February 26, 2020
Trauma-Informed Care + Affordable Housing = Housing Stability
Resource Round-Up: Trauma Informed Care
Over the years, federal partners have developed many resources that support broad understanding and implementation of trauma-informed approaches. Here are several.
Community Collaborations Must Center Equity
The National Elementary and Secondary Act conference's theme, Together for Equity, was a great reminder of the importance of collaboration as we work to address inequities community-wide.
Early Childhood Homelessness State Profiles Released
The Department of Education just released updated state early childhood homelessness snapshots using 2017-2018 data.
Resources from Our Partners
Register for this March 4 webinar from HUD's Office of Native American Programs to learn how Blackfeet Housing in Montana developed housing for 20 Veterans and their families with the assistance of Tribal HUD-VASH funds.
This article from VA's VAntage Point blog highlights the Supportive Services for Veteran Families' Shallow Subsidy Program, which helps Veterans exiting homelessness afford housing in high-rent communities.
A sincere thank you to everyone who shared their progress and challenges in ending homelessness last week at NAEH's Solutions for Individual Homeless Adults conference in Oakland. We are grateful for your passion and dedication.
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
301 7th St. SW, Washington, DC 20407
Phone: 202.708.4663 / E-mail: [email protected]