During Lent we are following Jesus during his final week before his death.The gospel of Mark, which is by far the shortest gospel, is also the only gospel to take us methodically, day by day through the last week of Jesus' life. From Palm Sunday and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to Good Friday at Golgotha, join us as we meditate on the Son of God's last days before his death and resurrection.
Tonight we tackle Tuesday of Holy Week, which spans more than two chapters and encompasses Jesus' final teachings. Jesus confronts the power of the Temple and of Rome, promising reversal and warning of the challenges ahead for those who follow him. We will read selections from the passage; we will also explore how Jesus' teachings here both explain the big, theatrical gestures of Palm Sunday and Monday and point towards the drama of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. What does Jesus want his disciples to understand? What can we, as followers of Jesus so many years later, learn from these confrontations between Jesus and the powers of his age?
Join us tonight at 7pm in zoom. Feel free to share this email with friends who might be interested.