June 2024
Hello Friend!
In May we had to make the tough decision to end the suffering of our almost 15-year-old dog, 2K.
We’d been buying time for a couple of months only at the expense of her pain. I would see a glimmer of her old self and then say to my husband Kevin that I was canceling the appointment. He would wisely encourage me to give it a few more hours, and with that lapse in time it was obvious to keep the appointment.
Her unusual name was very fitting because the two “K” people in my family wanted her and I, the one “J,” did not. I fought tooth and nail not to have a dog join our family. It would be more work and responsibility when I felt like that was the last thing I wanted. I had just had breast cancer, my husband had lost his job in the recession, and our son Karl was experiencing bullying. Eventually the two Ks won their debate and 2K entered our life when we needed her most.
2K’s high energy level was matched only by her intelligence – not a good combination. When I was home I had her on a short leash and she soon realized that was how it was going to be. Eventually I lost the leash, but she continued to be by my side. (Unless our teenager was home, then she was hanging with him.) She also had a fun sense of humor, as her breed, Tollers, are known for being mischievous. At times when my son was entertaining friends in the basement I would hear sudden screaming and uncontrolled laughter. 2K was up to her shenanigans again, perhaps finding embarrassing pieces of laundry and skillfully dodging anyone trying to catch her. She loved to make people laugh almost as much as she loved to retrieve.
Life is full of changes. Full of hellos and full of goodbyes. This time of year it is especially poignant for our youth. Together we’ve been celebrating the end of the school year, presenting scholarships and awards. Our team members comment on how proud they are of our matches, how much they have grown and accomplished. Our Littles share how their match has been such a gift and has help them in so many ways. Our Bigs experience pride in being a part of the youth’s life, and yet, their life is forever changed too. The milestones are bittersweet. But we know for sure, once someone touches your heart, it is hard to say goodbye, but we’ll always treasure the gifts they brought to our lives.
Thank you for making it possible for lives to be changed, for the better, forever.
My grandniece, Kenli, with 2K - 'Just one more hug!'
Jackie S. Johnson
Executive Director
Aaliyah has always been a good student – smart and attentive. She is a good daughter, and has a great relationship with her mom, Malynda – who calls her daughter her best friend.
She has always been capable of big things, but during her time with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and her match with her Big Sister, Dani Lovejoy, Aaliyah has excelled.
Malynda signed Aaliyah up for Big Brothers Big Sisters when she was nine years old. Malynda was a single mom, and she worried that she wasn’t giving her kids as much time as they needed to be confident and successful, so she wanted Aaliyah to have another adult in her life for support – another friend.
When Dani and Aaliyah first met, Aaliyah was creative and smart, but very quiet and shy. That didn’t stop the pair from hitting it off right away thanks to their love of crafts and reading. Very quickly, Dani realized that Aaliyah had incredible potential – and the heart and resiliency to accomplish anything she set her mind to. Now, Aaliyah is the 2024 Central Minnesota Little Sister of the Year.
Early in their match, Aaliyah was struggling at school because she wasn’t feeling challenged in her work. Her classmates were distracting, and often rude to the teacher. Later, when her family moved from St. Cloud to Eden Valley and Aaliyah started at Eden Valley-Watkins High School, she dealt with bullying and drama in her friend group. Thanks to her relationship with Dani, she was able to overcome the drama and learn to focus on herself, not what other kids in the classroom were doing.
Dani helped build up Aaliyah’s self-confidence, and now Aaliyah surrounds herself with people who value her for who she is. Dani’s patience and consistent presence has helped Aaliyah become more comfortable with herself in both who she is now and who she wants to be in the future.
In her first year at Eden Valley, Aaliyah played volleyball, but she found herself not enjoying the sport anymore – or being around that set of teammates. As a sophomore, Aaliyah made the decision to go out for football. She was the first girl to play on the EV-W varsity football team, which resulted in a lot of attention – both good and bad. Thanks to her sense of self-confidence and self-worth, Aaliyah was able to see herself as a trailblazer, and knew she belonged on the sidelines with her teammates.
Aaliyah’s mom was a nurse when her kids were young, but gave up her career to raise a family. Aaliyah knew she wanted to be a nurse – and that goal only became more important when she met Dani, who was an RN in the ICU at St. Cloud when the two first met. With Dani’s help, Aaliyah has worked to build a course schedule that will help her reach her new career goal – to become a Pediatric Sexual Assault Nurse (SANE). The two have sat down together on multiple occasions to look at college courses and majors, talk about college visits, and work through Aaliyah’s career path. This fall, she took PSEO classes through St. Cloud State to get a jump start on that future career.
