
Eric J. Wittenberg,  
Edmund A. Sargus, and Penny L. Barrick
6 x 9 hardcover
3 maps * 44 images
288 pages

Lois Lembo and Leon Reed
6 x 9 hardcover
5 maps * 68 images
288 pages

Kenneth R. Rutherford
6 x 9 hardcover
12 maps * 22 images
216 pages


Derek Maxfield
6 x 9 paperback 
2 maps * 145 images
192 pages

Christian McBurney
6 x 9 Hardcover
7 maps * 20 images
336 pages

********* *
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Libri Novi - July 2020
Savas Beatie LLC  - 916.941.6896  - 989 Governor Dr., Ste. 102 - El Dorado Hills, CA - 95762
In This Issue
And it has been 100 degrees or hotter several days in a row. Luckily  many have pools out here and running around it while Pop splashes me is so much fun. 

I had no idea my ears were that long! (Note Pop gets the cement wet first so I don't burn my paws.) This chasing water stuff every time pop splashes is downright exhausting, as you can see below.  

Here, I am just chillaxing, with my giant lovely ham-pink tongue. 

Speaking of is lay-in-your-lawn chair-and-read time....and we have a lot for you. 

This has Pop and all the good folks at the office very happy because the got the advance proof set and love it. I don't know much about these because I am a sweet loveable pit bull and can't read, but I hear they are special, and there is more below for you to read about. 


This time Pop (Ted Savas) will be on Zoom fielding deep questions you really want to ask about writing and Civil War books, and he wants to hear what YOU want him to publish.  Plus he is going to announce a few new ideas he has and ask you about what YOU think. He cares, and he wants to know your opinion. Visit here to register (details posting shortly).

CLICK HERE FOR INFO on how to watch on zoom on your phone or laptop/PC!

CLICK HERE to see Pop's last interview with Mike Movius!

We have some new books just out like Seceding from Secession, and A Combat Engineer with Patton's Army. More on those below also. Check them all out. 

And, the next Savas Beatie Military Atlas series title is coming this month!  The Maps of the Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign: An Atlas of Mounted Operations from Brandy Stat
ion Th rough Falling Waters, June 9 - July 14, 1863, by Brad Gottfried has been shipped! If you want a signed copy, email us ( or call 916-941-6896) and we will arrange it for you, at no extra cost. 


Your orders directly from us help so much more than you know, and keep us publishing the books you love. Please consider it the next time you need to add to your library. We deeply appreciate it.

As always, thankful woofs to all of you. 

Miss Kenya

Like our  Facebook  page, follow us on  Twitter , and join us for publishing blogspeak

Here is your first glance at what everyone has been anxiously awaiting...The Bachelder Papers. This advance proof set is everything that we envisioned and more! We upgraded the paper, and seriously upgraded the cloth.  Books should be about two weeks out. 


80% sold out. Call 916-941-6896 to reserve your set. Email: ($155.00 plus $15 shipping). Once sets arrive, price goes up to $175 plus $15 shipping.

Feel free to share. Thank you all, again, for your support. This is a big endeavor for us to undertake . . . and then the virus hit.

 Now Available!
Our two latest releases. Order now to ensure you get a first edition.

(1) Seceding from Secession: The Civil War, Politics, and the Creation of West Virginia by Eric J. Wittenberg, Edmund A. Sargus, and Penny L. Barrick
Call the office at 916-941-6896, visit our website, or email us  to order your copies. 
The northwestern third of the Commonwealth of Virginia finally broke away in 1863 to form the Union's 35th state. The authors chronicle these events in an unprecedented study of the social, legal, military, and political factors that converged to bring about the birth of West Virginia.
Complete with dozens of previously unpublished photographs and original maps, this offers the rare perspective of what day-to-day warfare at the ground-level looked like in the European Theater through the eyes of one of the men at the tip of the spear.

