October 7, 2019           Your source for Livonia news. All the time. All ways positive.
Musings masthead website

Join your friends and neighbors for the Annual Livonia Spaghetti Dinner at Christ our Savior Lutheran Church
October 24th from 5:00 - 7:00. Adults only $10. Children 12 and under $5. A fun dinner for a good cause .
Livonia will benefit from the election of Kathleen McIntyre and Eileen McDonnell
They should join Jim Davis and Brandon McCullough as four to consider on City Council

Whether we like it or not, for good or bad, our city council government has a big impact on our life in Livonia. For the most part, the impact is good. A well run, financially strong, clean local government is a great asset for raising a family, maintaining strong property values and defining a hometown of which we can all be proud.

We are fortunate to have strong neighborhoods, multiple shopping opportunities and more community festivals and culture that would make most hometowns envious.

We also are in need of a forward looking progressive approach to moving Livonia into a new generation of leadership. New ideas.

We have 7 highly qualified candidates seeking the office of City Council and we must take a look at 4 to receive our votes. One candidate, Brian Duggan, does not deserve our consideration as he chose to ignore the political process in the primary barely scratching out a last place finish based solely on his name recognition. He now wants us to consider him for the top four finishers and be deserving to serve on the City Council. There are 7 other candidates who campaigned, met voters, raised and spent money who should receive votes before Duggan is considered.

When looking for Council candidates let me start by saying what I am NOT looking for. I do not want people who are dishonest and corrupt, I do not support people who are agenda-driven anti-progress ideologues, I am not interested in people who are uncommitted to the community and the job of Council, and I am not interested in novices who have shown little interest in civic engagement.

In contrast to that are a five things I want to see in City Council candidates: Honesty in both their actions and being intellectually honest with their approach to issues. Balanced and willing to be the representative of all of the people, not a champion of a special interest group or a narrow perspective. Committed to doing the job right which requires a significant dedication of time and energy.

Motivated to serving the public interests and motivated enough to campaign vigorously for the position. Experienced in their work and civic life that lends itself to this position.

Today Musings will add two more endorsements to the one made on Wednesday for City Council, Jim Davis, and one on Friday  Brandon McCullough.

There are two incumbents running for re-election. In all likelihood both will win. Both for a variety of reasons. Name recognition being at the top of the list. FridayMusings encourages the vote for only one of the two and that being Kathleen McIntyre

McIntyre brings her knowledge and history of Livonia to the table. Her 4 years on the council will prove valuable with the loss of Brandon Kritzman and Brian Meakin. These two council members are term limited and their understanding of the historic perspective on issues will be missed. McIntyre not only understands the context of issues brought before the council but is willing to share her knowledge with the community through her social media skills and her willingness to network with community members. This n uts-and-bolts experience  is perfect preparation for a second term. 

Musings is pleased that McIntyre is seeking re-election and hopes that she will serve out her term without consideration to leaving for another elected position like State Representative. Additionally, having served as Council President during her first 4 years it will be important that someone with her knowledge and experience wields the gavel. McIntyre will serve Livonia well in a second term and it is our hope that she is poised to run #1 so that she becomes the Council President.

Another of the eight candidates who survived the primary and is deserving of our support and endorsement is former school board member Eileen McDonnell who will bring an inquisitive and professional mind to the council. She is not one to sit idly by when questions need to be asked and answers need to be sought. Two other school board members recently came to the city council, Lynda Scheel and Terry Marecki, and brought with them an understanding of how the legislative branch can effectively work together with a chief executive officer. This experience will hold McDonnell in good stead. 

Eileen McDonnell is involved in the community, knows how to support those who are supporting our hometown. She is willing to roll up her sleeves and participate when her help is needed. This integration with community organizations is needed in order that our council engage more citizens in accepting the issues facing Livonia and take ownership of the solutions. 

McDonnell will offer insights into the city's approach to economic development. Most candidates agree on the challenges the city faces but in McDonnell it is our feeling that she is more open to a studied approach and not a knee jerk reaction playing to just one segment of our community. This freshness will be a welcome addition.

McDonnell has proven her willingness to serve, to take her skill set from her career and bring it to the city council. She will be a valuable addition to the council and FridayMusings is solidly behind Eileen McDonnell and asks your support on November 5th for one of the 4 votes you have.  