Whether it was car rides or coffee runs, talk of the future or working through a current issue, Aaliyah has flourished during her time in Big Brothers Big Sisters – and in her match with Dani. Aaliyah says she doesn’t know where she would be without Dani, and Dani – who asked Aaliyah to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in April 2023 – shares that sentiment.
“Aaliyah has been a great friend to me over the years, and watching her develop, learn, and become the smart, brave, talented individual she is, is extremely inspiring,” Dani said. “I am so happy that I get to call her my friend.”
When he reflects back to his younger self, Carter is grateful to have had two dedicated mentors – and friends – in the Big Duo of Gary and Cole Stang. What he doesn’t realize is that they are just as grateful to be a part of his life as he is to be a part of theirs.
Carter was matched with Gary through Big Brothers Big Sisters when he was nine. Gary’s kids had recently left for college, and he wanted to mentor a young person and spend time with someone who had shared interests. Carter’s mom, Sarah, wanted to make sure that Carter had a solid male influence in his life.
Gary and Carter hit it off immediately, and Carter quickly became a part of the Stang family, which included Gary’s wife, Merrillee, and his children Shelby and Cole. Though he was already in college, Cole would spend time with Carter when he was back on break, and Carter – an only child – gravitated towards Cole. Cole saw how happy the match made his dad, so when Gary asked Cole to officially be a part of the match, Cole said yes. Now, after seven years with not one but two male role models in his life, Carter is the 2024 Central Minnesota Little Brother of the Year.
Now, instead of having one mentor to look up to and walk him through some of life’s tough situations, he had two, and Carter started to flourish. The trio spent plenty of time doing fun things together – going to hockey games is still a favorite outing – but Gary and Cole also made sure that Carter was doing well in school, and worked with him on expressing his needs and feelings.
With the encouragement of Gary and Cole, Carter started bringing his homework along on outings, and asking questions of his mentors to help him better understand the subject. Soon, Carter realized that finishing his homework and doing well in school would help him do well in his life after high school.
Gary and Cole’s consistent presence and gentle – but constant – pushing have also helped Carter become very dedicated to projects he is passionate about. He has always loved hockey, and going to hockey games with Cole and Gary is one of his favorite activities they do because he enjoys the bonding and ‘guy time,’ but he has also developed a passion for playing hockey.
When he started playing, Carter wasn’t always the best player out there, but Gary and Cole made sure he understood that his skill level wasn’t what was most important – that his passion and commitment to the team and to getting better would get him farther than skill. Now, he’s a leader on his high school hockey team. He encourages his teammates, and understands that hockey is more about team than individual goals and assists. He is a good sport, and the first in line for post-game handshakes or to tell an opposing player they did a great job.
As his love of hockey has grown, Carter has become more involved locally, volunteering with youth teams in the area. He’s even recently started to express interest in going to college to become a coach so that he can help kids get better at – and enjoy – the game he loves.
Along with becoming more involved in hockey, with Gary and Cole’s persistent guidance, Carter has had a part-time job since he was 14, and he has grown his role in his local Boy Scout troop. He is currently working towards his Eagle Scout badge, which Cole says signifies more than just an accomplishment – it “mirrors his resilience and unwavering integrity, driven by his desire to make a positive impact on society.”
While Carter credits Cole and Gary for helping him learn to be a responsible and confident young adult, both of the Stang men are quick to credit Carter with teaching them several life lessons as well.
“Carter has taught me to be a better person,” Gary said. “Carter holds me accountable and expects a lot out of me. Carter and I know that if you put in the work, good things will happen. Carter reminds me of that when I need to hear it most.”
“Within our extended family, Carter isn’t just a participant; he’s an integral part of our lives,” Cole added. “His genuine care for our well-being, his attentive ear, and his curiosity about our passions shine a light on his empathetic nature. Carter embodies the core values of trust, loyalty, kindness, and courage, setting an inspiring example not just for our match but for the essence of the Big Brothers program itself.”
Maggie Holmberg and Kira are!
This month’s Partner Spotlight goes to the six school districts that partner with BBBS of Central Minnesota for a school-based program: Foley, Holdingford, Pierz, Sartell-St. Stephen, Sauk Rapids-Rice, and the St. Cloud Area School District. All six of these districts work with BBBS every year to ensure that our program staff has the space and time they need to do match support and host the matches for one-on-one time each week. Each of the school districts also pays a part of the cost for BBBS to have a program in that district, and we are so grateful for their partnership!
We are grateful to all our Community Partners. Check out these lists, and the next time you are at that business or organization, please thank them for standing with kids!
BBBS of Central Minnesota is always looking for businesses to host or sponsor match activities. If you or your business are willing to sponsor or host a match activity, contact Jackie Johnson at 320-258-4510 or Jackie@BigDefenders.org.
