Breakthrough School
Bible Correspondence Course
Prophet Russ Walden brings a Fresh Revelatory Perspective to the Study of Scriptures
The Breakthrough School Bible Correspondence Course is a chapter-by-chapter, in-depth study of the Bible, where you get your whole Bible back! In church culture, it is more common to hear topical messages than expositional study of the Bible. In 1 Tim 4:13 Paul exhorts young Timothy to “give attention to reading…” The revelatory and verse by verse exposition of scripture is very much needed in Christianity.

Prophet Russell expounds scripture with prophetic insight and revelatory understanding that will bring the Bible to life in a fresh new way for you. He brings together years of intense Bible study wisdom and insights along with relevant historical and cultural considerations at the time, to give a rich perspective of God’s Word.

You will be receiving the course materials through email which will contain the links to the YouTube video and/or audio version of the teachings to copy and paste into your browser. In addition, you will receive an e-book format of the book of the Bible which contains the scriptures and commentary with Prophet Russ’s prophetic commentary ... click for more information.
Join Prophet Russ in this chapter by chapter in-depth study of the first book of the Bible. Come expecting change and be propelled into a new understanding of the significance of the book of Genesis where the law of first mention brings clarity to much of the rest of the Bible. Be blessed with greater revelation of the beginning.

In Genesis 1, we see creation taking place as God’s Spirit moves upon the waters. Why didn’t God merely snap His fingers and form the universe? The answer to that question will impact your understanding of God’s dealings in your life. In God, there is process and outcome. As believers, we seek the Father and make our petitions known. Having prayed, we often expect immediate results or at least results that require nothing more of us. We want God to do it all. What we often fail to understand is that God is a God of process as well as outcome ... click for more.
The book of Psalms is believed to have been put together as a collection in the 4th century before the time of Jesus. It is thought that it was used as a prayer book in the temple that Zerubabbel built and later used in Herod’s temple in Jesus’ time as well for that purpose. The word used for the title means “instrumental music” and implies that the collection of Psalms that make up the book are actually lyrics set to music. Many of the Psalms are attributed to David, but authors also include Moses, Solomon, the sons of Korah, and many others. Part I covers Chapters 1 - 74 ... click for more
The Psalms are divided into 5 books in the Hebrew Bible, some believe, in order to make it correspond numerically with the 5 books of the Torah. The Psalms that we have today are relatively the same as the Psalms that Jesus would have read from and enjoyed Himself. Christian use of the Psalms includes both devotional and doctrinal purposes. The Psalms also hold a prophetic significance. There are 16 Psalms all composed before Jesus’ time that presage his birth, life, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection. Psalms is the longest book of the Bible, comprising 150 chapters or songs. Part II covers Chapters 75 - 150 ... click for more

In this expositional study of the book of Proverbs, Prophet Russ brings dynamic, inspirational insight into the study of the Book of Proverbs that will impact your life and supercharge your understanding of the Bible. The book of Proverbs is a comprehensive body of wisdom literature authored by Solomon himself. Solomon writes the book as a father’s counsel to a son who will succeed him. Unfortunately, Solomon did not follow his own wisdom throughout his life, and his son Rehoboam completely ignored his father’s counsel. Nonetheless, in the book of Proverbs, we have the contained instruction of the wisest man in all history except for Jesus Himself.

The name of the book of Proverbs is from the Latin word “Proverbia,” which means “words – put forth.” The Hebrew word “masal” comes from a root word meaning “to rule or have dominion.” With that in mind, we can see the central purpose of the book of Proverbs implied in Proverbs 16:32: He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city ... click for more.

In this expositional study of the book of Matthew, Prophet Russ brings dynamic, inspirational insight into the study of the Gospel of Matthew that will impact your life and supercharge your understanding of the life of Jesus.

In Matthew 1, we have an introduction to Mary and Joseph, and an account of Jesus’ birth. We will also find an undisclosed revelation hidden in the accounting of the geneaology of Jesus through the line of Joseph. This passage purports to cover 42 generations of Jesus but only mentions 41. Where is the missing 42nd generation? The answer is a revealing of the believer’s connection to Jesus through the many-membered body of Christ of whom Jesus is the head ... click for more
Each of the four gospels is unique, presenting the claims of Christ and the narrative of Jesus’ life in a particular light:

  1. In Matthew, we find Jesus as the Messianic Savior, the hope of the Jews.
  2. In Mark, Jesus is the Servant sent to fulfill the purposes of God.
  3. In Luke, He is the Savior of all mankind, very human and approachable.
  4. Finally, in John, Jesus is the Cosmic Christ, the living essence of the Creative Principle of the Universe, clad in the flesh, paying for our sins.

