The Brick By Brick podcast just released our 14th podcast episode of Season One of the project.
The solution story featured in this podcast examines the benefits of large-scale apartment construction amidst a national and local boom in completions of new apartments. This episode is now available online at
Episode 15 of the podcast will be a part two of an earlier approach we investigated; adaptive re-use or converting buildings not originally meant for housing into new residential units. In the past, we highlighted converting office towers as vacancy rates were climbing, and new land uses envisioned. On this part, we will be looking at other types of buildings, from old factories and warehouses, to possibly schools or churches. Reimagining the role these buildings play in our communities can save money, create less waste in the construction cycle, preserve history, and most importantly, add more housing. This episode will be released on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Episode 16 will offer audiences another Solutions Sidebar conversation between Ann Thompson, host of Brick By Brick, and Marjy Stagmeier, an affordable housing developer from Atlanta, GA, and author of “Blighted.” She offers experience and wisdom around solutions for looking at housing as a stabilizing factor in the lives of students, families, and neighborhoods as a whole.
Our next television broadcast premieres in October, and the topic is a re-examination of Housing Choice Vouchers as a solution. How well is it working 50+ years after it was started, and what can be done to make it work even better? In November, broadcast episode 3 will examine where the most interest and bang for our buck is with regards to supply side solutions; is it starter homes, middle housing, or apartments.