Monthly Kindle Deal
For the month of July, you can download The War Outside My Window by Janet Croon for just $2.99! What a great opportunity to continue to build your Kindle library for the summer.


Matthew J. Seelinger, Chief Historian for the Army Historical Foundation, notified us that Savas Beatie produced another 2019 award-winning title:
Congratulations are also in order for James Hessler and Britt Isenberg for winning the highly prestigious Bachelder-Coddington Literary Award for their study Gettysburg's Peach Orchard: Longstreet, Sickles, and the Bloody Fight for the "Commanding Ground" Along the Emmitsburg Road (Savas Beatie, 2019). Thanks to the committee, including John Zervas, for making this possible.
These are magnificent honors for us as well as the authors.  
New Column! Reviews in Brief
We are always pleased to read a book review of one of our titles. Sometimes we include a pull quote from reviews on our Facebook page, but we realized some of you might want to know a little more about our titles than just a quick sentence recap so we're introducing this new column. In it, we'll feature text from recent book reviews, sometimes a quick sentence or two, other times a little more to whet your appetite for reading the book.
We encourage you to click on the link provided to read each review in full. We enjoy partnering with our book reviewers . . . and now bringing you their thoughts all in one easy-to-access place!

"The Civil War is perhaps the most thoroughly studied historical event in America's storied past. Detailed accounts of virtually every battle and campaign have been written, biographies of almost all significant officers in blue or gray published, and thorough studies made of everything from morale and patriotism to conscription and even the effect of weather on the course of military events. Sometimes it seems that for historians the question is less one of writing about something new in Civil War historiography than presenting familiar information in a new way. Rare indeed is the book that does a little of both. Kenneth R. Rutherford's recent volume, America's Buried History: Landmines in the Civil War, offers a novel new study of an important topic rarely discussed in depth while at the same time reframing interpretation of some very familiar Civil War campaigns and strategic thinking."
- The Historian's Manifesto

Click here to read the full review.

" Much has been written about the Virginia and her brief but epic career as a terror to Union blockading vessels and thorn in the side of any planned enemy movement up the James River, but the famous ironclad's Norfolk harbor base has received far less attention in the literature. With its fall deemed inevitable by the Army of the Potomac's advance up the Virginia Peninsula in early 1862, most authors only briefly dispense with Norfolk's abandonment and occupation before moving on to the bloody face off between the main armies in front of Richmond. Very frequently mentioned in books, but not typically elaborated upon, is President Abraham Lincoln's personal intervention in the planning of Norfolk's capture. Addressing that episode of Civil War history in expansive and original fashion is Steve Norder's Lincoln Takes Command."
- Civil War Books and Authors 
  Click here to read the full review.

" Targeted Tracks tells the Civil War story of the Cumberland Valley Railroad (CVRR), which traversed its namesake valley in southern Pennsylvania. The CVRR operated from Harrisburg to Chambersburg where it connected with the Franklin Railroad to open travel to Hagerstown, Maryland. (13) Its position in the wide Great Appalachian Valley contributed to its commercial and military importance, though this same geography made the CVRR particularly vulnerable during the Civil War. The railroad endured several major Confederate incursions, most of which left the railroad and the surrounding countryside badly damaged.
The book begins with an overview of the settlement of the Cumberland Valley and the development of its namesake railroad. The authors speed through this early history to more quickly spotlight the CVRR's connection to national events, such as its role . . . "
- Civil War Monitor

Click here to read the full review.

