Get your CycleMAYnia T-shirt and answer our survey.
Congratulations on your participation in the Bike To Work Challenge!
Together we did something great for our health and great for the health of our community and environment.
5-day Challenge
2,160 bike trips
9,424 miles
7,645 lbs. of CO2 reduced
471,177 calories burned
Countless smiling faces
Those of you who participated at a winning workplace will get FREE CycleMAYnia T-shirts! But don't fret if you didn't win, we're also selling the shirts for $15 each. (And feel free to get extras for family and friends.)
Shirts will be available for pick-up from your office coordinator at a date TBA.
1st Place Winners
The winning employers, based on tiers from small to large, are as follows:
Santa Barbara RiteCare
Language Center (tier 1-9)
SBBIKE (tier 10-49)
RightScale (tier 50-499)
Yardi Systems (tier 500-999)
UCSB (tier 1,000+)
The Challenge was based on workplaces getting the highest percentage of employee participation. Every day an employee logged a commute trip, meeting trip, or lunch trip BY BIKE raised the workplace participation score. While multiple trips were great, only one trip per-day contributed to the score.
This Bike to Work Challenge was somewhat of a pilot using new software. We have plans to refine the platform and parameters for next time so we'd love to hear your feedback. The survey is combined with the T-shirt order form at this link:
T-shirt order form and Bike Challenge Survey.