All in all Livonia will benefit from 3 fresh faces, Jim Davis, Brandon McCullough and Eileen McDonnell and one returning incumbent, Kathleen McIntyre

FridayMusings endorsements for your consideration:

For Mayor: Maureen Miller Brosnan

For City Council: Jim Davis, Brandon McCullough, Kathleen McIntyre, Eileen McDonnell
A look at Manufacturing Day in Livonia's AlphaUSA
Manufacturing Day 2019 - AlphaUSA joined thousands of businesses across the country to open our doors to students interested in manufacturing as a career. 

Their goal was to inspire the next generation of creators by showing them well paying career options for high school graduates, 1 year certificate programs, 2 year certificate programs, associate degree and apprenticeship programs.

 The students were allowed to view processes and ask questions of our designers, machine set-up staff, skilled trades staff and laboratory technicians. They welcomed over 260 students to the AlphaUSA state of the art manufacturing 

Held annually on the first Friday of October, Manufacturing Day helps show the reality of modern-day manufacturing.  It encourages thousands of companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders.

This morning students from Emerson stopped by to check out the AlphaUSA Livonia Facility.   Manufacturing Day program had 700 students from 10 middle schools around Western Wayne County participating.
This typewriter will not say good bye. Instead will say thank you.
The following was presented by the typewriter as one of the remembrances of Janet Bennett  at her Celebration of Life, Saturday, at Harris Funeral Home. I am pleased to share it with you today:

In death we are reminded that nothing is promised, only that life was worth it.

In Janet Bennett Livonia found a woman who made sure that her life was worth it. She made sure that her work of life here in Livonia would make no promises only that her work would leave behind value for those who follow.

Recognizing that the life's work of Janet Bennett left lots of value and lots to be desired how can Livonia possibly say good bye.

As I stood by last night at the visitation it continued to hit home as I overheard conversation about Greenmead, heard Janet described as gracious, as the epitome of what Livonia stood for. One person was describing her as the quintessence Livonia resident. Striving to give meaning and purpose to a community that was, excuse the mixed metaphor, a blank slate when she moved here in 1958.

This meaning and purpose perhaps is what brought together a group of Livonia residents who became quick friends and who worked together on so many projects. Each with a vision of what was good for the hometown under construction. Her networking ability was second to none, especially when coming together meant a better Livonia.
Some of that conversation tended to put her justifiably on a pedestal. And I am not sure that she would approve. I know that she would have shifted the conversation to more pedestrian talk of history, art, culture, children, grandchildren.

But it would have what made her who she was, what she represented. Doing work, supporting projects that gave meaning and purpose to life in Livonia. A Livonia that was more than talk, it was about making the quality of life meaningful.

We find that as we drive down Five Mile Road knowing that children are finding the joy of reading, that adults are finding the happiness of vicarious travel, travel through the pages of books filled with glittering alliterations, descriptions of worlds they might never visit expect in their minds.

We find that as we drive down Newburgh Road knowing that history could be respected while being studied. We could imagine a time before and the progress made. An understanding of history right before our eyes.

I also heard talk of two names last night, Bob and Janet. Or Janet and Bob.  The names were inexplicably linked. Bob and Janet Bennett.  You couldn't say one without the other.

Bob and Janet Bennett.  Pictures inevitably had the two side by side.  Bob and Janet Bennett.

In her own way Janet Bennett did it her way. Yes, and her legacy as part of the Bob and Janet Bennett story also included a story of Janet Bennett. And today the community she loved and respected. The family that she loved and respected. The people that she loved and respected are gathered to acknowledge a woman who played a pivotal role in so much that we enjoy in Livonia. So much of what we have come to take for granted. So much that brought a smile to her face as she saw the results of the volunteerism, the hard work and the ability to network to make things happen.

When she passed away September 29th she may have left us but her work will always be a part of us. A part of what we have come to call our hometown Livonia. A part of what was made because of her vision, her partnership and her belief that the arts; that history, that reading can define quality of life.

Her children and grandchildren, her friends and neighbors should understand that in this gracious woman was some one that the city of Livonia owes so much to. That she left an indelible mark that will define Livonia for generations to come. That you, her living sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters had a member of your family that defined Livonia for over half a century. Some would be happy if they were to be remembered for work done and issues defined for 5 or 6 years. But the work of this woman will last for well into this century and it is something we need to admire and work that we should acknowledge while saying thank you.

