
Congratulations on your participation in the Bike To Work Challenge!

Together we did something great for our health and great for the health of our community and environment.

  • 5-day Challenge
  • 2,160 bike trips
  • 9,424 miles
  • 7,645 lbs. of CO2 reduced
  • 471,177 calories burned
  • Countless smiling faces

Those of you who participated at a winning workplace will get FREE CycleMAYnia T-shirts! But don't fret if you didn't win, we're also selling the shirts for $15 each. (And feel free to get extras for family and friends.)

Please place your order and/or complete our Bike Challenge Survey here:
T-shirt order form and Bike Challenge Survey.

Shirts will be available for pick-up from your office coordinator at a date TBA.

1st Place Winners

The winning employers, based on tiers from small to large, are as follows:

Santa Barbara RiteCare
Language Center  (tier 1-9)

SBBIKE  (tier 10-49)

RightScale  (tier 50-499)

Yardi Systems  (tier 500-999)

UCSB  (tier 1,000+)

The Challenge was based on workplaces getting the highest percentage of employee participation. Every day an employee logged a commute trip, meeting trip, or lunch trip BY BIKE raised the workplace participation score. While multiple trips were great, only one trip per-day contributed to the score.
This Bike to Work Challenge was somewhat of a pilot using new software. We have plans to refine the platform and parameters for next time so we'd love to hear your feedback. The survey is combined with the T-shirt order form at this link: T-shirt order form and Bike Challenge Survey

Thanks for riding with us!


Lori La Riva
Traffic Solutions, SBCAG
(805) 961-8919 | |