Matches and families braved a little early May drizzle and headed out to Lake George to do some fishing with Muskies Inc.! Muskies Inc. has hosted a fishing activity for BBBS for many years, and they supply volunteers, fishing poles, tackle boxes, and lunch for everyone. The volunteers are passionate about fishing, and they were eager to help with baiting hooks, reeling in the fish, and taking the fish off of the hooks - all while explaining what they were doing and why. Some matches had plenty of fishing experience, some had none, but everyone had a great time. Thanks, Muskies Inc., for hosting!
Matches, BBBS staff, board members, and supporters celebrated the end of the school year with our three Bigs on Campus initiatives and the BIG Partners cohort in May. Each of the four initiatives celebrated the year with lunch, a slideshow with pictures from the year's events, and hearing from matches and other special guests. There were stories of friendship, support, and gratitude from both the mentors and mentees for having someone in their life to talk to and turn to for advice and support. We can't wait to see what our returning matches and new matches do together on campus in the 2024-25 school year!
A full group of matches had the opportunity to jump around and expel some energy at AirMaxx in May, and it was once again one of the highlights of the spring! Along with all of the trampolines, pizza, and pop, AirMaxx opened up the Ninja Warrior Course for the group, so Bigs and Littles got to test their skills with some acrobatic challenges. BIG thanks to AirMaxx for partnering with us on this activity each year - Bigs and Littles always have a great time coming and hanging out!
Les Voyageurs invited matches out to learn more about basic nature skills once again, and matches enjoyed a beautiful evening in the woods! They learned how to use a compass and identify various plants, had fun with a scavenger hunt, and ended the night with s'mores! Thanks to Jack at Les Vouageurs for inviting matches out every year - it's a favorite activity for many of our Bigs and Littles!
Our school-based matches got in on the end-of-the-year fun in May with celebrations at each of the different school districts. The weather held out for most of the celebrations, so matches got outside to play yard games, run around, and enjoy the sunshine together. It was fun for BBBS staff and matches to hang out together one last time before the school year ends and the weekly meetings between Bigs and Littles wrap up for the year!
This month, BBBS is teaming up with Ulta Beauty stores across the country to serve youth and support well-being in kids and teens. From May 19 through June 15, Ulta Beauty will hold an in-store donation program to benefit BBBS. During that time, customers have the chance to round up their purchase or donate directly to BBBS. Locally, Ulta Beauty shoppers can support BBBS of Central Minnesota at the St. Cloud and Baxter Ulta Beauty locations. Learn more here.
The BBBS of Central Minnesota Spring 2024 apparel store is open now! If you're looking for some new BBBS gear for summer, look no further. T-shirts, long-sleeve shirts, a dress, sweatshirts, and more are all for sale, and for the first time, a portion of the proceeds goes back to BBBS of Central Minnesota! The store closes Friday, June 7, so get your order in today (orders can be shipped directly to your house). Check out the full store here.
Have you ever thought about being a Big? Do you know someone who would be a great Big? BBBS of Central Minnesota is looking for mentors to be a part of the both the Bigs on Campus initiative and at all six of our school-based locations. Bigs on Campus mentors meet with their mentees twice a month for an hour at a time at St. Cloud State, St. Cloud Technical & Community College, or College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University and help them get accustomed to life on a college campus. School-based matched meet once a week for 30 minutes at the Little's school in St. Cloud, Sartell, Sauk Rapids-Rice, Pierz, Holdingford, or Foley. Click here for more information or to become a Big!
Show your support of BBBS of Central Minnesota and encourage your neighbors to become Bigs with one of our yard signs! Email recruiter Emmitt Edwards to come pick up a yard sign today or set up a delivery to your home or business. Put up a sign and support kids - it's that easy!
Khaldoun Ahmad, Daine Billmark, Jenna Binsfeld, Debbie Clausen, Patty Funk (Secretary), Melinda Gau, Isaih Handy, Lee Hurd, Courtney Kunkel (Treasurer), Bill Martin-Chaffee (DEI Officer), Lori Mohs, Mardi Noyes, Emmanuel Oppong, Chris Owen, Curran Poganski, Jason Primus, Rick Roehl (Vice Pres.),
Alex Schoephoerster (President), Christie Schulte, and Vicky Welty (Past Pres.).
Barb Anderson, Mimi Bitzan, Mark Coborn, Joe Francis, Keith Julson, Lori Kloos, Andy Knoblauch,
Shelly Bauerly Kopel, John Mahowald, Mike Markman, Gary Marsden, Vince Mohs, Steve Sauer,
Kurt Scepaniak, Joyce Schlough, John Schnettler, Peter Spaniol, Eric Stalboerger, Perian Stavrum,
Mark Traut, Joan Vincent, Bob Walter, and Don Watkins.