In 1958 Janet and her husband Bob moved to Livonia where she became involved in community organizations like the Children's Theatre Guild, the Jackson School PTA, the Girl Scouts. She became a driving force of the Livonia Town Hall and the Livonia chapter of the AAUW. She was a founding member of the Friends of the Livonia Library. She was its spirit.
Janet Bennett played a key role in the development and construction of the Livonia Civic Center Library. There was no doubt that one day this significant addition to our Livonia landscape would be called the Bob and Janet Bennett Civic Center Library or maybe the Janet and Bob Bennett Civic Center Library.

Bob and Janet Bennett. Two names inexplicably linked.

She served as President of the Friends for the Development of Greenmead for over 20 years. Ironically, in November 2003, with the Blue House renovation completed the first event held there was the fiftieth wedding anniversary celebration of Bob and Janet Bennett.

Janet was an avid lover of history and reading as evidenced by her vast collection of books on world history, the sciences and fine arts, as well as fiction. Her collection of books numbers in the thousands and it was her wish that her prized collection be donated to the Livonia Public Libraries upon her passing.

Janet was a lifelong supporter of the arts. She, herself, was an artist and she instilled a love of art and music in not only her children, but her grandchildren as well. Few things brought her more joy than attending a performance by the Livonia Symphony Orchestra or various performances at the Detroit Opera House.

But Janet was always a team player, especially when it came to supporting Bob when he ran for City Council. She was his campaign manager. She was a driving force in his election as Mayor.

Livonia lost a good one on Sunday. Wait. Livonia lost a great one on Sunday. As you drive past Greenmead or down Five Mile and see the Library. Maybe attending a Symphony Concert. Smile. Wave. Say thank you. Maybe pull over. Close your eyes and picture that Livonia would be without the arts, without Greenmead, with the Library. We are better because of Janet Bennett.

How do you say good bye? Why do we have to say good bye. I can't and I will not. I will continue to say thank you. As the legacy she has provided is one that I challenge everyone hear to continue building on. To continue defining all that is good about Livonia. It is what defined her and what she wanted to define her hometown.

So thank you Bennett family for loaning us this giant of a woman. I do not say good bye. I prefer to say thank you.
Cinematic Art expands in Livonia with the introduction of Fathom Events 
at the Phoenix Theatre
Elvis Unleashed
October 7 - 7:00pm
October 10 - 7:00pm

Turandot - The Met Opera Live in HD
October 12 - 12:55pm
October 16 - 1:00pm (Encore)
October 16 - 6:30pm (Encore)

Alien - 40th Anniversary (1979)
October 13- 1:00pm
October 13- 4:00pm
October 15 - 7:00pm
October 16 - 7:00pm

Rob Zombie's 3 From Hell - Encore
October 14 - 7:00pm

Jay & Silent Bob Reboot
October 15 - 7:00pm
October 17 - 7:00pm (Double Feature)

QT8: The First Eight
October 21 - 7:00pm

The Reliant
October 24 - 7:00pm

Manon - The Met Opera Live in HD
October 26 - 12:55pm
October 30 - 1:00pm (Encore)
October 30 - 6:30pm (Encore)

Spirited Away - Studio Ghibli Fest 2019
October 27 - 12:55pm (DUB)
October 28 - 7:00pm (SUB)

Raymonda - The Bolshoi Ballet
October 27 - 12:55pm

Faustina: Love and Mercy
October 28 - 7:00pm

LUZIA - Cirque de Soleil 
October 29 - 7:00pm

Click on this image for all movie times

November 5
Absentee Ballots out September 25

City of Livonia  Mayoral Race
Vote for one candidate in November

Maureen Miller Brosnan
Councilman Jim Jolly,
Livonia Police Officers Association
Police Officers Association of Michigan
Livonia Police Lieutenants and Sergeants Association
Livonia Firefighters Local 1164
Westland Mayor Bill Wild
Congresswoman Haley Stevens
State Senator Dayna Polehanki
County Executive Warren Evans
County Sheriff Benny Napoleon
Sierra Club Michigan Chapter
AFSCME, UAW, Teamsters Local 299 
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters, 
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 2
Greater Metropolitan Association of Realtors
Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council
Dan Centers, Livonia School Board Trustee, 
Karen Bradford, Livonia School Board Trustee
Tim Klisz, Zoning Board of Appeals Member 
Gretchen Alaniz, Schoolcraft College Trustee
Brian Broderick, Schoolcraft College Board Chair
Schoolcraft College Treasurer Terry Gilligan
Janice Centers, Zoning Board of Appeals Member
Citizens Roads Advisory Committee Member Brett Gierak
 Former Livonia City Council Members Mike McGee,
 Joe Taylor, and Dale Jurcisin