In Mark chapter 1, we find the account of the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry. He is baptized of John in the Jordan, and after 40 days in the wilderness, comes out in the power of the Spirit, casting out devils and healing the sick. Before too many days pass, the crowds are so great that Jesus cannot enter into the city, but for the magnitude of the crowds must remain out in the open fields as miracle after miracle takes place, galvanizing our faith and leaving us crying out for this same Jesus to make Himself known in our midst.

Who wrote the gospel of Mark? The gospel of Mark was written by John Mark, who was the nephew of Barnabas and briefly a traveling companion who accompanied his uncle Barnabas with the apostle Paul ... click for more
In the first chapter of Luke, we are introduced to the author as a Gentile and physician who was also an insider to the company of those men who walked with Jesus in His earthly life. Luke is writing to a nobleman named Theophilus regarding the origins of the Jesus narrative, beginning in our chapter with the birth of John and Jesus, just a few months apart.

The book of Luke opens with the author presuming the right to speak with authority regarding the life of Jesus, presenting himself as an insider with the right not only to present the facts concerning Jesus, but to exclude many of the circulating narratives that are substandard at best, and false at worst. Who was Luke? He was known to be a companion of the apostle Paul, a Gentile by birth and a physician by occupation ... click for more
The Gospel of John is of a character far different than Matthew, Mark, or Luke. The first three gospels are assertive concerning who Christ is. They declare Jesus to an unbelieving world. The Gospel of John is a presumptive gospel maintaining that Jesus is more than the spotless Lamb, more than a suffering Savior, but is the very creative principle from which all glory proceeds in giving the world its existence and mankind salvation.

The gospel of John stands alone among the four gospels for its unique character and high emphasis on Christology, that is, the examination and declaration of Jesus as Messiah, the Christ of God. The first three gospels are called the “synoptic gospels” because they are very similar in narrative and structure. It is strongly believed that Matthew, Mark, and Luke drew from a common source, often referred to as the “Q” or “Quelle” gospel that is now lost to history. The Gospel of John is not one of the synoptic gospels because it is so different from the others. It is generally believed that John was written after Matthew, Mark, and Luke. That being the case, interestingly, the earliest fragment of the gospels that we have (dating back to the early second century) is a fragment of the gospel of John ... click for more 
In this in-depth study of the last and probably the most controversial book of the Bible. Come expecting change and be propelled into a new understanding of the significance of this important book. In Revelation 1, We join John, the apostle in exile on the island of Patmos. There under extreme conditions, he experiences an encounter that ultimately shapes our understanding of God and His purposes in a profound way for all humanity. In studying the book of Revelation, we want to allow this book to speak to us in its own voice. There is so much contention over the contents of Revelation that few undertake to read it and fewer still to comprehensively teach it to others. Our endeavor then at the outset will be to lay aside any preconditioned attitudes or doctrinal approaches we may have that would hinder us in ascertaining the heart of God in this writing. Let us remember that this is the revelation of Jesus more than it is anything else.John declares that we are blessed to read and to hear the words of this prophecy and to keep the things written therein for they are at hand.... click for more.
Enrollment Table Below: Click links below for more information and to enroll, or you can call the office for assistance at the number listed at the bottom of this message. Please note Course Enrollments are NON-REFUNDABLE.

All Courses are $49:

Genesis ----- Psalms I ----- Psalms II ----- Proverbs

Matthew ----- Mark ----- Luke ----- John ----- Revelation
Time is running out to enroll in the next rotation of Breakthrough School. Both Prophetic and Breakthrough Tracks have a Buy 2 Get 1 Free on top of the already half price discount. From learning how to increase intimacy with the Father and how He communicates to and through you to others, identifying and learning strategies to help you breakthrough in areas where you may feel stuck or need help moving forward, as well as pressing into the deep things of God receiving revelatory insights as Prophet Russ expounded on the scriptures and what he has learned over the last 30+ years of ministry as well as marketplace ministry. The Mentoring Track has a similar discount to delve into the deep things of God as Prophet Russ shares truths that are near and dear to his heart bringing timely teachings for the days we are living in. There is something for everyone here ... click for more
Prophet Russ Walden gives a generation-spanning insight into 24 world changing events that will transpire over the next 50 years. Questions to your deepest concerns globally will be addressed from these chapters wherein Prophet Walden’s personal revelation direct from the Father are put down in understandable and clear language. You will find astounding predictions inspired by the Spirit of God that will prepare you and personally position you for the greatness of God that is emerging as the nations are brought to their knees at the foot of the cross! ... click for more.
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Can we pray for you? With God all things are possible and all things are possible to those who believe. We want to stand with you and lift your needs to before the Lord. This is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us, and if we know He hears us, we know we have the petitions we desired of Him ... submit prayer request here