Big, Puffy Peony Tulips

Breathtakingly beautiful, fragrant Peony Flowering Tulips really do resemble the lush, extravagantly double Peony blooms we all covet every summer. Amazingly, they bloom in an even wider array of colors, from soft yellow with delicate red edges to red-and-white stripes to the deepest purple-black. Some are a swirling mix of several shades, while others have finely fringed petal edges! Each one is unique and beautiful.

Just as easy to grow as any other Tulip, Peony Flowering Tulips' large, fully double blooms have a big, gorgeous impact in spring gardens, and they are truly superb in cut flower arrangements. Even just one bloom in a bud vase is a work of art.


Planting plump Tulip bulbs on a fall afternoon is easy magic. Tulips are the art & soul of spring. Never underestimate the power of planting. 


Like us on Facebook for alerts of Website Specials from among our 800+ collection of the world's best flower bulbs and Peonies. You and your family will love our new 20%-off Breathtaking Bouquet Special.

The Peony Flowering Tulip Gallery

Please forgive us if any of these varieties are sold out when you visit our website. Our inventory position changes rapidly at this point in the season.


This huge bloom is primrose-yellow with crisp red petal edges, pale raspberry striations, green sepals and a steel-blue, interior starburst. It has a faint, sweet fragrance. Height: 20" to 22".

Amazing Grace

New! It opens lavender-pink with paler petal edges and green sepals encasing the fully double, layered flowers. It matures to deep rose-pink with a butterscotch interior. Height: 16” to 18".


One of the most popular Tulips ever, fragrant Angelique is a flawless, pale rose beauty with variable darker rose flushes and pale creamy-pink edges. Height: 18".


This fluffy, flouncy beauty is deep rose with paler rose petal edges and prominent green feathering on strong stems. Height: 20".

Black Hero

Black Hero is midnight-black with a maroon sheen. Blooming later than most, long-lasting Black Hero has extremely substantive flower petals. Height: 22".

Blue Spectacle

Blue Spectacle is an irresistible beauty with deep violet-purple flowers tinged with a blue sheen. It is a fully double, puffy flower. Height: 20".

Blue Wow

Densely packed layers of deep blue-purple petals emerge from within the lower exterior layer of green petals. When fully open, Blue Wow is one of the most peony-like varieties. Height: 18".

Bombastic Red

New! Appearing to erupt into full bloom, these mammoth, fully double blooms are deep fire engine-red with variable white highlights and green sepals. Stunning! Height: 14” to 16”.

Carnival de Nice

Carnival de Nice has huge double blooms of white, flamed brilliant red, with an interior yellow center. With a sweet fragrance, it also has foliage with crisp, silvery-white edges. Height: 20".

Charming Beauty

This enchanting Angelique love child is varying shades of apricot-tangerine and yellow with blush-apricot exterior petals, ever darkening into its dusky apricot-orange center. Height: 18".

Cool Crystal

Fully double Cool Crystal opens pale rose-pink with glistening ice-white crystalline edges, petal segments and highlights. It matures to deep rose-pink with white highlights. Height: 16" to 18".

Creme Upstar

Creme Upstar is ravishing primrose-yellow with faint green speckles, beautiful, magenta-rose edges and interior, ivory-white bases. We adore it. It is deliciously fragrant. Height: 14".


Danceline opens ivory with a yellow glow, raspberry lines and green feathers. It matures to white with a pink glow and raspberry striations. Height: 20" to 22".

Double Shake

New! This lavishly layered new hybrid is ivory with an interior yellow base and petal edges that are artistically edged in magenta-pink. Height: 14” to 16”.

La Belle Epoque

La Belle Epoque combines the tones of amber, dusky rose, apricot and butter-caramel with a variable glowing yellow accent. Height: 16" to 18".

Mount Tacoma

Fragrant Mount Tacoma is a prized, fully double heirloom with layers of glistening white petals subtly adorned with green feathering. Height: 20".

Orange Princess

Orange Princess is chockfull of flouncy layers of nasturtium-orange petals that glow with an azalea-pink sheen and garnet-purple flames. Height: 14".

Pep Talk

It opens ivory to pink to rose with stripes and contrasting petal edges. It matures to deeper shades of ivory to raspberry and even merlot-red. Height: 18".


This fully double bombshell is deep rose with crystalline, paler rose-pink petal edges that are among the most finely fringed of all. Like snow flakes, no two are the same. Height: 12" to 14".

Sensual Touch

Sensual Touch's color is varying shades of orange, golden-apricot and rich tangerine with pink flushes and paler, almost yellow, crystalline fringed edges. Height: 16" to 18".

Shirley Double

If you miss Shirley, you will embrace its new double form. It opens yellow-white and matures to ivory-white with ever-changing edges, feathering and speckles of pale purple. Height: 22".


This color-shifting magician opens golden-yellow with variable striations of tangerine-orange and red. As they mature, their color morphs into orange with scarlet striations. Height: 16" to 18".

Yellow Pomponette

This huge pom-pom of a flower is bright sunshine-yellow. The strong, drumstick-like stems look like lime Tootsie Rolls until the tight buds begin to unfurl. Height: 22".

The Peony Flowering Tulip Mixture

Our coveted mixture includes Angelique, Aveyron, Blue Spectacle, Cabella (orange), Miranda, Mount Tacoma, Sunlover and Yellow Pomponette.

Tulip Bulb Planting Tips
Tulip bulbs require well-draining, neutral pH soil with at least six hours of daily sunlight. Avoid areas with poor drainage or standing water.

Plant bulbs 6" to 8" deep and 6" apart with the pointed sprouting tip up after the soil has chilled down to about 55°F. Flower bulbs should not be planted in outdoor containers or raised beds where they experience temperature spiking and repeat cycles of freezing and thawing that results in failure to thrive.

Top dress the planting site with a 4-10-6 organic granular fertilizer after planting in the fall to promote root growth. (Never add anything to planting holes.) Water lightly if there is a prolonged dry period after planting.

Apply no more than a 2" layer of mulch after the surface of the ground freezes to protect the bulbs from temperature spiking. Loosen the mulch prior to spring sprout emergence.

Call Us~We're Here for You!

We start shipping flower bulbs to colder areas of the U.S. in late September. Reserve your favorites now to avoid dreaded sold-outs later. We won't charge your credit card until we prepare your order for shipment, so there's no cost associated with reserving your bulbs now. You can always add to or change your order prior to fall shipment.

Call us at 860.567.0838 if you need help making your selections. We're here from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. over the weekends.

If you need an individual variety in larger volume than our published pricing, please visit our wholesale sister company, Van Engelen, or contact us personally for a special quotation.

We would love to speak with you about your garden and bulbs~we just love to talk bulbs. They are The Art and Soul of Spring™.

Never underestimate the power of planting.

Connect with us on our social media pages, where you'll find inspiring photos, fascinating articles and website specials!
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Our office hours are 8:30 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm over the weekends. Questions? You can email us or call us at (860) 567-0838.

For John Scheepers' 92-page Beauty from Bulbs color catalog, click: Request JS Catalog.

For Van Engelen's 56-page Wholesale Price List, click: Request VE Catalog.

To view our collection of over 800 flower bulb varieties online, click: Flower Bulb Collection.

For our Website Specials, click: Website Specials.

John Scheepers Beauty from Bulbs

23 Tulip Drive * PO Box 638 * Bantam, CT 06750

Phone: (860) 567-0838 * Fax: (860) 567-5323

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