Laura Toy
Mayor Dennis Wright , 
Former Mayors Jack Kirksey, Jack Engebretson
Councilwomen Kathleen McIntyre and Cathy White 
Councilman Brian Meakin
Bruce Tenniswood
Right to Life of Michigan  

City of Livonia Council Race
Vote for up to four candidates in November 

Scott Bahr  
Mayors Dennis Wright, Jack Engebretson, Jack Kirksey
Council members Laura Toy, Jim Jolly
Brandon Kritzman, Kathleen McIntyre, Cathy White
Brian Meakin
Former Council members Jim McCann, Joe Taylor
John Pastor, Treasurer Lynda Scheel
Commissioner Terry Marecki
Livonia Public School Trustees Mark Johnson
Colleen Burton, Karen Bradford, Crystal Frank
Former LPS Superintendent Randy Liepa
Former Representatives John Walsh, Laura Cox
Former Senator Patrick Colbeck
Former Fire Chief Shadd Whitehead
Livonia Firefighters Union 1164
Schoolcraft Trustee Dillon Breen
ZBA Members Chris Boloven, Joel Turbiak,
Jim Baringhaus
Planning Commissioners Sam Caramagno  Carol Smiley
Greater Metropolitan Association of Realtors
Right to Life of Michigan

Gregory Coppola
Councilmembers Laura Toy,  Brian Meakin,
Brandon M. Kritzman, Kathleen McIntyre
County Commissioner Terry Marecki
Former Councilmen  John Walsh and  John Pastor
Jim McCann and Joe Laura
Zoning Board of Appeals Jim Baringhaus and Tim Kliz
Schoolcraft Trustee Dillon Breen
Right to Life of Michigan

Robert Donovic
Bruce Tenniswood
Livonia Police Officers Association 
Livonia Fire Fighters Local 1164
 Police  Officers Association of Michigan
 Park Commissioner Paul Condon
Schoolcraft Trustees Gretchen Alaniz, Dillon Breen, 
Mayor Dennis Wright, 
Councilwoman Laura Toy, Councilman Brian Meakin, 
Former Livonia School Trustee Steve King
Greater Metropolitan Association of Realtors, 
County Commissioner Diane Webb,
State Representative Jewell Jones, 
Right to Life of Michigan

Brian Duggan
Laura Toy, Joe Laura, Jim McCann
Livonia Police Officers Association
B randon McCullough
Greater Metropolitan Association of Realtors
Livonia Police Officers Association
Police Officers Association of Michigan
Livonia Police Lieutenants and Sergeants Association
Livonia Firefighters Local 1164
Mayor Dennis Wright, 
Wayne County Commissioner Glenn Anderson
Former City Councilwoman Maureen Miller Brosnan    Councilmen Jim Jolly, Brandon Kritzman, 
Great Detroit Building & Construction Trades Council,  Sheet Metal Workers' Local 80,
 Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers, 
County Commissioner Diane Webb
Eileen McDonnell
Sierra Club Michigan Chapter
County Commissioners  Glenn S. Anderson Diane Webb former LPS School Board  Dianne Laura
former Livonia City Council member Joe Laura, 
Schoolcraft Trusteew  Gretchen Alaniz and Joan Gebhardt

Kathleen McIntyre 
Mayor Dennis Wright,  Former Mayors Jack Kirksey, Jack Engebretson,  John Grzebik, Greenleaf Commission,      
Zoning Board of Appeals Tim Klisz and  Jim Baringhaus
Arts Commissioner Lindsay Spence
Recreation Commissioner Katie Jolly
Livonia Police Officers Association
Police Officers Association of Michigan
Livonia Firefighters Local 1164
Treasurer Lynda Scheel,  Council members Laura Toy, Jim Jolly,Brian Meakin,  Cathy White, Brandon Kritzman
 Wayne County Commissioner Terry Marecki, 
Schoolcraft Trustee Gretchen Alaniz
Send your calendar notices to  [email protected]
October in Livonia
October 1 - 30
Wilson Barn Pumpkin Fest Every day in October

October 19 - 31
Pumpkin Place fundraiser for Livonia Cares

October 12
Annual Fire Safety Open House

October 12 @ 4:00
Old World-New Season  Livonia Symphony Orchestra
Clarenceville High School  Louis Schmidt Auditorium

October 14 @ 4:00 - 7:00
Seedlings Annual Open House
Piano prodigy Avett Ray Maness/American Idol fame
Greeters: The typewriter and Bodyguard

October 19

October 21
Wayne 11th Congressional District Republican Club
Dinner Dance @ Italian Club Livonia
October 24 7:00 - 9:00

October 24 @ 5:00 - 7:00
Rotary Community Spaghetti Dinner
Help Eradicate Polio
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church
October 28 @ 5:00 - 7:00
Flemings support for the ARC
People with Disabilities
tickets @  TheARCNW.org
If you had unlimited resources what would do to
improve Livonia quality of life?

