000 for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute.
The walk starts at Fields Corner in Dorchester, at 8 AM and ends with a Peace Rally  at Boston City Hall at 11 AM, in time to make the Morning Prayer service! Anyone can join and enter or exit at a midway point. King's Chapel has a team that you can join, by registering here Last year we had 17 walkers and we hope to increase participation this year. Contact Carol Genovese with any questions,
Choral Evensong | Save the Date!

The King's Chapel Choir will lead us in Choral Evensong on Pentecost Sunday, May 15th at 5 PM. This liturgy has its roots in the Book of Common Prayer and was put together by Heinrich Christensen and the Rev. Shawn Fiedler.
Blessing of the Animals

Join us in the beauty and warmth of the Parish House Garden on  Sunday, May 22nd at 9 AM  for our annual Blessing of the Animals. Can't bring your pet? We will gladly bless photographs!
King's Chapel's 330th Birthday!

June 12 will be a special day at King's Chapel: we celebrate our 330th Birthday and welcome new members at our Morning Prayer Service!  Please mark this date on your calendar so that you can be sure to join us.
King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity Boston build |  June 25

Enrollment is now open for the June 25, 2016 (the first Saturday of summer) King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity (HFH) - Boston build. The build runs from 9 AM to 3:30 PM with a one hour lunch break. In the past the KC teams have enjoyed lunch in one of the local ethnic restaurants.

The build will be at one of the HFH-Boston sites now under construction in Roslindale, Mattapan, or Dorchester. The exact location will be selected by HFH-Boston based upon the specific build site requirements. Work will be available for all skill levels. For more information on HFH- Boston and the site where they build click here and here.

King's Chapel has supported HFH-Boston both financially and with multiple volunteer efforts. We need 10 to complete our team.  If you haven't done this before, please consider joining now.

To enroll or for more information contact Emanuel Genovese at  617-738-6367
or or Peter Sexton at  781-383-9028 or 
The Rev. Shawn Fiedler, Amanda Pickett, Caroline Sears, Caroline and Orian Welling, and Micah Niemy prepare for the Easter Vigil
In This Issue
Wednesday, March 30, 6PM

"Road to Emmaus: A Sermon by Frederick Beuchner" will be read. 

The Rev. Laura Shatzer, Celebrating
  • Eric Ferring, Soloist
  • Carol Genovese, Hospitality
Sunday, April 3, 11AM

The Rev. Shawn Fiedler, Preacher
  • Amy Meyer, Lector
  • Emily Bieber and Joei Marshall Perry, Soloists
  • Anne Sexton, Head Usher
  • Cliff Allen and Cathy Price, Ushers
  • Carolyn Conley-Das, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 150
  • Old Testament: Isaiah 26:2-9, 19
  • New Testament: John 20:19-31
At the communion rail following the service,
Jim Power will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, all are invited to Coffee Hour, hosted by Cathy Price and friends of the hospitality committee.
The flowers on the communion table are given in loving memory of Nicholas and Nancy Danforth by their children and grandchildren.
 Volunteer to Host Coffee Hour!
From the Bench
By Heinrich Christensen
This Sunday's pre- and postlude feature two of the core Lutheran resurrection/Easter chorales, in settings by Bach and Gronau.

The choral music is all Mozart all the time. Throughout his career, Mozart wrote many mass settings, with considerably variety in scope and length. Soprano Emily Bieber will give an example of the more grandiose writing, with the elaborate aria  Et incarnatus est from the Credo portion of the large-scale Mass in c. For the rest of the morning, the choir will offer previews from the upcoming Mozart concert, with selections from the Missa Brevis in B Flat Major, and Joei Marshall Perry will be the soloist in the beautiful  Laudate Dominum  setting of Psalm 117 from the  Vesperae Solennes.
Tuesday Recital
Tuesday, April 5, 12:15 PM

Wadham College Chapel Choir (Oxford, UK)
Katharine Pardee, director
Gibbons, Stanford, Holst, and more
Interested in Membership?
Click here to learn how to become a member of King's Chapel!
Second Sundays
On Sunday, April 10th, all collection not designated for the Annual Appeal will go towards The Outdoor Church, an ecumenical Christian church for homeless and street-involved men and women in Cambridge, MA.
News from  The Parish
Sunday Decoration | Thank You

Many thanks to those who helped to decorate our sanctuary for Easter Sunday. The flowers were almost as beautiful as the team who assembled them! Anne Sexton, Louise Perkins, Cathy Price, Mindy and Brett Hinkle, Judy and Paul Luca, Elsie Herrmann, Kathe German, Jim Carroll, Cliff Allen, Karen Hawthorne, Herman Woerner, the Rev. Shawn Fiedler, Simon Pilecki.
We Rejoice with those who rejoice, and We Weep with those who weep

We rejoice with Lydia Lyman as she celebrates her 100th birthday  on Monday ! Those wishing to send cards may send them to: Lydia Lyman, 30 Community Dr., #310, Camden, ME. 04843.

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Jay Schochet last week. Jay and his wife Suzette have been members of King's Chapel since 1965. Please keep Jay's family in your prayers.
Stewardship Update

Following the sterling leadership example of Cliff Allen, we have more wonderful people who have rushed to confirm their
commitment to be:

Stewards of the Life
of King's Chapel

John Appleton
The Appleton Family
Bernardo Aumond
The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bassett
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan
John Buehrens
Harold Chadwick, Jr
Dean Denniston, Jr.
Robert and Joy Fallon
Barbara Fay
Bob Fitzgerald
Earl Holt
Julie Hyde
Bill Kuttner
Betty Lykins
Priscilla Mayer
Amy Meyer
John Natoli
Nancy Osgood
Katherine Page
Rusty Park
Charles Perry and Adelaide Ketchum
Betsy Peterson
Cathy Price
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Safford
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schochet
Greer Schott
Anne Sexton
Dan and Karen Cord Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Townsend
Marie Wells

Thank you!
Jim Power,
Co Chair Annual
Stewardship Appeal
Haven't yet got around to donating? There's still time, and if you prefer to  donate online, 
Upcoming Meetings
Community Action Committee Meeting-
Tuesday, April 5 at 6:30 PM

Vestry Meeting-
Tuesday, April 12 at 6:30 PM

New Members Class-
Thursday, April 21 at 6:30 PM

Parish Council Meeting-
Thursday, May 3 at 6:30 PM

Vestry Meeting-
Thursday, May 10 at 6 PM
Hearing Your Thoughts | Community Action Committee

The Community Action
Committee is currently gathering information
regard ing increasing our
involvement in creating a better city, and a better world. We would like input from the congregation as to where your interests lie. Please let me know what issues you would like to see addressed. What do you think are the most important problems facing our city/world? Do you currently do volunteer work? If yes, where? What type of issues would you like to be involved in? Please send your thoughts, suggestions and comments to

Thank You,
Judy Luca, CAC Chair
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.
Contributing to Between Sundays

Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Simon at with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at Noon!