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January 2025

Hello Friend!

My sister Donna was born in 1956 with Down Syndrome. Back then, people didn’t use words like “individuality” or “inclusion.” There were not any in-home or school services for her. The answer to someone with Donna’s challenges was to institutionalize them.  I still have the letter from a health care professional to my parents saying that Donna would be better off with her own kind and in the letter, she was referred to as an “it.”  

The word still is a sharp reminder of how little humanity some were willing to extend to her. Donna was seen as less—a burden, an inconvenience, an afterthought. Donna was not an “it.” She was a vibrant, joyful child who wanted what every child does: love, acceptance, and a chance to thrive. 

The challenges she faced were enormous. Schools weren’t equipped to teach her. There was nothing like an IEP or Special Education. But Donna? She was unstoppable. She learned to communicate, to work, to shine in ways the world never expected. Her entire life she taught us all that one’s value isn’t dictated by what society says but by who they are, the joy they bring others. 

It’s heartbreaking to see that, in some ways, not much has changed. Today, children and teens who don’t fit neatly into society’s idea of “normal” are still dismissed. They’re called names, ostracized, and, yes, sometimes referred to as “it.” This can be devastating. However, we have the power to change that. 

This is why I’m passionate about the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters. We're an organization that steps into the lives of young people who might be overlooked and says, “You matter. You’re not just seen—you’re celebrated.” January is National Mentoring Month, a time to honor the role mentors play in changing their lives. It’s also a time to ask ourselves how we can do more. 

Volunteering as a Big is an opportunity to make a real difference. When you mentor a child, you’re giving them more than time and guidance; you’re giving them hope. You’re helping them see their worth and potential, just as my family helped Donna see hers. Imagine the impact we can make when we show a child that they’re valued—not despite their differences, but because of them. 

And to those of you who support programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters through your donations and time, thank you. Your generosity makes it possible for mentors and mentees to connect, for kids to dream, and for futures to be rewritten. You are the reason children have the chance to flourish. 

Donna’s story is a testament to what happens when someone believes in you. The prejudice she faced could have defined her, but she overcame it because of the love and support around her. Today, we have the chance to be that love and support for others. 

So I ask you: Will you join us? Will you be a Big, or will you continue to make programs like this possible through your generosity? Together, we can ensure no child is ever referred to as “it.” We can ensure they are seen, heard, and cherished. January is the perfect time to start. Let’s make this Mentoring Month the moment we step forward to create brighter futures. 

With hope and gratitude, 

Jackie Johnson and Donna 2010

Jackie and Donna at a family event in 2010.

Jackie S. Johnson
Executive Director
Emily Molitor and Brilee 2024


Emily Molitor and Brilee have been matched for 11 months in the Foley school-based program - but they seem like they've known each other for a lot longer!

Emily and Brilee meet on a weekly basis and love to have a 30-minute break in their day to play different board games with each other. Recently, they attended one of our Big Brothers Big Sisters activities when we hosted a canvas painting night! These two have such a great friendship and we can’t wait to see them continue to make memories over the years to come! 

Kyle Breitkreutz and Amare 2024


Kyle Breitkreutz and Amare are!

Meet Kyle Breitkreutz and Amare! They have been matched for almost eight years - since Amare was in second grade! They started their match in the school-based program at Sartell, and recently transitioned to a community-based match so they can spend time together off school property and do more fun things. As you are considering being a Big, check out our current list of new Matches.

We would also like to congratulate these Matches who are celebrating milestone anniversaries! We ask all Bigs to commit to at least one year of mentorship - that one year of consistency makes a BIG difference in the life of a child.

St. Cloud Financial Credit Union



This month’s Partner Spotlight goes to St. Cloud Financial Credit Union! SCFCU was a sponsor for the recent Big Thanks Social, and also agreed to sponsor our January match activity at Blacklight Adventures! This is one of the most popular activities of the year, and it wouldn't be possible without a community sponsor like St. Cloud Financial Credit Union. Thank you for all you do for our community and our kids!

We are grateful to all our Community Partners. Check out these lists, and the next time you are at that business or organization, please thank them for standing with kids!


BBBS of Central Minnesota is always looking for businesses to host or sponsor match activities. If you or your business are willing to sponsor or host a match activity, contact Kristin Hannon at 320-258-4515 or Kristin@BigDefenders.org.


