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April 2022 | Issue 31

We welcome your contribution to our future newsletters! We meet for prayer on alternate Tuesdays.

Zoom Prayer Meeting

TUE, 3rd of May - 19:00 BST

Join the prayer meeting here

Welsh "Conversion Therapy" Ban

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The Welsh government has outlined the steps it is taking towards banning the practise of conversion therapy across Wales. The deputy minister for social partnership, Hannah Blythyn, confirmed that NHS Wales has signed up to a Memorandum of Understanding to ban conversion therapy in Wales, including for the country's trans communities.

Unashamed - X-Out-Loud Event


UNASHAMED is an X-Out-Loud (XOL) event, where members of XOL will come together to share their testimonies of leaving LGBT identities or lifestyles, following a personal encounter with Jesus. Our heart is to raise awareness around the issues of "conversion therapy", unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion. Come and meet us!

Register here!

Stefan Anghel - Ex-gay testimony (Romania)

Having gone through trauma in his childhood and teenage years, Stefan embraced a gay identity and a promiscuous lifestyle, until the moment the Holy Spirit came through and gave him a new identity and a new life!

Cardiff: Activists protest for a ban on therapy to transgender people


Members of Wales’ trans community have taken to the centre of Cardiff to protest the UK government’s refusal to legislate to ban trans conversion therapy. Gathering outside the home of the UK government in Cardiff, Tŷ William Morgan House, on Tuesday, April 16, protesters called on the government to U-turn on its decision not to include ‘trans conversion therapy’ in a ban on the practise.

BREAKING: Meeting with David Isaac, Worcester College Provost


Former transgender Libby Littlewood and a team from Christian Concern cordially met with David Isaac following the college’s cancellation of the Wilberforce Academy due to complaints that students were ‘distressed’ by attendees approaching them about ‘gay conversion therapy’ and ‘aggressively’ handing out leaflets - despite no evidence of any leaflets.

Cyprus push to ban therapy for same-sex attraction strugglers amid exorcism claim.


A recent report by the activist group Accept-LGBTI Cyprus surveyed around 100 people and aims to discredit practices that claim to be able to change sexual orientation or gender identity. The group is unhappy that such support is still being offered on the Mediterranean island.

If you wish to support our work, you can donate via Core Issues Trust. Any amount will help us cover the needs of the ministry.

Your consideration of a regular monthly donation will help us to plan ahead.

The Lord bless you in your giving!


We thank the Lord for:

  • Funding received to cover two IFTCC posts for a period of one year! 

Please pray for:

  • The Lord to stir hearts from churches and beyond to join the UNASHAMED X-Out-Loud event that is happening in London on 28th of May, and for finances to cover event costs.
  • UK churches to have open hearts to receive our invitation to UNASHAMED and support our cause.
  • Plans to host a Parliamentary briefing in anticipation of UNASHAMED - and for a favourable attendance
  • Funding to be raised for the 2nd and 3rd year of the IFTCC posts that will enable us to expand the work to also include a professional curriculum. 
  • Confusion in the enemy's camp, in light of our legal proceedings against the UK MoU on "Conversion Therapy"

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."

1 Timothy 6:12