Between Sundays
Summer Edition
Worship With Us | Sunday, August 1
Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16
Morning Light Service
9:00 AM on Zoom

For the rest of the summer, we are continuing to host a weekly Zoom Morning Light service at 9 AM. We'll open up Zoom at 8:50 for greetings, start the service promptly at 9:00, and a short "coffee hour" will follow the service. Join us!
Morning Prayer Service Summer Schedule
Our next traditional Morning Prayer services on YouTube will be live-streamed on August 22 and September 12 at 11:00 AM. We hope you'll virtually join us for our final two Morning Prayer services before meeting for Homecoming in person!

Upcoming UUA Webinar on Slavery & Reparations

Reparations: A Congregational Opportunity to Engage Repair
Sunday, August 8th | 3:00-4:15PM | Hosted by the UUA | Register Here
Join us for a rich and comprehensive webinar on Reparations and how UUA New England Region congregations are engaging in this important work. Inspired by the recommendations of the Commission on Institutional Change in the Widening the Circle of Concern report, this webinar will highlight Reparations within Unitarian Universalism as a theological imperative. It will also invite congregations into examining implications for accounting and redress of injustices as well as opportunities to engage the labor of repair together.

Registration deadline is Thursday, August 5 or maximum capacity (300).

Upcoming Parish Events

Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:15 PM on Zoom

Join members on Wednesday evenings as we gather on Zoom for a discussion on the weekly lectionary readings. Check out the online calendar for details of each week's focus. Contact Tim ( to join.
Thursday Coffee
Thursdays at 10:00 AM on Zoom

Bring your cup of coffee or tea and join other King's Chapel folks for an informal conversation by Zoom every Thursday morning. A great way to get to know each other a bit better. Drop in for any part of the hour. Register here to join.

Last Week's All Parish BBQ!

Thanks to everyone who went to last week's BBQ at the Parish House Garden! It was certainly one of those memorable KC events and thankfully the rain held out until the very end!

Please join us for our final, outdoor BBQ of the summer on Thursday, August 19 at 6:00PM. Weather permitting. RSVP to Gretchen and we'll send more info later.

Parish Committee News

Sandwiches, Worship, Peace Play, and Jazz
Worship with our neighbors at common cathedral this Sunday at 1:00PM; join our friends at the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute for annual BBQ on Saturday, August 7; and sign up for the Peace Play Gathering by August 31!

Read the CAC's latest update in the community blog:
New Committee Webpages Live on our Website!
As we continue to improve and expand the King's Chapel website, we are happy to announce that the Community Action Committee and Environmental Action Initiative have their own webpages! Learn more about each group and discover ways to get involved today:
Interested in getting your parish committee on the King's Chapel website? It's a great way to introduce members new and old to your committee and how they can get involved! Contact Jennifer ( to start the conversation.

Support King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time. Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously. Visit our webpage to learn more about ways to give:

Prayer Circle

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers email Joy ( or Cynthia Perkins
In the love of truth, and the spirit of Jesus Christ,
we unite for the worship of God
​and the service of all​.