Calling all high school students who would like to have some fun with their imagination and have the chance to win a $200 gift card!

The Livonia Human Relations Commission is having an essay contest based on the question: "If you had unlimited resources and total control of your schedule for the next 6 months, how would you spend your time and resources to improve the quality of life in Livonia? Who would you have on your team to collaborate with and why? (famous or not)"

See the letter for all of the details! 

All entries may be turned in at the Guidance Office at each high school. Good luck!

St. Paul's Presbyterian Church is gearing up for a Fall Fun Fest

St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Livonia will host its 11th Annual Fall Fun Festival, "Jesus Christ Super Hero!!" on Saturday, October 19 from 4 to 6 p.m. for children through 6th grade and their families. There will be games, a hot dog roast, treats, fall activities and more.

 Indoor/outdoor activities. Rain or shine! Costumes are encouraged. Parents or guardians must accompany all children.

Our Fall Fun Festival is Free and all are welcome! If you wish to contribute, we encourage you to bring canned foods for the food pantry.

For more information or to sign-up, please call the church office at 734/422-1470.

St. Paul's is located on Five Mile Road one block west of Inkster Road in Livonia. 
November 2 is the Healthy Livonia Turkey Trot

The 14th Annual  Healthy Livonia  Turkey Trot is Sat. Nov. 2! Be sure to register before Oct. 21 to be guaranteed a T-shirt. 

Register at  www.livoniaparks.org  or at the Kirksey Recreation Center. 

The 5K fun walk/run benefits the  Livonia Goodfellows  and  Blessings in a Backpack - Livonia

Halloween Open House at the Kirksey Recreation Center

Join the fun at the Jack E. Kirksey Recreation Center Halloween Open House, 15100 Hubbard, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13.

Enjoy the pool, climbing wall, and a variety of gym activities. The gyms will be set up for roller hockey, pickleball, volleyball and basketball.

Guests will also have a chance to learn about organizations and business in their community. As a special treat, youth are invited to trick-or-treat at the participating organizations and businesses. Costumes are encouraged, but not required.

Admission is free for the day for residents and $3 per person for non-residents.
For more information, contact the Kirksey Recreation Center at (734) 466-2900 or visit www.livoniaparks.org

Scary Fun at the Livonioa YMCA and you are invited October 25

We are SCARY excited for our biggest event of the year!! Join us Friday October 25th from 5:30pm - 8pm for community, fun, games, spooky stories, crafts, and even a costume contest 

This is a free community event, and membership is not required to attend!

Why leave home for a pumpkin !!! 
Wilson Barn Pumpkin Fest every October day
Join us for Pumpkin fest at the Wilson Barn! Every day in October. EVERY DAY.
 No admission charged, however fees for some activities apply.

-Pumpkins, Gourds and cornstalk sales
-Pony Rides (3-7pm)
-Hayrides (By appointment only and weather permitting)
** Call 313-909-1870 for an appointment

WEEKEND ACTIVITIES (Saturday and Sunday) 11am-7pm
-Cider, Donuts, Refreshments
-Pumpkins, gourds and Cornstalk sales
-Pony Rides and Hayrides (12-7), weather permitting
- Art and Craft Show

Halloween and history. Together. October 25.

Culinary Art

The  official 
artisan chocolate of FridayMusings.


Designed and created right here in hometown Livonia by  Joe Gilligan.
It is his mission to deliver high quality chocolates made with 100% organic butter and cream with the finest chocolates available with his flavors varying season to season.
For more information check this out: https://www.facebook.com/DoughJoesChocolates/

Update on the November general election
Maureen Miller Brosnan Breakfast of Champions   10/10
Rob Donovic Pizza and Pasta   10/11
Brandon McCullough Ball Hockey   10/13
Jim Davis coffee and conversation 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29
Wayne 11th Republican dinner/dance   10/21
FridayMusings will continue to post information about the 8 candidates running for City Council and the 2 candidates running for Mayor. When we receive notification of an event and as was done in the primary we will post announcements  without editing.

Click on the image for more details.