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Big Rural Brainstorm: Network It!
Tuesday, March 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sundstrom Conference Center, Lindsborg
Warm-up round (opt), 9 a.m.
Registration opens at 8:30 a.m.
At many conferences, the most productive part is the break-time hallway discussions. Essentially, this whole day will be about those informal visits. It will be a day of meaning, camaraderie, and fun.

We will help each other move forward with our businesses, communities, or organizations through large and small group networking sessions. Pake McNally will show us some Ju Jitsu workout equipment that he makes and we'll give him marketing ideas. Those wanting to have trails in their town will see and learn how they can utilize a "Trail in a Box". Experienced trail makers will share advice. There will be stand-up networking and "sticky-note wall work". A closing speaker will wrap up the day. There will be a positive atmosphere and you will have opportunity for your voice to be heard. We will have healthy food, Swedish Kringler, and yummy cookies. Your action will be to take advantage of numerous networks that can offer you support.


  • Connecting those who want to make progress on similar goals.

  • Creating opportunities to unite around certain topics for local or statewide progress.


  • People who want to make Kansas a better place to live.

  • People passionate and positive about working on community life.

  • Community doers

  • Local government, tourism, artists, farmers, entrepreneurs, economic development, health care, elder care, child care, educators, librarians, community foundations, rural telcoms, housing, etc. Anyone in the business of rural living.

  • Advocates from state agencies and organizations.

  • If you're feeling isolated, this is for you.

  • If you don't know where to turn for answers, we'll try to help.

  • PowerUps (21-39s and rural by choice)

  • PowerOns (40+ who are passionate about community)

  • Sparks (Under 21 who love their community)


We have a great plan brewing but need to do some confirming before we share it. It'll be another form of sharing expertise and knowledge with each other. I think you'll like it!

Registration deadline is March 12.
No refunds after this date.


This un-conference emphasizes the sharing of relevant and practical information in a positive environment.

Each person will be asked to come ready to contribute by using Good Listening skills, Great Group Behavior and to Share in Short Bursts of information.


Would you do this? Along the way, stop at some neat little place on your drive to Lindsborg and take a picture of your Kansas Guidebook 2 for Explorers in your car near a cool spot. Post and use the hashtag. That'd be awesome!
Below are examples of networking groups. On your r egistration form check boxes for which topics you want to discuss or MORE IMPORTANTLY let us know what questions or issues you would like to discuss. We will do our best to address your needs. If you'd like to do more than check a box and add your thoughts, contact Marci at


  • Agri tourism (Getting people to visit)

  • Broadband issues (Sharing personal issues and needs)

  • Chambers of Commerce (Effective ideas for volunteer-led chambers)

  • Child care (Which regulations get in the way?)

  • City governing (How to move a town forward)

  • Community foundations (Making it work in a small town)

  • Downtown buildings used for storage (How to address this)

  • Education (How to attract teachers, best ideas for students)

  • Entrepreneur (Sharing information)

  • Farmers Market (Most effective ideas, coordinator position)

  • Farm to table (Getting in on the trend)

  • Making libraries work for a community (Best ideas)

  • Fitness/recreation (Affordability, ownership models)

  • Health care (Finding a fit in a small town)

  • Impact investing (New way to use community foundation funds)

  • Using art to transform community

  • Land bank system (Managing and transforming vacant buildings in a new way)

  • Marketing (Best bang-for-the-buck ideas)

  • Maximizing our elders (Helping everyone feel productive)

  • Microbrewery (Slogging through the details)

  • Preservation/restoration (Cash flow, skilled help, re-purposing)

  • Slow money (Peer to peer lending)
  • Splash pads and swimming pools (Worth the price?)

  • Making libraries work for a community (Sharing best ideas)

  • State officials (how to contact and utilize)

  • Tech school (Attracting this skilled labor)

  • Trails (Creating one in your town)
Organized by the 
The mission is to preserve and sustain rural culture.
2019 is the Year of the Network!
Contact us at 620.585.2374 or email Marci Penner at