Arts Updates, Interviews, Calendar, Calls for Artists and Volunteers, Auditions --- It's All Here in Arts Blast, Arts Blast on the Air, and on Facebook. | Supporting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere | |
Volume 5 No. 32| September 1, 2023 | |
Remember when I wrote "Arts Blast is taking a little summer break?" (but keep an eye on the Arts Blast Calendar at willimiller.com.)
I actually did plan to take a fun vacation, mostly virtually, but the situation changed and so did my schedule. On August 17, I spent seven hours with a robot in a Cleveland Clinic surgical suite, having some odds and ends in my chest cavity rearranged by Dr. Luis Argote-Greene and his great team. (One of them's an artist, too, but more about that later.)
The end is in sight: Surgery was successful and I'm following doctor's orders, rehabbing at home and doing a lot of resting, not trying to be Wonder Woman. What a great time for the U.S. Open to be on! And a great time for giving Arts Blast a rest while kids get back to school and adults are regrouping for the season ahead. Abbreviated Arts Blasts will continue the next several weeks, so bear with me, please. Schedules for season are still rolling in and as I get back on my feet, I'll be updating the Arts Blast calendar on willimiller.com.
I never doubted its depth, but this has been a period of discovery in the friends department, finding out how people are willing to jump in and pick up where I had to stop. I hope you've had a chance to listen to Arts Blast on the Air these two weeks as Adam Schnell, founder, CEO, artistic director, you name it with Ballet Vero Beach, and Oscar Sales, long-time marketing director at Riverside Theatre, took over the podcast/radio show, allowing me to focus completely on recovery/rehab. Thank you, guys! And my friend at Raining Cats Rescue, Diane Shaw, taking my rescue baby, Wander, to vacation in her home until recovery is complete lifted the biggest load off my shoulders. Big hugs, Diane.
So, it was bad news for my planned vacation but good news also came this week. My best buddy from high school is coming down for 10 days at Thanksgiving! The welcome mat is out and the hammock is hung for you, Louise. Where will our wandering feet take us this time?
Back to business, if briefly:
Schedules are rolling in for the 2023-2024 season and the information will be uploaded to our website as soon as possible after it's received. If you're responsible for promoting an arts-related event, send in details using the format at the end of this email.
There's no charge for basic calendar listings but your flyer that includes a link to your website will do more to catch readers' attention. Email for advertising info.
Please support small, local businesses. Arts Blast is one of them, so if you have an event coming up, or something artsy to sell or teach, consider advertising it in Arts Blast!
Click to Subscribe to Arts Blast
Some St. John webcam links, just for the beauty of it.
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Posts that brought a smile, a chortle, or even a guffaw on Facebook recently: | |
You, Too, Can Train Your Tree! | |
Dance classes Have Begun!
For ages 5 through adult. Learn from instructors who are ALL current or former professional dancers. Choose from Ballet, Tap and Jazz.
Learn More | Register
Questions? Click to email our Director of Dance
Ballet Vero Beach is looking for energetic and outgoing individuals to help us promote the art of dance as a universal language in our community and beyond.
Ballet Vero Beach Volunteers receive FREE tickets, merchandise, and the opportunity to attend volunteer thank you events.
| (The Museum is closed for preseason maintenance August 7 – September 5; and closed for exhibition installation September 30 – October 7) | |
The Community Church of Vero Beach opens the Viner Series for the Visual Arts on Sunday, September 3 with artist George Pillorgé in the Sanctuary Narthex Gallery.
Award winning Artist George Pillorgé is a retired architect who uses his keen eye for design and detail to bring images and scenes to life. Seemingly everyday occurrences are given a new perspective through his use of colorful pastels. The artist said, “Pastel painting is a perfect extension of my past architectural drawing into a new expressive and colorful realm.”
To view the show, call ahead to the Church Office at 772-562-3633, Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays. All are welcome.
‘Girl With Laptop’ by George Pillorgé-winner Second Place Pastel/Graphics at Art By The Sea 2022 at Vero Beach Museum Of Art
Visit www.ccovb.org or www.facebook.com/ccovb.org to learn more.
On September 2, Tampa author Kenny Coogan will share the murderous qualities of carnivorous plants in a presentation and pop-up sale at Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales. It will feature hundreds of pitcher plants, sundews, butterworts, and the infamous Venus Flytrap, Coogan said.
Event Date & Time
Saturday, September 2 - 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Magnolia Room - Bok Tower Gardens
1151 Tower Boulevard
Lake Wales, Florida 33853
$15 members/ $30 non-members (includes admission)
Friday, December 1 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, December 2 @ 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sunday, December 3 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Winterfest is the rebranded, signature fundraising event for Riverside Theatre’s educational programs, formally known as Festival of Trees.
Considered Vero Beach’s premier holiday event, this festival transforms Riverside’s campus into a holiday wonderland filled with beautifully decorated trees, centerpieces, wreaths, vendor booths, arts and crafts, live performances, Santa’s Village, and even an “ice” skating rink!
More info coming soon.
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Call to Artists for CCIRC Members | Are you an artist? A member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County? If you answered yes to the first question but no to the second, make your way to the CCIRC website to remedy that so you can be part of the Feathers, Fins And Furs exhibit coming up. |
From CCIRC - For CCIRC Members:
This is an invitation to our artist members to bring in your talents depicting animal friends.
Please submit up to five (5) images to Sheila@Cultural-Council.org by the submission deadline of Tuesday, September 5th. Include Title, Medium, Dimensions and Price. Download the spec sheet.
NOTE: If you are displaying artwork in the current exhibit, please plan on picking up Tuesday September 13, 2023, at 11 am .
Location: IRC Intergenerational Recreation Center, 1590 9th St SW, Vero Beach
Theme: Feathers, Fins And Furs
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Notification of Selection: Thursday, September 7, 2023
Delivery Date and Time: Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at 11am.
Exhibit Start Date: Wednesday, September13, 2023
Exhibit End Date: Wednesday ,December 13, 2023
Pick up Date and Time: Wednesday, December 13, at 11am
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Bookmark On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are now online.
Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page. And now there's a Facebook Arts Blast on the Air!
Click to Subscribe to Arts Blast
To opt out of receiving Arts Blast, "unsubscribe" at the end of the page.
If you have an arts-related event coming up, scroll down for information on submitting it for a free basic listing. Limited advertising is available. PLEASE use that format!
Event schedules can change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
To Submit Calendar Information for ARTS BLAST!
Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.
Use this format for Calendar entries:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web/Facebook address
Contact for public use (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, unless more are requested.
Media contact with email for Arts Blast followup (not for publication)
Copyright ©2019-2022 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.
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