FAST FACTS from Eric Wittenberg, Ed Sargus, Jr.,
and Penny Barrick
authors of Seceding from Secession!
This month, we are featuring Seceding from Secession authors Eric Wittenberg, Ed Sargus, Jr., and Penny Barrick. We hope you enjoy getting to know a little bit more about them (card tricks & wedding dancing!) and their book.
About Eric Wittenberg:
1. I first became hooked on the Civil War during a third grade trip to Gettysburg at age 8. I was hooked by the end of the day and remain hooked 50+ years later. However, unlike Ed, I cannot juggle, and I can't remember the few card tricks that I once knew how to do. It's a good thing that Ed maintains those skills.
2. Our book has its genesis in a Facebook post about West Virginia during the Civil War. Someone commented that if it hadn't been for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, there would be no West Virginia, which was something that I really hadn't considered previously. That sent me down the rabbit hole, ultimately directly leading to the book that we wrote.
3. My co-author Penny Barrick and I attended the same wedding before we ever met each other. Her husband Dave's nephew married the daughter of my good friend Mike Peters. We only realized that we were both at that same wedding well after the fact. It was destined that we would tackle this project together.
4. My book on the Battle of White Sulphur Springs, published a number of years before our current project began, also deals with the painful process of birthing the new state of West Virginia. Specifically, it dealt with efforts to build a law library for the brand-new Supreme Court of West Virginia, which had to be created from scratch. Creating a new state from scratch was a real challenge.
5. This book will lead to another collaboration among the three of us, this time to open the Pandora's box of the constitutionality of secession.  
About Ed Sargus:
1. Our book is about West Virginia. I am a lifetime resident of Ohio, but was born in West Virginia and went to high school in Wheeling, West Virginia, where much of the story in our book takes place. Both of our children were also born in West Virginia.
2. My wife was the first non-resident lawyer allowed to practice law in West Virginia. State law prohibited out of state residents from the profession. She filed suit in the West Virginia Supreme Court, which found the law unconstitutional.
3. In 2001, I introduced my co-author and also co-worker, Penny Barrick, to her husband, Dave Barrick, a Secret Service Special Agent.  
4. I have been working on a book about a Civil War figure, Captain Thomas Drummond, of the 5th U.S. Cavalry. I have relied primarily on computer based research, which I have learned has real limits. Co-author Eric Wittenberg steered me to a book written fifty three years later by a chaplain who ministered to Drummond, as he lay dying at Five Forks, Virginia. The minister could not later recall Drummond's name, but identified him by rank and regiment. I would never have found the gripping, lengthy narrative of his death by word searching alone. Thanks, Eric!
5. I can juggle and do a few card tricks. If any organization wishes us to present, these skills may come in handy.
About Penny Barrick:
1. I have always been fascinated with constitutional law, and have had the privilege of working in that area for many years with my co-author Judge Edmund Sargus.
2. I have a bachelor degree in history education, but never studied the Civil War until my co-author Ed Sargus began writing a book about a young calvary officer who is buried in his hometown of St. Clairsville. Then I became a student of that war, intrigued with Captain Drummond's story.
3. As a lifetime equestrian who lives on a horse farm with my husband and six horses of our own, I was particularly interested in the calvary. Hence, my co-author Eric Wittenberg's area of expertise became of much interest to me.
4. Once I heard the idea of our book, which intersected my interests in constitutional law and the Civil War, I was all in. Writing the book brought me to an appreciation of the true brilliance of Abraham Lincoln that I had not previously known.   
5. I cannot juggle, do any card tricks, or even repeat a good joke.... but am pretty good at wedding dancing.
New in Digital
Seceding from Secession by Eric J. Wittenberg, Edmund A. Sargus, Jr., and Penny L. Barrick
A Combat Engineer with Patton's Army
by Lois Lembo and Leon Reed
July Battle Anniversaries, Audio Style

Author Events

Get those cars packed and ready to roll this summer. We have many author events on the books. Be sure to click here to see our full author event calendar.

Now Under Contract...
  • The Confederate Artillery at Gettysburg, by Dave Shultz and Steve Nelson
  • A Study in Command: General James Longstreet's Corps from Gettysburg to East Tennessee, by Ed Lowe 
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Mention promo code FREEMEDIA to receive free shipping on the in-stock book of your choice. To place your order, call 916-941-6896, email  our office, or visit our  website
Offer Expires 7/31/2020
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