Matches had the opportunity to enjoy the suite life in December thanks to Great River Bowl and Partners Pub in Sartell. The group took over the suite lanes and spent the night racking up strikes and spares - and lots of smiles! This is one of the most popular activities of the year, and extra fun for everyone because matches get to interact and spend time together as Bigs and Littles as they share lanes and compete against one another. Thanks to Great River Bowl for being a great host each year!

Jill and Savanna Bowling 2024
Chris and Jacob Bowling 2024
Feddema and Kaden Bowling 2024


Our school-based matches in Foley had a great time getting in the holiday spirit while providing some cheer and decorations for the Foley Honor Society Breakfast! Matches got creative and worked together to make a festive snowman out of two golf balls. It was fun to see what accessories different matches added to their snowmen and all of the different variations they came up with! These snowmen later adorned the tables at the breakfast the Foley Minnesota Honor Society hosted as a fundraiser for BBBS on Dec. 14.

Foley Craft 2024
Foley Craft 2024
Foley Craft 2024


Bigs and Littles came together to let their creativity flow for some canvas painting in December. Big Sister Shae led the group, and everyone was able to go home with a beautiful portrait in their favorite colors. There are so many creative Bigs and Littles in our program - it is always fun to see what they come up with!

Emily and Brilee Canvas Painting
Stacey and Clara Canvas Painting
Christina and Sabrina Canvas Painting
Applebee's Flyer 2025


If you're looking for a fun and easy - and delicious - way to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota, look no further. On Thursday, Jan. 9, head to Applebee's in St. Cloud for a tasty meal - and to support local kids! From 11 a.m. until close that day, 15 percent of proceeds come back to BBBS to help find mentors for kids in Central Minnesota. Simply show the flyer above to your server when ordering in the restaurant, or use the promo code DOINGOOD when ordering online or through the mobile app. Order, eat, and support kids - it's that easy! See full details in the Facebook event here.

CSBSJU Alum Christmas 2024


Many families in the agency will have a very happy, bright holiday season thanks to the generosity of a number of individuals and groups around the area. Mike and Kathy Markman adopted a family of three and bought presents for everyone; the Saint Ben's and Saint John's Central MN Alum Chapter used their holiday social as a fundraiser and donation drop for toys for BBBS; Safelight Auto Glass sponsored four families in need of assistance this holiday season, and Andy Noble and his team at Advantage 1 Insurance bought presents for a number of families in our agency to ensure that everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Thank you to everyone for their generosity - we are so proud to be a part of this Central Minnesota community!

BBBS Scholarships Graphic


Applications for Fall 2025 for three scholarships are open now. The Federated Challenge Scholarship, BriAnna Kruzel Memorial Scholarship, and Dahlias Alongside Grand Lake Scholarship are available to current and former Littles and High School Bigs who were a part of the agency for at least 18 months. The deadline to apply for all three scholarships is Sunday, March 23, 2025, and the winners will be notified in April 2025. Scholarship criteria, eligibility, and links to apply for all three are available available here.

Have you ever thought about being a Big? Do you know someone who would be a great Big? BBBS of Central Minnesota is looking for mentors to be a part of the both the Bigs on Campus initiative and at all six of our school-based locations. Bigs on Campus mentors meet with their mentees twice a month for an hour at a time at St. Cloud State, St. Cloud Technical & Community College, or College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University and help them get accustomed to life on a college campus. School-based matched meet once a week for 30 minutes at the Little's school in St. Cloud, Sartell, Sauk Rapids-Rice, Pierz, Holdingford, or Foley. Click here for more information or to become a Big!
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Khaldoun Ahmad, Daine Billmark, Jenna Binsfeld, Patty Funk (Secretary), Melinda Gau, Isaih Handy, Lee Hurd, Preston Kopel, Jake Krippner, Courtney Kunkel (Treasurer), Bill Martin-Chaffee (DEI Officer), Lori Mohs, Mardi Noyes, Emmanuel Oppong, Chris Owen, Curran Poganski, Jason Primus, Rick Roehl (Vice Pres.), Alex Schoephoerster (President), and Christie Schulte.


Barb Anderson, Mimi Bitzan, Mark Coborn, Joe Francis, Keith Julson, Lori Kloos, Andy Knoblauch,

Shelly Bauerly Kopel, John Mahowald, Mike Markman, Gary Marsden, Vince Mohs,

Kurt Scepaniak, Joyce Schlough, John Schnettler, Peter Spaniol, Eric Stalboerger, Perian Stavrum,

Mark Traut, Joan Vincent, Bob Walter, Don Watkins, and Vicky Welty.

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