Dear Prayer Partner,

Our country of focus this month is Egypt.

We can read about Egypt in the Bible - the stories of Joseph and his family, Moses and the great Exodus of the children of Israel and the place where Mary, Joseph and the young Jesus had to flee to to escape Herod. This is the land of the pyramids and an ancient civilisation as well as stories of hope, faith and just what an impact God's Word can have.

The Bible Society of Egypt work hard to bring God's Word to people in a format that is helpful for them to grow in understanding. Staff and volunteers find opportunities to share the Good News in an atmosphere that to others might appear overwhelming and challenging.


Capital: Cairo

Population: 99,413,317 (July 2018 est.)

Official language: Arabic

Religion: Muslim (90%), Christian (10%)

Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world and the third most populous country in Africa, behind Nigeria and Ethiopia. Most of the country is desert, so about 95% of the population is concentrated in a narrow strip of fertile land along the Nile River, which represents only about 5% of Egypt’s land area. Egypt’s rapid population growth – 46% between 1994 and 2014 – stresses limited natural resources, jobs, housing, sanitation, education, and health care.

Most Christians in Egypt belong to the Coptic Church.

Statistics and map taken from The World Factbook and Operation World .

Ministry in Egypt

The Bible Society of Egypt want to strengthen and resource their local church. They do this by providing Scripture materials for adults and children, organising events and by bringing encouragement to Christians in the region.

Book Fairs are a major part of the work of the Bible Society of Egypt and we hear great stories from these events. Stories of people keen to own a Bible and stories of others who come to purchase booklets that they can give away to inspire others in their faith.
We heard recently of a man named Madfy who bought Scripture booklets to pass on to others. He shared the story of meeting a homeless man who was delighted to receive a Gospel booklet. Madfy was able to help this man connect in with other Christians and find somewhere to stay through sharing the need on social media; this inspired others to think about how they could reach out in practical love and mercy. The impact of sharing God’s Word is often much greater than we could expect.

Kingo Festivals

Kingo Festivals are an important part of the ministry of the Bible Society of Egypt. Kingo is a big friendly Lion who shares stories from the Bible, he demonstrates how relevant the Bible is to everyday life and he brings joy and fun to children throughout the country. 

Kingo also teaches children about Christian morals and principles to live by, helping to grow a generation of young people who know these values deeply. Church leaders and parents are involved in delivering these programmes which encourage more engagement in faith based work in local communities.

The Bible Society ran over 500 Kingo Festival events in 2018 and shared Bible stories with over 185,000 children. The Bible Society runs Summer Church Competitions for children to engage with the Bible, in 2018 they focused on Nehemiah, Esther and Philippians. These competitions can involve the whole family as children prepare to be involved in events to test their knowledge and encourages great Bible engagement.   


Please pray for the many staff and volunteers involved in the widespread work of the Bible Society of Egypt through Book Fairs and the Kingo Festivals especially.

  • Pray for the impact of this work on the thousands of children and young people who get involved and attend a Bible Society event. Pray that they develop a love for God’s Word and an understanding of how it is relevant to them.
  • Pray for energy, enthusiasm and creativity for the staff and volunteers that make these events happen.
  • Pray for the wider families of those involved, that God’s Word will reach beyond the children and young people.
  • Pray for protection and safety as staff and volunteers plan and deliver events and children and young people attend. 


Every £5 donated to this project will give activity books to 25 children in Egypt.

Make a donation online now.

This project is our Bible-a-month project for June. Decide to become a Bible-a-month partner today! You will receive a free calendar with information about this and 11 other Bible Society projects. Commit to giving just £5 each month and you will ensure that the Word of God is shared across the world. Sign up here.

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028 9032 6577 Charity Reg. No. NIC102557

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