May 31, 2023

Hello Rick and Maria,

Welcome to Day 21 of Bijou's Be Well Bundle video series!

Find happiness by enjoying the journey, not by awaiting the destination.” - Peter Sheppard Skaerved

"Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life." - Joyce Meyer

Embrace your life journey with gratitude, so that how you travel your path is more important than reaching your ultimate destination.” - Rosalene Glickman

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:



  1. To take delight and pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
  2. possess and benefit from.

How wonderful it is to both take pleasure in and benefit from an activity! Staying present drawing our string, choosing our tangles, delighting in the comfort of our favorite tangles and embracing the challenge of learning new ones, relishing the shading, and then taking a step back and appreciating our creation. There is so much joy to be had during the entire journey of creating a small, unique piece of art.

That is why Bijou reminds us to Enjoy! Enjoy what your art brings, enjoy what your life brings, enjoy all the moments of your journeys!


It is Day 21, the final day of this series, and we want to take a moment to share how much we have enjoyed this series and are so grateful that you joined us. Each step in the process: planning, writing, tangling, sharing, and admiring, has been a pleasure and an honor for us and for Bijou.


As we wrap up this series, we invite you to enjoy our latest blog post. Bijou has collected all of his thoughts and musings from this series into a blog, so we have a place to revisit them all in one spot. Let us know in the comments what your favorite day/Bijouism was (if you can choose) and why. Bijou has an extra tin of Translucen-Z Bijou tiles he found and will choose a commenter at random to send it to.

Be well, be you,


Bijou's Be Well Bundle - Day 21

Bijou's Be Well Bundle - Wrap Up

The videos in the Bijou's Be Well Bundle series will be released every day through May 31, 2023. You can view all of the videos in this series here.

Tangle Step Out: tipple

Bijou's Be Well Bundle: a 21-Day Tangling Journey

The United States has been observing Mental Health Awareness during the month of May since 1949. Each year, businesses, organizations, schools, and individuals dedicate this month to acknowledge those affected by mental illness by presenting innovative ideas, events, and programs to support the treatment and prevention

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Bijou's Be Well Bundles

Bijou's Be Well Bundle - White Bijou tiles and tools
Bijou's Be Well Bundle - Black Bijou tiles and tools

Note: The Bijou Be Well Bundles will be available until June 7th.

Zentangle Events

Join Molly Hollibaugh and Martha Huggins as they guide you through process behind deconstructing and creating "seed tangles".

Zentangle Garden: Seed and Organic Tangles

June 9-11, 2023

Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Learn more and register here.

Become a Certified Zentangle Teacher
United States

CZT 41: September 22-24, 2023
English Only

please email with any questions about seminars in the US

CZT Asia 22: August 17-20, 2023
Mandarin Only.

please email with any questions about seminars in Asia


CZT-EU 7: October 19-22, 2023
German, English, Spanish and French options available.

please email with any questions about seminars in Europe

Thank you all for tangling along with us and Bijou for the past 21 days!

With Gratitude and Appreciation,

Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha, Bijou and everyone at Zentangle HQ!

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