Every year, Medalta's contemporary artists' residency programs bring an interesting, diverse, creative and ambitious group of people to Medicine Hat for a period between one month and one year. While here, these artists work in our studios, teach pottery & art classes, exhibit their work throughout the city, volunteer for many different organizations in the city and are just generally awesome.


Their favourite way to get around Medicine Hat is by bicycle (even in the winter, believe it or not). You have probably seen them on the bike paths around town.


As most of these artists pack very light when they arrive in Medicine Hat, we like to keep a small stable of bikes on hand for them. Nothing fancy - just something in good working order that'll keep them mobile.


We're coming into a very busy season in our studios, with the summer months filling to capacity.


With so many bright, creative people coming to our city, we are asking whether you have a bike you would like to donate. We're not looking for too many - five at the most - but if you have one that has been taking up space in your garage/shed/basement/wherever, these visiting artists would really appreciate if we could add it to our own bike stable.


Like we said, it doesn't need to be fancy - we're not looking for new Cervelo's here. Two wheels, brakes, pedals, a seat ... you know, the usual. A good guideline is this; if you'd ride it in a pinch, chances are our artists will be happy to put some miles on it.


If you have a bike you'd like to donate to us, just email [email protected] or call 403.504.4653 and we'll help you arrange a time to get that bike to us.


Thank you for your help in keeping our visiting artists happy and mobile.