VOL 1 / December 2024 - January 2025

BikerDown February 2025 Newsletter

Last Month in Las Vegas Helping Injured Motorcycle Riders Before We Start the Riding Season?

The biggest joy of BikerDown for me is to be able to work remotely and travel this great country helping injured motorcycle riders and attending events.

Since November, I have been in Las Vegas working and helping our great riding community there. Our Adopt a Family Las Vegas helped more families than ever, Colorado Adopt A Family helped over 25 families and we continue to do our BEST to help injured riders Nationwide and in our chapter states of Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Arizona and soon Texas, areas that are able to ride all year round.


This month, we will be attending the Mecum Auction, NAMIL (National Association of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers) and the AIM Expo which is an amazing dealership exhibit of new products coming to our motorcycle community. Next month, BikerDown will attend Daytona Bike Fest and April will include Arizona Bike Week.

Our goal always is to network with others who share their love for riding and to always make ourselves available to our motorcycle riders across this great nation who need a true resource at the worst time in their life after a motorcycle crash/accident.

This month we are starting some new programs to help you stay more aware and safer on the road and hope that you will scroll down and get more information.

On behalf of BikerDown, we hope you had a happy holiday and a great New Year's Eve. Ride safe, stay vigilant, and know that we are here to support you through every twist and turn of your journey.

Laurie Montoya

President & Founder

BikerDown Foundation

BikerDown Depends on YOUR Support to be able to Help Injured Motorcycle Riders, Would you Consider a Donation TODAY?  CLICK HERE to visit our website

Healing Through Loss In-Person

and Live Workshops

Healing Through Loss in-person and online workshops There than nothing worse for a family is losing a loved one after an unexpected death. Grieving family members search for a group or resource that can truly understand the grief that they are going through. For many years, BikerDown has been hosting in-person gatherings, but in 2025, we will begin creating LIVE events tailoring each live event to several categories such as Parents that have lost children, Wives or husbands that have lost a spouse and lastly children that have lost their parents. To stay up on our upcoming events, please follow us on these 2 pages FB BikerDown group and our Healing Through Loss FB page.

BikerDown FREE Insurance Reviews

Why you ask? Riders don't always trust who is giving them the insurance review, but BikerDown speaks to motorcycle riders every single day and hear their stories of WHY they didn't have the right insurance. We have consulted with our motorcycle attorneys and community partners on what questions to ask, To Get A BikerDown Free Insurance Review, please click here.

BikerDown Joins the Texas 99% Radio Network with a regular segment on Motorcycle Safety and How Help Bikers Better!

You may have seen Founder Laurie Montoya on the 99% Radio Network talking about events and the High Seas Rally.

Owner John Salerno and his team have always cared about the veterans and motorcycle community. They are kicking it up with some amazing new programs.

Be sure to follow them by clicking here

Sign up today for a Chance to Win a Swag Basket of Motorcycle Awareness items from BikerDown

Letting drivers SEE YOU is vital to your safety when you ride, Sign Up today for a chance to win a $150 swag basket filled with lots of awareness swag. Follow us on our social media to stay informed on what you can do to be safer on the road


Want to learn how to help an injured rider on the scene? Consider taking a BikerDown sponsored ASM Class. Visit our events page to see where we are hosting the next ASM class.

WANT TO HOST YOUR OWN CLASS in Your City or State? Email us at office@bikerdown.org and request information. Let us show you how easy we can make it to help your club, group or organization have the skills to possibly save a life.


Become a Member of BikerDown today and let us give you real value for your dues, not a Pin or a Patch...Real Value.

Visit our website today and see if there is a membership level that meets your needs and Help US Help Bikers Better

BikerDown Safety Sponsors

Receive 20% off any order with NBT motorcycle protective clothing when you use the code BikerDown20

The Brake Free Technology's Smart Brake Light is very bright, and improves your odds of being seen from behind. Housed inside the Brake Free's hard casing is a three-dimensional gyrometer and an accelerometer that work in unison to detect any changes in front-to-back movement, but primarily deceleration.

Click here to get more information https://brakefreetech.superfiliate.com/BIKERDOWN

Remember If You Go DOWN....We Step UP!