Two weeks and now I am ready to drive again after the bodyguard made sure that the car keys were not available. Aside from not driving and only getting out of the house for brief periods of time, like 30 minutes or less at a time, and only when the bodyguard drove I was able to find some new British mysteries to watch, downloaded two new books for holiday reading, ordered up some Christmas gifts for Colorado and rearranged items on the desk at least 20 times.
One event missed that I am personally upset about. Wanted so much to attend the Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church Veterans service this past Sunday. But after surfing the net I found a picture and a posting by my favorite stringer, well actually not a stringer, but she is the Mayor:
"I was honored to be asked by Pastor Kellie Whitlock to recognize Livonia Emergency Preparedness Director Brian Kahn for his work as a first responder. Today was the Veterans Service at Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church — Military, First Responder & Their Families Sunday.
"The church has created a unique and important ministry serving those who serve all of us. And today, in addition to the moving service, Rev. Whitlock and Dave Laycock (Ret. Sergeant Major, US Army) cut the ribbon on The Psalm 91 Room, a space created in the church for members of the military and first responders to go and rest and be fortified."
One of my first trips after being released from home confinement will be to Rosedale to tour the new Psalm 91 Room to take a look at this new space and to personally thank the Church for their continued support of our First Responders.
Some talk about their support, show up for pictures, smile, and go about their way having paid lip service to these important community supporters.
Others, like our Faith Community, put their words to actions and boy, is it impressive.