Beyond Equality, Towards Justice
50 Years After Stonewall
LGBTQ+ Grassrooots Organizing
Bullying, family rejection and the lack of safe housing are cited in PDF grant applications as the three greatest barriers for LGBTQ+ youth, impacting their health and well-being. Thirty-nine percent of LGBTQ+ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past 12 months. More than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered it.
Peoples Justice League (PJL), addresses these problems in rural Ohio: “Our programming works to eradicate bias, harassment, discrimination, and abuse targeting any part of a person’s perceived identity.” Athens, OH is a college town with a high density of bars within easy walking distance of Ohio University, a school that has been cited for its weak stance on sexual violence on campus. PJL was formed by queer women who were fed up with their own experience of homophobic and sexual harassment in public spaces. Noticing a relationship between alcohol and sexual violence, PJL began to develop programs to disrupt the cycle of abuse. Read more in our fall newsletter.
The Struggle with Pride
API Equality – Northern California builds queer and transgender Asian and Pacific Islander power
This year, APIENC won the honor, by popular vote, of Community Grand Marshal for the 2019 San Francisco Pride Celebrations. They had very mixed emotions. “Pride doesn’t feel good or safe, the food is too expensive, and the police and corporate presence has increased over the years, leaving a negative impact on the local communities,” declared APIENC’s Core Committee.

How did AIPENC honor the history of the LGBTQ+ movement while also acknowledging current struggles, such as law enforcement’s treatment of LGBTQ+ people, particularly transgender, non-binary and queer people of color? Read more on page two of our fall newsletter.
Have You Considered a Donor Advised Fund?
Support organizations that do good in the world
Do you have stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have increased in value? Perhaps they provide little or no income, yet selling them would incur capital gains tax. And you want to support organizations that do good in the world.

A Donor Advised Fund is simple to start at PDF, easy to understand and gives you the information you need to recommend grants for social change. PDF’s program delivers nearly four decades of experience in grantmaking in funding specific, progressive interests. PDF carries out the research, ensures the reporting, and manages the government’s requirements while you, with PDF staff advice, recommend groups for funding.

PDF has a top rating from Charity Navigator and Forbes Magazine highlighted PDF in its article “How to Find the Right Donor Advised Fund (And Why).” For more information on Donor Advised Funds, call or email Delia Kovac at 413-256-8306.
Upcoming Events
Put These on Your Calendar for this Fall
PDF Pops-Up in the Pacific Northwest!
Meet up with PDF staff to learn more about PDF programs or our 2020 Community Organizing grants.

Tuesday, October 8
5:00-6:30 p.m.
429 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA

Wednesday, October 9
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Indaba Coffee
518 W Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA

Tuesday, October 15
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Base Camp Brewing
930 SE Oak St
Portland, OR
What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger: Lessons from The Sustainability Project
Monday, October 21
6:30 p.m.
PDF Center for Peace and Justice, 44 North Prospect St, Amherst, MA
From embracing organizational change to avoiding magical thinking, PDF trainers offer nine ways to build sustainability into your non-profit organization.
Mindful Travel in an Unequal World
Friday, November 1
7:00 p.m.
Odyssey Bookshop, 9 College Street, South Hadley, MA
Dr. Anu Taranath will be speaking about her newly published book, Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World
Thank you for your support.