Church School Update
Peter Martens makes a Good Friday marble painting. Peter found that Lego wheels made the best patterns but the ping pong ball rolled best. Send us pictures of your creations from this week's craft video.
The Story of Doubting Thomas
This Sunday in our Church School services and classes, we would have learned about Jesus visiting his disciples and the story of Doubting Thomas. Above are two videos that explain the story of what happens following Jesus's resurrection.

Children's Chapel Leader Brett Rutledge offers some talking points for families to discuss the story of Doubting Thomas:

  • What can we do when we have a hard time believing the stories from the Bible?
  • What helps remind us that God is with us?
  • When we get scared, how can we find God to help us with our fear?
  • When are some times you've been told something by a friend but been unsure whether to believe them? What happened?
Make a Resurrection Tree
In the video above, Director of Children's Education Mary Beth Tipton explains how to make a Resurrection Tree using items found in your yard and around your home. Please send us pictures of your creations!

We miss seeing all of our Church School families and hope all of your are healthy and safe. Please reach out to us with any needs. CSMSG services are available daily via Facebook Live and the Sunday service is posted at by 10 am each Sunday.
Contact Us
Mary Beth Tipton
Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Amy Zimmerman
Assistant Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School | The Church of St. Michael & St. George | 314.721.1502 |