March 26, 2021 FridayMusings is your source for what we love about Livonia
Musings readers dropped a dime to share thoughts
Lonna Baum: Once again I’d like to thank you for the information you share and support you give to our community. It is truly appreciated. 

Alan and I got our second shots yesterday. So glad we were finally able to do this.

Michelle Kees: I enjoyed reading about our elected officials and their decisions regarding the vaccine. Thank you for asking the question and sharing their answers. Go science!!

Jim Jolly: Thanks Bill for supporting the vaccination effort.

Chris Last: Absolutely fantastic to see the arts at any level being focused on.

Carrie Budzinski: Love those 11 principles! They're all so important but #8 is something we all have to work to avoid. And as always Ted Davis does an amazing job 

Brandon McCullough: Between the Greenmead master plan and the overall city Vision21 plan, we have a lot to be excited about. I’ll say it now like I’ve said it before, we have to now get these across the goal line. I’m looking forward to be on the team that does it!
Let's grow up and maintain our childhood

Just because you grew up, doesn’t mean you have to grow out of the fun, fitness and camaraderie that come with being on a sports team. We’ve got a variety of adult sports leagues on deck that we’re taking registrations for that begin in May and June. Click below for details or to register. Email Ethan Engel at [email protected] with any questions.