April 11, 2022 When we are not limited, we all thrive
Schostak is wrong and City Council should not follow in their footsteps.
Why I’m not supporting the proposed 30 million dollar, amulti-family apartment complex on Plymouth, next to Walmart and Target.

It is nowhere near the best use for this vacant lot which one member of the City Council has called it a state-of-the-art- housing development.

Don't tell this to the residents living behind the building, families living there for years or decades without an apartment building looking down on them.

It is the wrong building at the wrong time. The council should send it back to the developer, Schostak Brothers for real creative thinking.

When an upscale apartment building was proposed for Victor Parkway and Seven Mile our Council was leaning toward approving the development but turned it down because in part folks in the area said "no".

If residents can turn a yes vote into a no vote in the north end of the city so too should the residents in the south end of the city who have spoken out loud and clear in opposition have their voices heard and listened to.

A mixed-use development with a park-like setting, areas for families to stroll, shop, and be entertained. A mini downtown. Now that is out-of-the-box and creative thinking. The existing development of Walmart and Target never fulfilled their promises and nothing I have seen shows that the next lot will be any different.

Bahr, McIntyre, Donovic, and Jolly have voted yes on procedural issues sending it to the attorney for the correct language.

Toy, McCullough, and Morgan have been voting no.

This development is wrong and should be voted down.
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