Dear friend,

I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful and relaxing summer! We just finished another amazing summer camp where the special children and their teen buddies all had a blast!

We are so proud of our first graduating class of our Culinary Academy! These young adults learned vocational skills, kitchen safety, food prep and independence. The year was so successful that we are now expanding with a new Junior Chefs-in-Training course!

We have an incredible year planned with our 18 existing robust, therapeutic, social and recreational programs and support groups. We are so excited to share some fabulous new programs including dance, art, Junior Chefs in the Kitchen and more!

Shout out to our fabulous staff and hundreds of dedicated volunteers and donors for making all this possible!

Stay cool and looking forward to an amazing year together.

Chani Mintz
Friendship Circle Director

Friendship Circle Culinary Academy recently graduated its first class of young adults from Cooking Club. The Chefs-In-Training completed a year of interactive culinary training and learned how to master new kitchen techniques, cook healthy foods, read recipes, practice kitchen hygiene and gained independence in the kitchen. This course also prepares them to get jobs in the food industry.
The students and their parents enjoyed an extremely fulfilling culmination dinner and ceremony, and the graduates were all so proud of their accomplishments. The Chefs each spoke about their amazing experience and how much they have learned.

Thank you so much to our fantastic and dedicated Chef and OT team, Talia Cohen and Susanna Wolfe for your dedication to the Culinary Academy!
Friendship Circle is going water skiing and kayaking!! Special buddies will once again be participating in water sports activities at the US Adaptive Recreation Center located in Big Bear. 

Assisted by specially trained volunteers, our members will enjoy kayaking and water skiing. Everyone who attends says it’s an amazing experience! 

Next outing is Tuesday, August 8th.

Thank you to Amy and Michael Stoll for this incredible opportunity!
Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Hyundai CARES, we’ve had the opportunity to invite our participants to see two movies this year: Lyle Lyle Crocodile and Super Mario Bros

The moviegoers also get free movie treats, and their families are invited to participate as well. Everyone loves being able to take their family to the movies!

From a young age I have always loved to be involved in my community. I stumbled upon Friendship Circle one day and I knew I wanted to join. 

At my first Sunday Circle, I knew this was the best decision I had ever made. Everyone was full of smiles and pure joy as they participated in activities with their friends. I was truly in awe at the sense of friendship and community everyone felt for one another.  

Friendship Circle has allowed me to make so many true and long-lasting friendships that only continue to grow and foster, and I always can’t wait until the days when I get to see everyone again! 

I am so grateful to have found this special program and to have met all the amazing buddies and volunteers. Thanks to the hard work and dedication from the amazing team at Friendship Circle who work hard to run this organization including Chani, Lisa, Michelle, and everyone else who deserve a special thank you! Friendship Circle truly has a special place in my heart!

I have been a part of Friendship Circle for more than 10 years. I started as a buddy and came with my twin sister Annie for about three years. I enjoyed being a buddy because everyone was so friendly, and they helped me overcome my shyness. It’s hard for me to make friends so being at Friendship Circle makes me feel happy.

A few years after I stopped coming as a buddy, I began volunteering with Friendship Circle. Some people still mistake me for being a buddy. Some of the people I’m paired with as a volunteer are a lot like me when I was a buddy – people who have a hard time making friends.  I’m now learning to cook with Friendship Circle Cooking Club and I’m having fun with that. Being a part of Friendship Circle has been good for me - it’s a friendly environment and I highly recommend it for others.
Our year-round programs are offered at no charge to the participants. Friendship Circle is able to offer a full calendar of activities due to the generosity of so many individuals in the community. Thank you to our donors for your thoughtfulness!

Click here to make a donation today.

Planned Giving to the Friendship Circle Endowment shows your commitment to ensuring that no individual is left behind. This is your moment to empower each person to express their talents and reach their potential, both now and in the future.

Join Friendship Circle through the loving act of Planned Giving by leading your community to a strong and vibrant future. This is your moment.
For more information on planned giving, please visit or call Chani Mintz at (949) 721-9800

2240 University Dr. | Newport Beach, CA 92660 | 949-721-9800